Bishop Six, on 19 June 2018 - 03:20 AM, said:
I love Atlanti standing far behind!
My Commando is hungry always

Come at me bro! Just wait until PGI fixes my torso pitch (they never will) and I'll get you little twerps!
Damnedtroll, on 19 June 2018 - 03:50 AM, said:
If you use it on the front line, removing one ton of lrm ammo, using your lrm with line of sight and using your secondary weapons it's all good. If you stay far away and keep your ac20 and medlaser just for the look it's bad. The way you act will establish your quality.
It actually works a lot better since the enemy sees an LRM Atlas and immediately rush me so I get into the fight faster than my 48 kph alone can get me. For some reason they always shoot my LRM side torso and I'm like pounding their faces in with AC/20.