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They Nerfed Clan Laser Vomit

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#21 Y E O N N E


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Posted 11 May 2018 - 06:13 PM

View PostChampion of Khorne Lord of Blood, on 11 May 2018 - 06:09 PM, said:

At least by that stage incremental buffs of RAC2s may have finally made them viable.

That's one thing I don't get. PGI is absolutely fine DEMOLISHING entire classes of weapons in one pass, but when it comes to buffing things they go extremely slowly giving tiny buffs or only effecting a super small minority of mechs (the arm to torso armor changes on some mechs).

That's because they nerf so much they are really good at it, but they aren't as experienced buffing so they are kinda feeble about it.


#22 Andi Nagasia

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Posted 11 May 2018 - 06:15 PM

im willing to see how this all pans out,
im hopeful that the HLL will only get +4-6 extra heat much like 2xMRM40,
allowing them to still be used as a Pair of HLL just not with all the ERML back up,

View PostPJohann, on 11 May 2018 - 04:00 PM, said:

Thats just ********. They want to nerf clan higher alpha potential but they intentionally forgot about much longer recycle time, burn duration, worse heat efficiency and range argument comes from damn 2014 or something. Quirked IS vomit is clearly on par with clan range.

again please remember everyone,
IS = 6xERML + 2LL = 48Damge, 41Heat, 16Tons,
Clan = 4xERML + 2LPL = 52Damge, 45.2Heat, 16Tons
Clan also still has a range advantage over IS, which though not much is something,
also Cooldowns IS vs Clan are around half a second in favor of IS, but thats not much,
and the Damage per Tic that clan has is the same as IS(1.22Dam/Tic for both ERLLs)

Clan also Enjoy better heat dissipation, usually carrying nearly double the DHS IS can,
all Engine heat Sinks are TrueDubs(0.20) where as out of Engine DHSs are around 0.15,
an IS mech carrying a 250LFE + 6DHS will have around 2.9Heat Dissipation/Sec @21.5 & 28Crits,
an Clan mech carrying a 250XL + 10DHS will have around 3.5Heat Dissipation/Sec @22.0 & 30Crits,
and with Clan Endo / Ferro being over all better(Crits / Weight Savings) i think it balances out,

personally i think we should see how it plays before claiming the sky is falling? Posted Image

Edited by Andi Nagasia, 11 May 2018 - 06:24 PM.

#23 Monkey Lover


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Posted 11 May 2018 - 06:17 PM

Not going to be able to use my 90 alpha laser vomit jag now haha. :)

#24 Battlemaster56


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Posted 11 May 2018 - 06:18 PM

View PostChampion of Khorne Lord of Blood, on 11 May 2018 - 06:09 PM, said:

At least by that stage incremental buffs of RAC2s may have finally made them viable.

That's one thing I don't get. PGI is absolutely fine DEMOLISHING entire classes of weapons in one pass, but when it comes to buffing things they go extremely slowly giving tiny buffs or only effecting a super small minority of mechs (the arm to torso armor changes on some mechs).

I just can't understand the whole point it's simpler and more easier on balance just to do small changes over time not slamming your **** over everything. I'm trying be nice and neutral about these changes but over time my cynical side is just telling me that can only go heavy handed swings.

And on the buffing side of thing you right it's so small and slow it comes off as pointless at times and the buffs some mechs need the most. Or worse when they overbuff some mechs out the water into levels of insanity (Dragon 5N easiest example).

#25 Remover of Obstacles


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Posted 11 May 2018 - 06:23 PM

View PostAndi Nagasia, on 11 May 2018 - 06:15 PM, said:

im hopeful that the HLL will only get +4-6 extra heat much like 2xMRM40,
allowing them to still be used as a Pair of HLL just not with all the ERML back up,

GH for 2x MRM40 is 1.61

#26 Andi Nagasia

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Posted 11 May 2018 - 06:25 PM

View PostRemover of Obstacles, on 11 May 2018 - 06:23 PM, said:

GH for 2x MRM40 is 1.61

i know but i doubt their GH will be only 2-3, so im hoping for only 4-6 extra heat,

Edited by Andi Nagasia, 11 May 2018 - 06:26 PM.

