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Why The Namecalling?

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#21 Vellron2005


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 10:59 PM

View PostDarakor Stormwind, on 15 July 2018 - 03:44 AM, said:

I just finished a game, where we had a big loss. 3:12. It happens.

One of the guys on my team sent out a chat message: "noobteam", was killed afterwards and then instantly quit the game, not spectating. I thought it weird that he had time to type in combat, but oh well. Checked his stats after the game. No 250 damage. No 150 match score.

Well, I guess he wasn't that much of a carry, either. What I will never understand is why people keep doing that... Especially when sitting in that glass house as well...

Only recently, I saw a player in game who never did more than 300-400 damage per match, and regardless of what side he was on, they lost, and he always kept typing in all-chat "worthless team" or some, even worse variant of that.

Then there are those that see a LRM boat, and immediately start cussing that player out, and blaming everything on him, regardless the fact that they did less than 300 damage, while the LRM boat does 1000+ with solo kills and KMDDs.. but it's always the LRM boats fault we lost 5:12..

Why does that happen? Because some people simply have the need to put others down and drown them in mud to rise themselves up from mediocrity or to feel like "a man".

Those are the same people that will call their wife stupid, tell their friends she's a bad cook, or be rude to the waiter.

Don't be that guy.

If you get stomped.. a "wp" in all chat will do. if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.

Edited by Vellron2005, 15 July 2018 - 11:00 PM.

#22 Xetelian


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 11:13 PM

Had a match a couple days ago in solo queue where a guy wandered off on his own in an assault mech to cap epsilon on one of the maps where its to the left and I said "Don't rotate that way" he didn't listen "and I said, don't cap alone in an assault on a point that the enemy spawns closer to" and he died.

Then he proceeded to berate the team for not helping him and spent a good minute or so calling us the C-word and freaking out in coms and when most of us were opening out mics just to laugh he left.

I've played over 10,000 matches and I see this a bit but not nearly as often as I saw it in LoL or other multiplayer games so MWO has one of the better communities.

As to why people do it?

You could come up with so many different things that would set someone off when they're in a game trying to work out that stress it would take all your lifetime to come up with them all

#23 LowSubmarino


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 12:36 AM

ppl that do 50 dmg (or even 200 dmg in anything but the smalles scouting lights), landing 1 to 4 alphas tops then they are really bad and youll prolly loose with too many of those players in your team.

Complete stomps usually mean that your team does basic but fatal mistakes. Stretching, falling behind in slow mechs that cant disengage and so on. Of course I say that was a nööbish move and that the team played super bad. If teams play great I also they 'awesome team'.

#24 Phoenix 72


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 12:50 AM

Even if we get stomped 0:12, I will always try to do a "gg" on the open channel. I think of it as basic fair play manners.

I know I am not gods gift to MWO. According to Jarl's list, I am in the 81 percentile. Highest result ever was 87%, last season. So I am definitely not a carry. I have good games and bad games. Yes, I have died (not too long ago) doing 10 damage to the enemy. It happens. Dust yourself off, take the lesson learned, try to do better next time, move on.

I have been on the internet (and its predecessors like CompuServe) since 1994 and I do not think I will ever get over the lack of basic civility.

#25 Mystere


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 12:00 PM

View PostAsym, on 15 July 2018 - 05:45 AM, said:

People are rude because the culture they come from allows people to be rude at a distance and with anonymity. Cyber bullying, hate mail, anarchy via third person are all common today and almost a normal behavior it seems?

A hard reset of the internet is coming. Posted Image

#26 Nightbird


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 12:26 PM

It's a game full of kids?

#27 Tetatae Squawkins


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 12:38 PM

View PostNightbird, on 16 July 2018 - 12:26 PM, said:

It's a game full of kids?

I'd bet the average player age in this game is far higher than you suggest.

#28 Agent of Change


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 12:46 PM

View Postbilagaana, on 15 July 2018 - 10:16 AM, said:

Today's lecture: Why You Should Not Feed The Trolls.

Warning: The following may not be suitable for all levels of intellectual development.

First, it's necessary to define some terms. For purposes of this lecture, we will employ the classic psychoanalytic model of the psyche: Id, Ego and Superego. It's simple and effective.

