Company Name: Beat Down Mechacycle Club [BTDN]
Unit Size: 21 Members
Hierarchy: Patch Holders, Prospects, Associates and Hangarounds
Unit Focus: Community Warfare/FACTION PLAY, Solaris, Comp Play.
Playtimes: US TIME ZONE IN EVENINGS EVERY DAY. Euro and Oceanic players welcome as well!
Roles to Fill: We are looking for pilots who want to play well in an organized fashion
Discord: Beatdown: https:discord.gg/kTP7dsP
New unit, but experienced leaders.
Teamwork is OP
O7. Respect.
How to Join:
Come to comms: Beatdown: https:discord.gg/kTP7dsP
That's it. Easy as pie.
We are just trying to be a relevant FP unit, an alternative to GN-X/EVILDSx/KDCM... Join them if you want it easy, join us if you want a challenge. Bring C-Bills.