#27 KodiakGW


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Posted 11 May 2018 - 06:25 PM

Love this statement from the patch notes:

"The clans will still retain their direct range, and 40% or higher damage over similar IS weapons,"

Let's take a look at the numbers:

ER Small Lasers: Clan=5 IS=3.25 Difference 42% - So yes, the statement is correct.
ER Medium Lasers: Clan=7 IS=5 Difference 40% - So yes, the statement is correct.
ER Large Lasers: Clan=11 IS=9 Difference 22% - Nope, not correct.
Small Pulse Lasers: Clan=4 IS=3.5 Difference 14% - Can statement BE more off?
Medium Pulse Lasers: Clan=7 IS=6 Difference 17% - Not as bad as SPL, but way off.
Large Pulse Lasers: Clan=12 IS=10: Difference 20% - Nope, not correct.

#28 Y E O N N E


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Posted 11 May 2018 - 06:32 PM

View PostKodiakGW, on 11 May 2018 - 06:25 PM, said:

Love this statement from the patch notes:

"The clans will still retain their direct range, and 40% or higher damage over similar IS weapons,"

Let's take a look at the numbers:

ER Small Lasers: Clan=5 IS=3.25 Difference 42% - So yes, the statement is correct.
ER Medium Lasers: Clan=7 IS=5 Difference 40% - So yes, the statement is correct.
ER Large Lasers: Clan=11 IS=9 Difference 22% - Nope, not correct.
Small Pulse Lasers: Clan=4 IS=3.5 Difference 14% - Can statement BE more off?
Medium Pulse Lasers: Clan=7 IS=6 Difference 17% - Not as bad as SPL, but way off.
Large Pulse Lasers: Clan=12 IS=10: Difference 20% - Nope, not correct.

I think they are talking about bundles, but even then it's wrong.

4 cERML + 2 cLPL = 52
4 cERML + 2 cERLL = 50
4 cERML + 1 HLL = 46
4 cERML + 2 cERLL + 2 Gauss = 80
4 cERML + 1 HLL + Gauss = 76
2 cERML + 2 cERLL + 2Gauss = 66
4 cERML + 2 Gauss = 58

For IS?

6 ERML + 3 LPL = 60
5 ERML + 3 LPL = 55
6 ERML + 2 LPL = 50
6 ERML + 3 LL = 57
5 ERML + 3LL = 52
4 ERML + 3 LL = 47
6 ERML + 2 HGauss = 80
5 ERML + 3LL + Gauss = 67
6 ERML + 2 Gauss = 60

Hmmm....at no point do the Clans have a 40% damage advantage for comparable builds. Granted, now the Clan laser boats will still be colder on the net and the IS payloads are still way heavier, but still...I think I'd rather take a Roughneck laser boat over a Hellbringer any day, now.

Edited by Yeonne Greene, 12 May 2018 - 06:28 AM.

#29 Noguchi-san


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Posted 11 May 2018 - 06:39 PM

View PostAndi Nagasia, on 11 May 2018 - 06:15 PM, said:

im willing to see how this all pans out,
im hopeful that the HLL will only get +4-6 extra heat much like 2xMRM40,
allowing them to still be used as a Pair of HLL just not with all the ERML back up,

again please remember everyone,
IS = 6xERML + 2LL = 48Damge, 41Heat, 16Tons,
Clan = 4xERML + 2LPL = 52Damge, 45.2Heat, 16Tons
Clan also still has a range advantage over IS, which though not much is something,
also Cooldowns IS vs Clan are around half a second in favor of IS, but thats not much,
and the Damage per Tic that clan has is the same as IS(1.22Dam/Tic for both ERLLs)