The subconscious (in psychoanalytic terms: the unconscious) comprises the part of the personality of which the individual is not consciously aware. The Id resides in the subconscious. The id has needs. It represents basic biology. The id contains the primitive impulses, usually sexual or aggressive desires. E.G: I like being a giant robot with lasers and missiles. It makes me feel powerful.

The Superego is the conscience. It is that part of the psyche which moderates behavior by externally imposed norms. It represents society. E.g: I'm getting really frustrated but there's a Code of Conduct and a Report button. And besides, my momma raised me better.

The Ego, contrary to popular usage, does not mean an inflated sense of self-worth. Rather, it is one's identity and sense of security as an individual. The level of intellectual and emotional maturity (i.e: character development) is reflected in the Ego's ability to moderate between the Id and the Superego. E.g: This match is really frustrating but I'm mature enough to recognize it's only a game and it serves no useful purpose to behave like an ******.

Primitive (i.e: immature) personalities are at a low level of emotional and intellectual development. In primitive personalities, the Ego is underdeveloped and cannot effectively suppress the Id. Lacking awareness and insight, these individuals are consumed by their own internal emotional state. They are creatures of the Id. When primitive emotional needs are not immediately gratified, the individuals's outward behavior is characterized by frequent and dysfunctional displays of anger and aggression. E.g.: You f----ng noobs! You PUGS! You idiots! You potatoes! You morons! You made me lose! It's all your fault!!!

In order to deal with conflicts and problems in life, the Ego employs a range of defense mechanisms to reduce unpleasant feelings typically arising from the Id. These defense mechanisms operate at a subconscious level and the range and types of defense mechanisms employed reflect the individual's state of emotional development. So, a more mature personality will employ more mature defense mechanisms such as rationalization and intellectualization (see the E.g. in the Ego paragraph, above). A more primitive personality will employ more primitive defense mechanisms such as denial and projection (see the E.G. in the Id paragraph, above.)

Taking all the above, to summarize and conclude:

Everybody has bad days. Even an otherwise well-integrated personality will occasionally lose their equanimity and behave in a shameful or embarassing manner. Welcome to the human race.

In the terms of this discussion, those few players who frequently behave as trolls, *******--whatever term you choose--to a degree which impairs the larger community's enjoyment of the game are primitive personalities. They habitually communicate their own internal emotional states on a very primitive level without regard for social norms, consequences or social impact.

Like a tantruming toddler, when they have unmet basic needs, they seek to have those needs met by displays of obnoxious behavior (primitive rage). A tantrum is not a very clear way to communicate but it is a powerful way to get attention.

The difference is that in toddlers such behavior is age-appropriate. In adults, this behavior is meant to evoke an emotional response in the target of the anger. In that way, the perpetrator experiences gratification because now you are experiencing their internal state. They have made you feel what they are feeling. In their subconscious minds, you understand. You have met their needs. They can either relax or, depending on the degree of pathology, escalate for further gratification.

Bottom line: Don't feed the trolls.

Slow Clap

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#29 Nightbird


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 12:51 PM

View PostTetatae Squawkins, on 16 July 2018 - 12:38 PM, said:

I'd bet the average player age in this game is far higher than you suggest.

If only maturity came with age.

#30 Eisenhorne


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 12:55 PM

Name calling is a very important part of playing online games. If you don't have creative and insulting names to call your opponents and sub-par teammates, you aren't being creative enough!

#31 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 01:03 PM

View Postbilagaana, on 15 July 2018 - 10:16 AM, said:

Today's lecture: Why You Should Not Feed The Trolls.

Warning: The following may not be suitable for all levels of intellectual development.

First, it's necessary to define some terms. For purposes of this lecture, we will employ the classic psychoanalytic model of the psyche: Id, Ego and Superego. It's simple and effective.

The subconscious (in psychoanalytic terms: the unconscious) comprises the part of the personality of which the individual is not consciously aware. The Id resides in the subconscious. The id has needs. It represents basic biology. The id contains the primitive impulses, usually sexual or aggressive desires. E.G: I like being a giant robot with lasers and missiles. It makes me feel powerful.

The Superego is the conscience. It is that part of the psyche which moderates behavior by externally imposed norms. It represents society. E.g: I'm getting really frustrated but there's a Code of Conduct and a Report button. And besides, my momma raised me better.

