While i had dig in to know the mechanics and doing well in most games and having fun,
i cant get used to the spoting system and how to read properly my battlegrid...
You know UAVs are the only thing that can actualy make a player judge by himself how to position or where to push without communicating with teamnates but this is a consumable and not something standard...
I mean you spot a bunch of mechs in polar highlands, your team wil only able to see the one you targeted in their battlegrid or even worse if you spot a tight push close to your team you only see it yourself you can only alert em with voice chat...
There is no last known enemy position showing on battlegrid or anything like a ping warning in a map cell just the target spotted or help order which dont clarify what you are up to...
Also when you start a battle the main force just go for the center... would be a bad tactic if all push right or left edge flanks? so this way you cant get flanked?
Im grinding my way to tier 2 and im halfway there and i consider myself a regular player who like to get better but when i do more than 800 dmg in a map im worried about my teammates like "what everyone else is doing!"
Thing is i dont usualy know where to push or lead an assault knowing ppl will follow i just stick close and sometimes i have the feeling they are just meatshields,
are there bots in this game???
Im just confused with that system help me see things simple and sry for my bad english!
Edited by xAlimonosx, 14 June 2018 - 06:53 AM.