50 50, on 20 May 2018 - 06:57 PM, said:
There was a good discussion about a 'Farmlands' map.
I suggested this once. But I also suggested a gimmick to make it a
biofuel farm. And that you can
set the crops on fire in order to both obscure visibility and to raise the temperature locally.
I would like to see a variation on the metropolis map as more of a destroyed metropolis, barren and long forgotten.
Have you looked at Frozen City? Really looked at it in detail, not just as a set of obstacles, travel routes, and kill zones? A destroyed metropolis is exactly what it is. It was just destroyed by a sudden Ice Age.
Caves in general. An entirely interior map would certainly be different. How about making it a Castle Brian or something and you're fighting inside it? Lots of narrow passage ways, but also some huge interior areas where you can actually use LRMs and other long range weapons at long range.
Another possibility, edit the Faction Play/Community Warfare only maps so they can work in Quick Play. Just remove the locked doors, the Giant Gun objective (or leave it for scenic value), and let people fight out regular QP objectives.
And here's an idea that can only happen if PGI revamps the game engine (aka, never gonna happen): the map is the interior of rotating space station. When players first load into the map, they see something like this:
Yes, they're on the INTERIOR of a cylindrical map that literally
wraps around overhead. Walk in one direction long enough and you wind up back where you started. You can see (and possibly shoot at) enemy units on the other side of the map because they're literally overhead. The ground for the most part curves up away from you regardless of where you're standing. And of course, there's lots of buildings and trees and what not to hide behind, although their utility is someone limited when everyone is always uphill from everyone else.