Kiran Yagami, on 21 May 2018 - 07:11 AM, said:
Yes Please.
Seriously the Flashman is about the perfect mech design for MWO. Rounded, egg shaped torso without any easy way to identify where the CT ends and the ST begins. Its not too wide, tall or long. Also from being egg shaped it is about perfect from a volume perspective as well. Then there is the hard point location, all at or near cockpit level plus they are all energy mounts where as tend to have the best power to weight to size ratio of any weapon system in the game. Then there is the tonnage, 75 tons being a sweet spot for building mechs in terms of engine weight to speed ratios which usually allows for very good speeds while still leaving ample tonnage for weapons and cooling. Then there is the obscene engine cap, at least a 375 which means you could pretty much tailor your build any way you want it. Slow and powerful with lots of weapons or extremely fast with the ability to hit damn near 100kph or anywhere in between. Its only potential flaw is its inability to mount JJs.
So yeah EVERYONE should want the Flashman, especially anyone who persists in feeling that IS mechs are weak because it would be one powerful, tanky and versatile mech. Honestly I am surprised more people aren't campaigning for this mech.
......Then I remember that there are people that want the hit boxes on the Blood Asp's STs enlarged so that it looks cool rather than being concerned that the mech might actually perform like crap if they do something stupid like enlarge the hit boxes on the Blood Asp's STs. Guess there is my answer why we have people clamoring on about the Crusader when the Flashman would be 100x better in terms of actual game play.