Clan also Enjoy better heat dissipation, usually carrying nearly double the DHS IS can,
all Engine heat Sinks are TrueDubs(0.20) where as out of Engine DHSs are around 0.15,
an IS mech carrying a 250LFE + 6DHS will have around 2.9Heat Dissipation/Sec @21.5 & 28Crits,
an Clan mech carrying a 250XL + 10DHS will have around 3.5Heat Dissipation/Sec @22.0 & 30Crits,
and with Clan Endo / Ferro being over all better(Crits / Weight Savings) i think it balances out,

personally i think we should see how it plays before claiming the sky is falling? Posted Image

You totally forget about the IS Quirks and the paper clan mechs. Posted Image

#30 Ex Atlas Overlord


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Posted 11 May 2018 - 06:41 PM

View PostPJohann, on 11 May 2018 - 04:00 PM, said:

they intentionally forgot about much longer recycle time, burn duration, worse heat efficiency and range argument

Let's see.

IS large vs Clan HL (b/c identical ranges)

200% damage...
40.909% longer duration...
228% heat....
85% longer cooldown...

Let's look deeper.

Damage / Duration............. Clan gets 42.9% more damage per second.
Damage / Heat....................Clan gets 12.5% less damage per heat.
Damage / Entire timespan..Clan gets 15% more damage per second until the weapon can be fired again (including cooldown)

Yeah, I think pretty much everyone in the game would equip a module that gave them ~15% more damage at the cost of heat.

And that's ignoring the MASSIVE range advantage (Clan does IS full damage at almost 700 meters.)

Edited by Ex Atlas Overlord, 11 May 2018 - 06:49 PM.

#31 Sixpack


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Posted 11 May 2018 - 06:59 PM

View PostAndi Nagasia, on 11 May 2018 - 06:15 PM, said:

im willing to see how this all pans out,
im hopeful that the HLL will only get +4-6 extra heat much like 2xMRM40,
allowing them to still be used as a Pair of HLL just not with all the ERML back up,

again please remember everyone,
IS = 6xERML + 2LL = 48Damge, 41Heat, 16Tons,
Clan = 4xERML + 2LPL = 52Damge, 45.2Heat, 16Tons
Clan also still has a range advantage over IS, which though not much is something,
also Cooldowns IS vs Clan are around half a second in favor of IS, but thats not much,
and the Damage per Tic that clan has is the same as IS(1.22Dam/Tic for both ERLLs)

Clan also Enjoy better heat dissipation, usually carrying nearly double the DHS IS can,
all Engine heat Sinks are TrueDubs(0.20) where as out of Engine DHSs are around 0.15,
an IS mech carrying a 250LFE + 6DHS will have around 2.9Heat Dissipation/Sec @21.5 & 28Crits,
an Clan mech carrying a 250XL + 6DHS will have around 3.5Heat Dissipation/Sec @22.0 & 30Crits,
and with Clan Endo / Ferro being over all better(Crits / Weight Savings) i think it balances out,

personally i think we should see how it plays before claiming the sky is falling? https://static.mwomercs.com/forums//public/style_emoticons/default/wink.png

That is some nice fancy math, but lacking in:
Skill Node Tree.
Burn Time.

Let's add some, shall we?

First off all burn times (without skill nodes)
Longest burn time on clan:
Longest burn time on IS:

0.15 on 4 ER mediums: 0.84dmg per medium laser lost = 3.36 dmg not on target.

With skill nodes:
1.125 ER Med
0,935 Large Laser

Difference of 0.19 leading to: 1.182 dmg per medium laser lost = 4.728 dmg not on target.

Survivability (going full survivability quirks and no back amour):
174 on the ct of a warhammer
153 on the ct of a hellbringer
174 on the ct of a summoner (wich sacrifices lots of tons for jumpjets)

Clan Medium: 4.5 (after a longer fireing cycle), total of 5.625 seconds before the next alpha can be fired.
IS LL: 3.1 (after a shorter fireing cycle), total of 4,035 seconds before the next alpha can be fired.
Note: did not use cooldown nodes for this, but the difference is pretty clear.

So the IS mech will be ready to fire sooner and can take its time to aim, potentially putting all the damage in to the enemy before they can even retarget properly to apply their damage.

Furthermore we have 0.6 vs 0.75 heat gen quirks in favour of IS. Though clans might even this out by investment in to the opertions tree which gives them more heatsinks being effected by this.

