Throe, on 26 May 2018 - 09:49 AM, said:
As an experiment, I can respect what he's doing. While I wouldn't want him on my team, the data he's gathered is invaluable. This all begs the question though, why is this the case?
Koniving, on 26 May 2018 - 10:45 AM, said:
Because... he's being carried by other people.
Side note: The fewer matches you have, the easier it is to go up in tiers.
Brand new account with decent skill can reach tier 1 in 200 matches or less.
Same skill on a 5 year old account with hundreds of thousands of matches... can barely move.
This is because how many matches you have increases the ratio your good matches are compared against, and diminishes how much you can move. Its like going from a slippery floor to quicksand and gradually sinking with every 50 matches you do. The idea is that you will eventually permanent reside "where you belong" over time... and as a fresh account you're jumped up and down quite radically as the game tries to guesstimate where you should be based on so little data...and as it piles up you can experience fewer and fewer swings until you're finally nestled in place.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand this is false.
Despite I'm not shooting, I have better match scores and better w/l ratio than many players truly trying to shoot.
W/L 15/11 = 1.36 and 98 average matchscore.
This demonstrates a few things:
1) it's pretty ridiculous to put tier4-5 guys along with tier 1-2 players.
YES, I kindly asked in chat, and toooo many times I had tier 1-2 pilots in my matches. tier 1 ones 20% of matches, tier 2 EVERY match.
SO yes: russ & paul lied about MM.....which is not a novelty.
2) it demonstrates that no shooting activities are TOO HIGHLY rewarded than shooting skills.
It is a monstrusity that I'm leading to tier 4, psr bar quite filled, DESPITE I NEVER SHOT ONE TIME.
3) it demonstrates that EVERYONE can reach tier 3-2-1...doing esactly NOTHING.
Just standing there, clicking R, or bringing triple ams. And you go up in tiers.....