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Balancing Is To Clan Upgrades By Engines Internal Heat Sink Counts?

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Poll: Balancing Is To Clan Upgrades By Engines Internal Heat Sink Counts? (26 member(s) have cast votes)

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  1. Yes, (18 votes [69.23%])

    Percentage of vote: 69.23%

  2. No, (8 votes [30.77%])

    Percentage of vote: 30.77%

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#1 Andi Nagasia

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Posted 28 March 2017 - 06:47 PM

Just as the Title Says,
Balancing IS to Clan Upgrades by Engines Internal Heat Sink Counts?
would it be something that could be used to help balance IS to Clan Upgrades?

=IS Engine HS Storage Concept=
all IS type Engines allow them to store more internal HSs,
Engines would gain +1HS internal Storage over Engine Rating 150(250Clan)
this would effectively allow IS mechs to hold 4 more DHS internally over Clan,
this would allow IS mechs to over come their DHS taking up 3 Slots,
with out otherwise changing IS DHSs, allowing for better Faction balance,

Light Mechs Such as this (UM-R60) would Benefit
the 175XL would hold that Last DHS internally,

as well as Assaults Such as this (HGN-732B) would Benefit,
the 300STD would allow it to hold 4 more DHS internally, so +3DHS for that,
as compared to this (HGN-IIC) same Number of DHSs(21Both)
but the HGN-732B will be cooler as IS Lasers,

this change would be rather Simple,
Module faction="InnerSphere" CType="CEngineStats" name="Engine_XL_300" id="3358">
<Loc iconTag="StoreIcons\XLEngine.dds" descTag="@Engine_XL_Fusion_300_desc" nameTag="@Engine_XL_Fusion_300"/>
<EngineStats health="15" heatsinks="12" weight="15.5" rating="300" [b]sidesToDie="1" [/b]sideSlots="3" slots="6"/>
Change the (heatsinks="12") to (heatsinks="16")
Module faction="InnerSphere" CType="CEngineStats" name="Engine_XL_300" id="3358">
<Loc iconTag="StoreIcons\XLEngine.dds" descTag="@Engine_XL_Fusion_300_desc" nameTag="@Engine_XL_Fusion_300"/>
<EngineStats health="15" heatsinks="16" weight="15.5" rating="300" [b]sidesToDie="1" [/b]sideSlots="3" slots="6"/>
done, test on the PTS, and if it doesnt have the Right Result no harm done,
(you would need to change 121 Items(as IS have 121 Engines(60XL)(61STD)


Thoughts, Comments, Concerns?

Edited by Andi Nagasia, 16 June 2017 - 03:40 PM.

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