In regards to energy the only relevant warhammer gets +10% range. This means the medium lasers of both in your example are basically indistinguishable. The clan mech should have a slight advantage with its pulse lasers at a range greater than 500 meters. But it will lose an engagement at more than 900 meters due to the clan large pulse laser only having 50% falloff addtion.

So we have:
IS = 6xERML + 2LL = 48Damge, 41Heat, 16Tons, 4,035 seconds refire, nearly 1000 meters max range due to energy range quirk proliferation.
Clan = 4xERML + 2LPL = 52 47.3Damge, 45.2Heat, 16Tons, 5.625 seconds refire, 900 meters max range

And the IS mech is going to live longer.

It takes 3.6 salvoes for the clan mech to kill the IS mech.
It takes 3.2 salvoes for the IS mech to kill the clan mech.

So you can conclude that the the is mechs are going to be superior to clan mechs in laser vomit.

Incidentally andi, could you tell me the average engagement range in mwo?

Edited by Sixpack, 11 May 2018 - 07:06 PM.

#32 Remover of Obstacles


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Posted 11 May 2018 - 07:00 PM

View PostKodiakGW, on 11 May 2018 - 06:25 PM, said:

Love this statement from the patch notes:

"The clans will still retain their direct range, and 40% or higher damage over similar IS weapons,"

Let's take a look at the numbers:

Maybe PGI meant dps... or dph

1.76 1.58

1.79 1.47

#33 Champion of Khorne Lord of Blood


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Posted 11 May 2018 - 07:03 PM

View PostAndi Nagasia, on 11 May 2018 - 06:15 PM, said:

im willing to see how this all pans out,
im hopeful that the HLL will only get +4-6 extra heat much like 2xMRM40,
allowing them to still be used as a Pair of HLL just not with all the ERML back up,

everything else in the Patch Notes looked good though,

again please remember everyone,
IS = 6xERML + 2LL = 48Damge, 41Heat, 16Tons,
Clan = 4xERML + 2LPL = 52Damge, 45.2Heat, 16Tons
Clan also still has a range advantage over IS, which though not much is something,
also Cooldowns IS vs Clan are around half a second in favor of IS, but thats not much,
and the Damage per Tic that clan has is the same as IS(1.22Dam/Tic for both ERLLs)

Clan also Enjoy better heat dissipation, usually carrying double the DHS IS can,
all Engine heat Sinks are TrueDubs(0.20) where as out of Engine DHSs are around 0.14,
an IS mech carrying a 250LFE + 6DHS will have around 2.9Heat Dissipation/Sec @21.5 & 28Crits,
an Clan mech carrying a 250XL + 6DHS will have around 3.5Heat Dissipation/Sec @22.0 & 30Crits,
and with Clan Endo / Ferro being over all better(Crits / Weight Savings) i think it balances out,

personally i think we should see how it plays before claiming the sky is falling? Posted Image

2LPL+4ERML HBR (21 heatsinks)
Damage: 52
Duration: 1.25s
Heat: 45.2
Cooling: 3.65s
Damage/tick: 41.6/s
Damage/Heat: 1.15
Time to Cool: 12.38

2LPL + 4 ERML EBJ-PRIME (old meta is now new meta for laser vomit)
Damage: 52
Duration: 1.25s
Heat: 45.2
Cooling: 4.25s
Damage/tick: 41.6/s
Damage/Heat: 1.15
Time to Cool: 10.64

2LL+6ERML GHR-5N (21 heatsinks) (-5% heat and some durability quirks)
Damage: 48
Duration: 1.10s
Heat: 38.95
Cooling: 3.65/s
Damage/tick: 43.64
Damage/Heat: 1.23
Time to Cool: 10.67

3LL+6ERML GHR-5P (20 heatsinks) (+5% range and some durability quirks)
Damage: 52
Duration: 1.10
Heat: 48
Cooling: 3.5
Damage/tick: 47.27
Damage/Heat: 1.08
Time to Cool: 13.71

6ERML + 2LL + 1LPL BL-6B-KNT (-10% heat, sensor range boost, substantial structure boosts)
Damage: 58
Duration: 1.10
Heat: 43.425
Cooling: 3.5
Damage/tick: 52.73
Damage/Heat: 1.34
Time to Cool: 12.41

So ton for ton IS has superior laser vomit *and* they have the option to bring more *AND* in a twist of irony the highest alpha build in the list that also has the highest structure quirks also has the highest damage per heat and damage per tick and just gets a random sensor boost because reasons.

