ok so here (pic 3) u can slide into a wall (my mech was jagger, the pic 3 represents insidings after sliding) and shoot inside to the outside opponent whos close 2 the wall n can actually shoot back thru the wall n damage u. Also in the same wall theres another possibility 2 slide back (pic 1) but under the bridge (pic 2) n stay there for unkinown time while the enemy panics. theres no getting out of that under bridge room but to slide back using the same wall. Sorry 2 my opponent in this game (pic 4), but he shot me being inside the room thru the wall (pic 3) n I was shooting him back thru the wall, so both of us were getting damage.
pic 1:
pic 2:
pic 3:
pic 4:
Edited by spookill, 01 May 2018 - 10:07 AM.