Hello all.. it seems since my departure from the clan shortly after living legends and mercs 4 battlenet servers were closed has not hindered the clan as a whole.
with mercs 5 being released later this year, (like 15 years overdue) i thought i would get back into the swing of things...
my original name was ~SJ~ Kinggonch, but changed to ~SJ~ Gonch Perez after i earned my blood name and join the Kahns trinary commanders.
just wondering now if there is any of the original clan still kicking about... Deathscyth, PaleRider, Zendrik, Macendrik, warchild, silentline, stalion oasis...... i spent many hours with these guys in league battles, climbing to the top of the league.... i would like to get back in touch with them.

I'm Back!
Started by SJ Gonch Perez, May 18 2018 04:27 AM
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