I don't know what you mean by
"an IS mech carrying a 250LFE + 6DHS will have around 2.9Heat Dissipation/Sec @21.5 & 28Crits,
an Clan mech carrying a 250XL + 6DHS will have around 3.5Heat Dissipation/Sec @22.0 & 30Crits,"
Clan heatsinks aren't better than IS heatsinks, they're just smaller.

Also in practice many laser boating Clan mechs in question don't even have access to endo or ferro such as the Hellbringer, which has equal heatsinks with the first Grasshopper build there. Ebon Jaguar gets more heatsinks than all the rest here, pretty much best clan mech for laser vomit under the new conditions and its worse than any of the IS options aside from in time to cool off.

None of this takes into account IS having superior cooldown, duration, and heat gen skill tree nodes.

#34 The Lighthouse


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Posted 11 May 2018 - 07:08 PM

Wait why does Blackknight have sensor boost? Did PGI ever state any reasons?

#35 Champion of Khorne Lord of Blood


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Posted 11 May 2018 - 07:09 PM

View PostThe Lighthouse, on 11 May 2018 - 07:08 PM, said:

Wait why does Blackknight have sensor boost? Did PGI ever state any reasons?

Something about it being a command mech for certain variants if I remember correctly.

#36 Johnathan Tanner


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Posted 11 May 2018 - 07:16 PM

View PostThe Lighthouse, on 11 May 2018 - 07:08 PM, said:

Wait why does Blackknight have sensor boost? Did PGI ever state any reasons?


#37 The Lighthouse


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Posted 11 May 2018 - 07:16 PM

View PostChampion of Khorne Lord of Blood, on 11 May 2018 - 07:09 PM, said:

Something about it being a command mech for certain variants if I remember correctly.

That's interesting. But if that's the case, pretty much all mechs with "DC" (means double cockpits) should have such sensor boost because they are all command mechs.

But that's not the case, such inconsistency in this game sometimes baffles me.

#38 SFC174


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Posted 11 May 2018 - 07:27 PM

This makes me feel quite salty. I happen to play lasvomit mechs from both sides (and lasvomit is my go to), but probably 2:1 clan vs. is.

This sort of massive blanket nerf is so discouraging. But, no more complaints, I shall simply go cancel some pre-orders. Last time they pulled anything like this it cost them about $100 from me. Might be more this time.

Message to PGI, blanket mega nerfs are not fun. When seeking balance, making a whole spectrum of builds much worse diminishes the playing experience, you're better off buffing other weapons.

#39 Xetelian


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Posted 11 May 2018 - 07:32 PM

Pretty soon we'll only be able to fire one weapon at a time otherwise ghost heat and Time to Kill will be the whole match.

#40 Monkey Lover


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Posted 11 May 2018 - 07:52 PM

View PostSFC174, on 11 May 2018 - 07:27 PM, said:

This makes me feel quite salty. I happen to play lasvomit mechs from both sides (and lasvomit is my go to), but probably 2:1 clan vs. is.

This sort of massive blanket nerf is so discouraging. But, no more complaints, I shall simply go cancel some pre-orders. Last time they pulled anything like this it cost them about $100 from me. Might be more this time.

Message to PGI, blanket mega nerfs are not fun. When seeking balance, making a whole spectrum of builds much worse diminishes the playing experience, you're better off buffing other weapons.

You really going to cancel orders over half a second you will have to delay a few weapons? You could improve your laser vomit builds and make two sets of vomit. This how i run most of mine so i get more dmg out. This nerf will not effect me.

Over all its going to make laser vomit more deadly when people learn :)

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