The Ego, contrary to popular usage, does not mean an inflated sense of self-worth. Rather, it is one's identity and sense of security as an individual. The level of intellectual and emotional maturity (i.e: character development) is reflected in the Ego's ability to moderate between the Id and the Superego. E.g: This match is really frustrating but I'm mature enough to recognize it's only a game and it serves no useful purpose to behave like an ******.

Primitive (i.e: immature) personalities are at a low level of emotional and intellectual development. In primitive personalities, the Ego is underdeveloped and cannot effectively suppress the Id. Lacking awareness and insight, these individuals are consumed by their own internal emotional state. They are creatures of the Id. When primitive emotional needs are not immediately gratified, the individuals's outward behavior is characterized by frequent and dysfunctional displays of anger and aggression. E.g.: You f----ng noobs! You PUGS! You idiots! You potatoes! You morons! You made me lose! It's all your fault!!!

In order to deal with conflicts and problems in life, the Ego employs a range of defense mechanisms to reduce unpleasant feelings typically arising from the Id. These defense mechanisms operate at a subconscious level and the range and types of defense mechanisms employed reflect the individual's state of emotional development. So, a more mature personality will employ more mature defense mechanisms such as rationalization and intellectualization (see the E.g. in the Ego paragraph, above). A more primitive personality will employ more primitive defense mechanisms such as denial and projection (see the E.G. in the Id paragraph, above.)

Taking all the above, to summarize and conclude:

Everybody has bad days. Even an otherwise well-integrated personality will occasionally lose their equanimity and behave in a shameful or embarassing manner. Welcome to the human race.

In the terms of this discussion, those few players who frequently behave as trolls, *******--whatever term you choose--to a degree which impairs the larger community's enjoyment of the game are primitive personalities. They habitually communicate their own internal emotional states on a very primitive level without regard for social norms, consequences or social impact.

Like a tantruming toddler, when they have unmet basic needs, they seek to have those needs met by displays of obnoxious behavior (primitive rage). A tantrum is not a very clear way to communicate but it is a powerful way to get attention.

The difference is that in toddlers such behavior is age-appropriate. In adults, this behavior is meant to evoke an emotional response in the target of the anger. In that way, the perpetrator experiences gratification because now you are experiencing their internal state. They have made you feel what they are feeling. In their subconscious minds, you understand. You have met their needs. They can either relax or, depending on the degree of pathology, escalate for further gratification.

Bottom line: Don't feed the trolls.

So...these primitive personalities, these creatures of ID..... it would then be accurate to classify them as ID-iots?

Asking for a friend.

#32 Novakaine


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 01:10 PM

I once had a guy call me a Sorry S........
And that he would hunt me down in real life and lop off me naughty bits.
I told him he can't my wife keeps them on a cedar box on the fireplace mantel.
Which only incensed him more.
I apologized and told him I'm a older gentleman and my twitch laser skill are far behind me.
Hence why I tend to use LRM boats.
Which only exasperated the him even more.
Lesson learned from that.
"Just don't feed the angry trolls."
And play your LRM boats 25% lessPosted Image

#33 MechaBattler


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 01:12 PM

An insult on the internet by a random person is like someone farting as you walk by on the street. It's not really worth dwelling on. People should be polite. That's my opinion. But it's not for me to teach them over the internet how to behave.

#34 Maddermax


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 04:10 PM

View PostMechaBattler, on 16 July 2018 - 01:12 PM, said:

An insult on the internet by a random person is like someone farting as you walk by on the street. It's not really worth dwelling on. People should be polite. That's my opinion. But it's not for me to teach them over the internet how to behave.

Everyone farts, not everyone craps on others.

Now, if someone's having a general gripe, that's one thing, remind them it's a game, maybe they just had a bad day and they'll get over it. However, if someone is personally insulting or attacking or swearing at others, don't let them just get away with it. The worst offenders get that way because they get away with it all the time. Most forums, games and social media platforms just cannot moderate everyone, and most times people just go "that's a troll, I'll just ignore it', don't report it, mods don't see it, and trolls then keep on trolling, emboldened by getting away with it again. Everyone has to remember to report people who are actually toxic, as generally once they get told, they settle down and realize they've been an arse and try to control themselves better - or if they continue being toxic eventually get booted so the rest of us don't have to deal with them.

All that said, MWO is streaks ahead of some other games I've played, probably because of the older fan base, or maybe just because of the smaller, more niche community generally, who knows, but generally most people are pretty awesome.

