dimachaerus, on 19 May 2018 - 07:39 PM, said:
The hotter you run, the more your mechs aim shakes, your hud goes all flickery, the cockpit gets all steamy and Natasha Kerensky starts to... err.. nevermind that last part. lets start over shall we?
Hot mechs run slower, turn slower and are less accurate, they can even have ammo explosions if run too hot for too long, though that might be excessive. You already have the disparate bits of code you'd need to make these work, reticle shake from MASC/JJ usage, Mech slowdown from CXL/LFE destruction. Just need to hitch them to the heat scale. I personally think that would be a good place to start from instead of tweaking Ghost heat, though that could be looked at as well, and possibly even relaxed. Would also make flamers much more meaningful in influencing a fight.
They actually tested the idea of a lower cap and higher dissipation during the Energy Draw PTS. I didn't get to really test it because everyone was spazzing out about ED and people had stopped testing. But a streamer got some people together to test. I didn't get to see too much about it. But he said that it was a more frantic DPS oriented gameplay.
I would certainly like to see a heat scale penalty PTS. Make things a bit more interesting.