First he want to express his joyous grattitude to the balance to team for their bold step of balancing the Clans by tackling what made them so powerful. But atlas all good things come to end, reports came in three moons ago that Clan operatives were able to alter the plans of the balance on clan lasers.
Despite his great efforts we lost one of operatives who tried to expose the Clan spies, his loss will not be forgotten but it still doesn't change the fact.

But it will not stop us in our never ending quest of achieving balance.
Today our suggestion to is take a hit at cSRM's.
- cSRM 2 GH cap will be reduce from 7 to 5.
- cSRM 4 and 6 GH cap will be reduce from 5 to 3
We have decide on few minor changes to help TTK and making the game more asseciable to fresh, new players.
AC20 and uAC20 will have a GH cap on 3 from 2, but we increase the heat of the weapons to balance out the weapons.
- AC20 heat increse to 8 form 6.
- uAC20 heat increase to 9.5 from 7.
- cuAC20 heat increase to 9.5 from 7.
After close study from PGI's secret data department, we decided that AC2 are over performing and are adding GH to reduce the sheer dps of the weapon.
- AC2 GH will be cap at 5.
- uAC2 GH will be cap at 5.
- cuAC2 GH will be cap at 5.
- Small Laser damage will increase from 3.5 to 10.
- ER Small Laser damage will increase from 3.5 to 10.