Edited by Maddermax, 16 July 2018 - 04:13 PM.

#35 Yosharian


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 04:23 PM

View PostVellron2005, on 15 July 2018 - 10:59 PM, said:

Then there are those that see a LRM boat, and immediately start cussing that player out, and blaming everything on him, regardless the fact that they did less than 300 damage, while the LRM boat does 1000+ with solo kills and KMDDs.. but it's always the LRM boats fault we lost 5:12..

> LRM boat does 1000+ with solo kills and KMDDs..

Even if an LRM boat did do this, it wouldn't be due to his own skill, it would be because of his allies providing cover, locks, etc. In my own experience LRM boats rarely do this kind of damage, and very rarely get solo kills, KMDDs. So your assertion is pretty much nonsense.

Secondly, LRM damage isn't worth jack ****. It tends to plaster mechs all over, which is great for farming damage, but **** at winning games, because games are won by killing mechs, and splash damage doesn't kill mechs, precise, focused damage does.

Lastly, LRM boats tend to be off in the back row, not sharing armour, hiding. This contributes to losses by forcing other allied mechs to take the brunt of fire, rather than being able to share armour effectively as one unified force. This wouldn't be so bad if the damage they were doing was precise, brutally effective damage, like the damage other long-range heavy/assault mechs can put out. But LRM damage isn't as good as those other damage types.

So overall, yes, LRM boats are not as effective as other mech types on average.

I'm not saying that the solution is to yell at all LRM boats until they switch mechs, but I am saying that if you're defending LRM boats as strong mechs, you are wrong.

Edited by Yosharian, 16 July 2018 - 04:27 PM.

#36 MechaBattler


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 04:33 PM

View PostMaddermax, on 16 July 2018 - 04:10 PM, said:

Everyone farts, not everyone craps on others.

Now, if someone's having a general gripe, that's one thing, remind them it's a game, maybe they just had a bad day and they'll get over it. However, if someone is personally insulting or attacking or swearing at others, don't let them just get away with it. The worst offenders get that way because they get away with it all the time. Most forums, games and social media platforms just cannot moderate everyone, and most times people just go "that's a troll, I'll just ignore it', don't report it, mods don't see it, and trolls then keep on trolling, emboldened by getting away with it again. Everyone has to remember to report people who are actually toxic, as generally once they get told, they settle down and realize they've been an arse and try to control themselves better - or if they continue being toxic eventually get booted so the rest of us don't have to deal with them.

All that said, MWO is streaks ahead of some other games I've played, probably because of the older fan base, or maybe just because of the smaller, more niche community generally, who knows, but generally most people are pretty awesome.

I mean if you wanna take the time to rip back on someone being a jerk. By all means.

To be fair MWO is only streaks ahead because we have a smaller community. If you look through reviews of games that were or even are in early access on steam. You'll find a lot of "This game had a great community before it went to early access!" followed by "The devs ruined this game!". Trolls tend to stand out more in smaller communities and get called out for their behavior. So it's a bit of self policing.

Although in the case of MWO. I think it also helps that matches don't last terribly long and you can just leave as soon as you're destroyed. So unless someone is making an *** out of themselves from the start of the match. It's easy to get through one without someone being a jerk.

#37 Novakaine


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 05:10 PM

View PostYosharian, on 16 July 2018 - 04:23 PM, said:

> LRM boat does 1000+ with solo kills and KMDDs..

Even if an LRM boat did do this, it wouldn't be due to his own skill, it would be because of his allies providing cover, locks, etc. In my own experience LRM boats rarely do this kind of damage, and very rarely get solo kills, KMDDs. So your assertion is pretty much nonsense.

Secondly, LRM damage isn't worth jack ****. It tends to plaster mechs all over, which is great for farming damage, but **** at winning games, because games are won by killing mechs, and splash damage doesn't kill mechs, precise, focused damage does.

Lastly, LRM boats tend to be off in the back row, not sharing armour, hiding. This contributes to losses by forcing other allied mechs to take the brunt of fire, rather than being able to share armour effectively as one unified force. This wouldn't be so bad if the damage they were doing was precise, brutally effective damage, like the damage other long-range heavy/assault mechs can put out. But LRM damage isn't as good as those other damage types.

