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Why Does Pgi Not Give Us A Proper Reticle?

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#21 Tier5 Kerensky


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Posted 29 May 2018 - 12:05 AM

Bulllet drop is real particular for Clan UACs when shooting UAVs at about 300m. At 400-600 it becomes impossible to anything except few assults which can boat a lot of them.



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Posted 29 May 2018 - 01:47 AM

Holy S*** what if the reticules had range dots that changed depending on the ballistics u carried! That would be excellent, and im very used to it by now but a dif colored arm reticule would be handy, especially for newer players

#23 Cloves


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Posted 29 May 2018 - 06:49 AM

I am all for increased toggle-able function. I am just against clutter "cause my wally world tacticool sight has lines on it". Question, if they are not toggle-able and you carry 3 different ballistics, could you see the square inch under your target at all? Or are they like OP's sights and have no correlation to the ballistics of any known weapon?

Edited by Cloves, 29 May 2018 - 06:50 AM.

#24 Koniving

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Posted 29 May 2018 - 07:04 AM

View PostCloves, on 29 May 2018 - 06:49 AM, said:

I am all for increased toggle-able function. I am just against clutter "cause my wally world tacticool sight has lines on it". Question, if they are not toggle-able and you carry 3 different ballistics, could you see the square inch under your target at all? Or are they like OP's sights and have no correlation to the ballistics of any known weapon?

PGI and toggles have been iffy.

This said... you just kinda pointed out why Battletech as a whole has never depicted range finder lines on their machines.
In fact they address this: The machine adjusts its aim to hit a target at the range you find to the target, if possible. Another version which addresses this stats that you "Set the TIC (Target Interlock Circuit) for the range and fire at will, and "reset" the setting back to stock when you need it, and "set" it anew again when needed.

But they have never, ever, had proper range adjustment crosshairs on Battlemechs as these were never necessary. Though there are depictions of when machines have lost the targeting computer due to age or damage or whatever the case may be, and the solution they use is (on arm weapons) a range adjustment on the weapon barrel itself. This depiction was only on hand-held weapons used during the golden age and pre-golden age by poorer things that never joined the Star League. And strangely on a specific Clan Nova carrying a gun in its hand.

This is an example from the Griffins.
Posted Image
This gun doesn't feature said sight, but previously described poorer nations in the 2400s to 3000s and especially ...well a lot of factions did so in the Dark Ages, but then again a lot of Industrial Mechs were put to use without fire control software and as such it was necessary.

Nothing says "Get off mah lawn" like a Cattlemaster mech sporting a one shot LRM-20.

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#25 Tesunie


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Posted 29 May 2018 - 07:15 AM

By all accounts, our whole targeting system has been wrong for years (in relation to lore).

We are piloting advanced war machines from a thousand years or more into our future (with a little flavor tossed in). In lore, a battlemech is all but capable of piloting itself, but would have no direction so in the end would just stand still. A mechwarrior actually needs to learn to let the mech to the piloting, rather than force it to move as they demand. When they do the latter, the mech will walk into things. If they do the former, the mech actually moves it's limbs and positions it's feet to avoid damaging it's seroundings.

Onto the concept of aiming, our reticle is fine. It's more than fine. Though, to be more honest, our targeting computers are sorely lacking. Technically, we should require a "gold lock" indicator to show that our weapons have each locked onto a target and are ready to fire (and hit). This would be AC's accounting for ballistic drift and drop, missiles angled to hit, and lasers with their focusing apparatus at the correct distance for maximum damage. (Veteran pilots know when they can actually get away with shots before the golden lock, where as new pilots depend upon the gold lock or shoot before they have one, for example.)

So, a lot of the concepts of the different rifle scopes mentioned throughout this thread should, technically, be obsolete. We should have advanced enough weapon targeting computers (even without the additional advanced targeting computers also available) to need no other reticle.

The other conceptual reticle we could use is a predictive reticle, which was done on other MW games and in some space fighter games (like Starconquest for example). This reticle though would become impractical with the varied different weapons, and would need to have predictive guides based upon the leading of every different weapon equipped... and would become a mass of "ghost reticles". It would highly discourage mixed weapon platforms in the extreme.

I will also note here and now that, at one time, we actually had delayed convergence. It was great. But Lag shields where greater... so to combat the power of a Lag Shield, PGi devised the HSR system for the game, which was completely incompatible with delayed convergence.

