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S7 The Good And The Bad.

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#1 Sepsu


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Posted 19 April 2018 - 01:15 AM

I've been having mixed opinions of S7 taking into consideration that it's new. Some divisions like (2) for instance don't really seem overall balanced. I'll admit they've needed S7 for a long time now, It's what made past Mech Warrior games fun imo. I remember playing tons of Arena matches in MW2 super fun. My issues are mainly with the imbalance. Take for instance Division 2, a division setup so Mediums/Heavies/Assaults can all fight each other. Ideally it's a neat concept but that's really where it ends. Assault class blatantly outclass the other's. Kodiaks run the division uncontested. I personally roll a TBR-S With a brawler setup, Close range 200-400m. I have roughly 80 matches in S7 in Division 2 so far with just above 1.0 ratio. What I'm finding is most Assault class when played properly are not only 3x as armored as the heaviest heavies, but they smash out roughly 2x as much dps in any given situation.

There is also a lack for closer ranged maps, a few games ago I played against a super nova rocking like 4x large lasers and 4x mediums and he literally cut me down before I could even get close enough to do optimal damage ( Steiner colosseum ). It's pretty rough realistically for most "Brawler" builds especially considering everyone just vitos the 2 close ranged maps right off the bat. Then sits as far back as they possibly can with the most open space in front of them to large laser spam or gauss you to death before you're in that 200-400m range.

The divisions need to be more balanced, There should never be a division that literally lets a Nova fight a Kodiak and try to boast a competitive ladder. I could see a jump in most cases up one weight class till Heavy. Assaults should be in a division all their own. This would probably also help with the lacking people that are so far doing S7, you could cut most divisions down and mash them into a single division. ( Lights/Medium, Medium/Heavy, Heavy/Heavy, Assault/Assault, No need for like 7 divisions that are all mixed up and not balanced properly. ) All that being said I do love the game modes, as I said this needed to be done for a long time. Having arena style combat is awesome.

Another problem I've noticed well I guess it's not much of a problem but there should be (random) team que's. To get into 2v2+ games without queing with someone specifically. I personally barely play MWO much anymore, and don't have many friends that do but being able to jump into a random team que would be awesome.

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