Proposal: The team (1 or 2 players) with the highest overall damage (damage done - team damage) wins the match. In 2 vs 2, this is superseded if a single mech dies; the team with 2 mechs remaining wins regardless.
My argument:
1. Tonnage Viability Gaps. Many players have mentioned that the current division listings strongly (strongly) favor heavy and assault mechs over mediums and lights. Even if a light or medium is able to outdamage their heavier opponent, all the opponent needs to do is land a few good shots to kill them before the end of the match, or run the clock out through camping / back to the wall strategies to force a tie. However, with this mechanic, a light or medium that plays well and is evasive could still manage to win on timeout.
2. Camping. See above. If a light or medium is able to outdamage a heavier opponent, that opponent camping will only ensure a loss. Conversely, if a heavy or assault is able to land shots on a light / medium, they cannot simply run away for the rest of the match, and must engage again at some point in order to win.
3. Nonparticipation. Again, see 2. If a fast light / medium simply wants to run around and not engage, all a heavy or assault has to do is land a few shots and inevitably do more damage to win.
4. Consumables. They're banned in Solaris. This is good; it ensures that no fast mech can drop two artillery strikes on your assault and run around like Benny Hill for the rest of the match. In order to win, they have to engage, and risk getting shot.
5. Forced Ties. Nobody likes to lose. The default setting for a tie is that both players lose, rather than an unchanged ranking. This is ridiculous and needs to go. This change would practically guarantee that from happening.
6. No Weapons, Bro. Similar to above, there have been matches where both players have had no choice but to force a tie, because both mechs have either run out of ammo / lost all their weapons in the course of a match. While this idea does not eliminate the need to wait for the timer, it does ensure that the player that performed better overall still wins the match.
End of points.
Do you believe this change will benefit the mode? Are there any downsides that you can see? Is it open to exploits? Comments and criticisms appreciated, please leave below.
Edited by Makoto of Glie, 19 April 2018 - 11:50 AM.