As the problems such a change would cause(conflict between those for/against the idea)
Why not instead add a neutral zone between the CT and STs that spreads damage,

In this case the added Green Zone(HitBox) would distribute damage to the CT & ST,
Getting hit with an AC10 in said Green Zone would in turn do 5Damage to the Ct & 5 to the ST,
This change could help balance mechs with unfavorable shapes and geometry,
Allowing those mechs to better compete with other more effective mech designs,
Making it harder for opponents to isolate torso locations on those mechs,
=Please Note=
The size of the Green Zone can increase or decrease for to better balance a mech based on the mechs Geo,
Also this Green Zone will not appear on the Paper Doll as it doesnt take damage just spreads it to CT & ST,
Thoughts, Comments, Concerns?
Edited by Andi Nagasia, 09 May 2018 - 03:01 PM.