1st Wolfblade Squadron
-Nothing too Daring-
"You are embarking on a grand mission that will shape the future of our Clan, the Inner Sphere, and humanity. Remember that you are Wolves. Be true to your traditions, but do not become reactionaries. Never abandon that which makes the Wolves strong, but adopt that which will make us stronger!"
Ulric Kerensky in his message to the Exiled Wolves, 31 December, 3057
What is the Wolfblade?
The 1st Wolfblade Squardron is a Clan Wolf(-in-Exile) Unit being built to take defend the Wolves and the Inner Sphere, and failing that, minimising the damage. Although first and foremost Mechwarriors, they also utalise Aerospace Fighters and Elemental Battle Armor to achieve their tasks. Unusually inderpendent but knowing the power of a strong unified force, the Wolfblade adopts new tactics to best suit the situation at hand.
Real Life Explanation is the Wolfblade is a small unit for friendly, inderpendent players for Clan Wolf and later, Wolf in Exile. So far there is only two of us (well, just me), but the hope is to engage in regular quick and faction play, as well as indulging in some competitive play.
Our Tag is D10.
Any Requirements?
Since this Unit is only just forming, we are leinant on requirements. The only real requirements is access to Discord (Mic or no mic), and, for faction play, four Clan Mechs of any type.
And of course, be respectful and friendly to each other with a willingness to work as a team (thought being inderpendent is a bonus!). Sure, have the occassional bout of friendly bickering, but don't be disrespectful to people in or out of the Squadron.
How can I join the 1st Wolfblade Squadron?
Just simply message me on the forum or in MWO itself. Or post a comment in the thread and with your username and I'll send an invite.
Edited by StolenMadWolf, 19 January 2018 - 03:23 PM.