Dear PGI,
While I commend you for making MWO what it is today and I greatly enjoy playing this game. Remembering way back shortly after Crysis was released and actually helping with some of the Orginal Mech Models with MilkShape trying to get my poly count down.
I think it is now past time for you to improve the UI; while yes you have "fixed" some of the post startup and loading times by removing the one call for all the modules to load at the start instead of on demand.
I am now talking to the UI features and abilities or rather the lack there of; Currently the UI is demanding and not very user friendly. Searching for games removes the ability to do literally anything else this includes chatting with friends or units and faction chat. Along with not being able to continue to work on builds in the mech lab.
This would be better if launching the search for a game was replaced with a queue timer that was anchored to its associated Green Tab at the top of the UI.
Also upon loading the game or returning from a match the Mech lab takes physical control over the Game even when in a Windowed Mode where other games will easily let you mouse out of it without having to Alt Tab and even then it still holds the mouse controls until you double click out of the main window while I am not sure if this is a limitation of the coding or the engine. I understand that Crysis was made for machine that were a decade beyond that time periods technology, but in the current world we live in the physical demand on systems running Crysis engine are far less then what they once were.
I think its time you folks over at PGI made the UI better, smoother and more streamlined.
A Decade or more ago they asked us "But can it run Crysis?" and today the answer is We can run it in 4k on Four screens with a solid 300fps.

Ui Improvements
Started by G4ost, Jun 08 2018 11:12 AM
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