Would this hinder a weapons lock correcting system? More than likely, as a weapon lock system would depend upon delayed convergence to penalize shooting a target without holding your reticle on said target for at least a brief period of time.

AKA: (If you read nothing else.) Our mechs should in theory be so advanced as to not have need of more advanced reticles than what we already have in the game, if we had a different locking system. Even then, for most gaming purposes and functions, what we already have in game is typically more than sufficient under most normal conditions.

#26 Tier5ForLife


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Posted 29 May 2018 - 08:31 AM

I cannot tell the "color blind" one from the "normal" one and they both blend in with the background.

I'm 100% sure that whoever wrote the program for this has never shot a real gun with a scope.

The REST OF THE WORLD uses black cross reticles.

I have to put an LRM 5 etc on my mech even without ammo so I can see where I'm "aiming". This game is not for me.....

#27 Tesunie


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Posted 29 May 2018 - 08:39 AM

View PostLikeUntoBuddha, on 29 May 2018 - 08:31 AM, said:

I cannot tell the "color blind" one from the "normal" one and they both blend in with the background.

I'm 100% sure that whoever wrote the program for this has never shot a real gun with a scope.

The REST OF THE WORLD uses black cross reticles.

I have to put an LRM 5 etc on my mech even without ammo so I can see where I'm "aiming". This game is not for me.....

Color blind reticle changes shape and color when you hit a target.

I do agree that we could use more color blind friendly options beyond that. Such as the ability to choose the color of your reticle, be it red, yellow, orange or even black/white. That way, people can choose a color that works for them.

That said, I do believe that a black reticle probably would not work. Anything dark would probably hide the reticle completely.

Also, FYI, I know of many games that do not use black reticles... but I also know of a lot of games where you can select your reticle color from a set number of color choices.

#28 Tier5ForLife


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Posted 29 May 2018 - 08:55 AM

View PostTesunie, on 29 May 2018 - 08:39 AM, said:

Color blind reticle changes shape and color when you hit a target.

You have got to be kidding me. Well, I know one reason I never see it. Playing this game for me is often like trying to shoot a rifle without sights at a target I cannot see. Since I often have to target first, that costs me valuable time to try to shoot first. I take damage just trying to target my enemy just so I can see him just so I can sort of point my weapons at him.

It's like in Madden NFL, I cannot tell the safeties from the referees,

On the bright side, Total War: Britannia is out.

I'm going to stop bothering you gals and guys. Thanks for all your time and tips. The fault is not in the game, it is in me.

#29 Tesunie


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Posted 29 May 2018 - 10:12 AM

View PostLikeUntoBuddha, on 29 May 2018 - 08:55 AM, said:

The fault is not in the game, it is in me.

One of the issues is that, when you start to talk about color blindness and how to compensate for it, you now need to go into the specific kind of color blindness you are correcting for.

Some people are blind to red and it looks like white to them. Some people see only shades of gray. Other people might see purple as brown and red as green... Once you start to look into it like that, there is no real easy way to approach a color blind compensation mode. Each mode would need to be tailored to a specific type of color blindness.

I once knew of a set of brothers who were so color blind, their parents let them pick whatever colors they wanted for their room. The kids thought they were picking out bright colors like red or blue or green, and instead was picking out browns, pinks and other odd colors. None of the traditional colors lined up for them. Good luck compensating for such a difference as that.

I am sorry that this is an issue for you specifically. I can't really suggest too much to help, sadly, besides to continue to try and provide PGI with suggestions.

Here is a proactive idea for you. Take a screen shot of the game footage (anything would do, even testing grounds). Then, take a photo editing program (even paint would do), and try to make reticle colors that stand out to you specifically against the background (the more colored backgrounds, the better). It may be more helpful in PGI's attempt to create a better color blind mode for people.

#30 S 0 L E N Y A


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Posted 29 May 2018 - 04:07 PM

I am with the reticles could be better camp.
That said, of all the ills of MWO, for the most part this issue is not that bad.

As far as the color blind thing goes, PGI has all but officially told its color blind customers to go kick rocks.

A couple years back a relatively large contingent of color blind players banded together to ask PGI for a very simple fix or add on (well, simple for company that isnt PGI anyways..) and were completely ignored.

As far as trying to coincide lore descriptions of reticles and targeting systems with this game and reality in general: I say drop it. If you can suspend your belief and buy into the idea that a walking humanoid "tank" is thepreeminant form of modern warfare, then I think we just let anything else after that slide.

Edited by Boogie138, 29 May 2018 - 04:10 PM.

#31 Tier5ForLife


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Posted 30 May 2018 - 06:41 AM

Black is black.....................

#32 Morderian


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Posted 30 May 2018 - 07:08 AM

i would like some ingame custimization options for the reticle form and Hud colors, just let us choose from a couple of premade forms and change the color of it.

another point i would like the is that the reticle turns blue and changes to crossed out circle when there are allies infront of your guns (just to save rear armor)

#33 Cloves


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Posted 30 May 2018 - 12:10 PM

View PostMorderian, on 30 May 2018 - 07:08 AM, said:

i would like some ingame custimization options for the reticle form and Hud colors, just let us choose from a couple of premade forms and change the color of it.

another point i would like the is that the reticle turns blue and changes to crossed out circle when there are allies infront of your guns (just to save rear armor)

Yes, the recticle could be better, but most back shots are either in the first few minutes when no reds are in sight or are in the heat of a scrum when folks are fireing into a brawl and do not take a reasoned aimed shot, just fireing in haste. No improvement less than a IFF transponder with trigger lock will prevent those.

#34 Tier5ForLife


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Posted 01 June 2018 - 05:41 AM

I'm not asking for a complex one. Just a simple BLACK one that I can see. OR the choice to have one.

And can someone tell me what colors are used now? What is that pastel color anyway....

Well, I guess I will just be the best darn LRMer I can be......I noticed that PGI's last two new maps are not missile friendly. I think they are trying to push us more in the way of Ballistics.

I'm not proud of this. I think in the game before it I did like 196 damage.

Posted Image

And we lost the game. But at least I did not pipe up "hey, I did 1,000 damage!". I'm not that guy yet.....And LRM damage is not all at equal to lasers or ballistics weapons. I'd say I did 300-350 real damage.

Posted Image

Edited by LikeUntoBuddha, 01 June 2018 - 05:44 AM.

#35 BTGbullseye


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Posted 01 June 2018 - 10:11 AM

The color is a yellow tan, hits are crimson red.

#36 Tesunie


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Posted 01 June 2018 - 10:23 AM

Clans are Cyan blue for their HUD, while IS I believe is as Bullseye says, a yellow tan/goldish color. Hits always makes the reticle turn red.

#37 BTGbullseye


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Posted 01 June 2018 - 10:26 AM

View PostTesunie, on 01 June 2018 - 10:23 AM, said:

Clans are Cyan blue for their HUD, while IS I believe is as Bullseye says, a yellow tan/goldish color. Hits always makes the reticle turn red.

I actually have it set so mine are always the tan... I think it's an option in the settings menu.

[edit] Nope, it's always just tan, the blue has nothing to do with it.

Edited by BTGbullseye, 01 June 2018 - 10:27 AM.

#38 Tesunie


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Posted 01 June 2018 - 11:11 AM

View PostBTGbullseye, on 01 June 2018 - 10:26 AM, said:

I actually have it set so mine are always the tan... I think it's an option in the settings menu.

[edit] Nope, it's always just tan, the blue has nothing to do with it.

When I am in a Clan mech, my reticle (and while HUD) is a blue color. When I am in an IS mech, it's all yellow. I see no setting to change this...

Are you sure you where in a Clan mech?

#39 BTGbullseye


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Posted 01 June 2018 - 11:28 AM

Other than the Solaris pack, (which I have yet to use) the Urbies I've gotten through various sources, (rarely used, never leveled) a bunch of random others I haven't used, and the Fafnir pack, (completely leveled 3 of them, the 5(S) has all nodes unlocked and 100k+ spare useless XP) everything I have is Clan. I've even maxed out all of my MCIIs, and not one of them has a blue HUD.

[edit] Now watch, next time I log in, all my Clan HUDs will be blue.

Edited by BTGbullseye, 01 June 2018 - 11:30 AM.

#40 Tesunie


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Posted 01 June 2018 - 11:32 AM

View PostBTGbullseye, on 01 June 2018 - 11:28 AM, said:

...everything I have is Clan. I've even maxed out all of my MCIIs, and not one of them has a blue HUD.

Every Clan mech I've checked on my account has stock blue huds (and I see no way to change that). I can see it clearly when I go into the testing grounds, which I did just before creating my previous post. I was testing the Battlemaster previously, which has the yellow HUD, and then before I posted previously, I went in with my Marauder IIC and it was blue. I can provide screens.

Maybe we have some kind of settings difference? Or there is a way to change it than I have not seen yet?

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