So overall, yes, LRM boats are not as effective as other mech types on average.

I'm not saying that the solution is to yell at all LRM boats until they switch mechs, but I am saying that if you're defending LRM boats as strong mechs, you are wrong.

Yeah you tell em!
Right up front where I normally play from.
But then again....
"I haz no skillz."
Posted Image

Edited by Novakaine, 16 July 2018 - 05:12 PM.

#38 Shadowomega1


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 05:35 PM

A few people known I can get hostile, but most of the time it is after calling targets and people just ignore it, then that mech proceeds to round a corner (even when marked via spot) and still catch mech unaware oneshots them.

"Priority target (I)ndia dual Heavy Gauss Annihilator moving G7 to H6, take it down before it gets to close." (Proceeds to Spot the target and keep it targeted till out of Line of Sight)

1 Minute later
Annihilator Kills Noob 1
Annihilator Kills Noob 2
Annihilator Kills Noob 3
Annihilator Kills Noob 4

All rear armor shots that could have been avoided if they peaked at their minimap.

"Lets push up top and take the high ground and not Nascar around the mid level" (HPG)

2 Minutes into the match 2 assaults are running around the lower ring, 1 Assault went under by himself and is screaming for help due to lights. Bravo lance is running around mid section, with fast mediums on their tail, and alpha lance is scattered all over the map. *face palm* Covers bravos back the best my assault can while back up requesting support as enemies are death balling into me. Somehow gets the only two kills our team has by the end of the match.

#39 thievingmagpi


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 06:46 PM

View PostShadowomega1, on 16 July 2018 - 05:35 PM, said:

A few people known I can get hostile, but most of the time it is after calling targets and people just ignore it, then that mech proceeds to round a corner (even when marked via spot) and still catch mech unaware oneshots them.

"Priority target (I)ndia dual Heavy Gauss Annihilator moving G7 to H6, take it down before it gets to close." (Proceeds to Spot the target and keep it targeted till out of Line of Sight)

1 Minute later
Annihilator Kills Noob 1
Annihilator Kills Noob 2
Annihilator Kills Noob 3
Annihilator Kills Noob 4

All rear armor shots that could have been avoided if they peaked at their minimap.

"Lets push up top and take the high ground and not Nascar around the mid level" (HPG)

2 Minutes into the match 2 assaults are running around the lower ring, 1 Assault went under by himself and is screaming for help due to lights. Bravo lance is running around mid section, with fast mediums on their tail, and alpha lance is scattered all over the map. *face palm* Covers bravos back the best my assault can while back up requesting support as enemies are death balling into me. Somehow gets the only two kills our team has by the end of the match.


#40 Vellron2005


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Posted 17 July 2018 - 04:50 AM

View PostYosharian, on 16 July 2018 - 04:23 PM, said:

> LRM boat does 1000+ with solo kills and KMDDs..

Even if an LRM boat did do this, it wouldn't be due to his own skill, it would be because of his allies providing cover, locks, etc. In my own experience LRM boats rarely do this kind of damage, and very rarely get solo kills, KMDDs. So your assertion is pretty much nonsense.

Secondly, LRM damage isn't worth jack ****. It tends to plaster mechs all over, which is great for farming damage, but **** at winning games, because games are won by killing mechs, and splash damage doesn't kill mechs, precise, focused damage does.

Lastly, LRM boats tend to be off in the back row, not sharing armour, hiding. This contributes to losses by forcing other allied mechs to take the brunt of fire, rather than being able to share armour effectively as one unified force. This wouldn't be so bad if the damage they were doing was precise, brutally effective damage, like the damage other long-range heavy/assault mechs can put out. But LRM damage isn't as good as those other damage types.

So overall, yes, LRM boats are not as effective as other mech types on average.

I'm not saying that the solution is to yell at all LRM boats until they switch mechs, but I am saying that if you're defending LRM boats as strong mechs, you are wrong.

I'm at work now.. but on my home computer, have literally dozens of end-match screens featuring either myself or my Fiancee with solo kills and KMDDs while LRM boating..

Only this last weekend, I was on Canyon, playing in a LRM Highlander, on the PTS.. So 4 Vs 4.. I had 4 KMDDs.. and a Solo kill..

Right after, bought a Scorch on sale.. made a LRM80+2CMPL LRM boat.. first drop, unskilled.. 3 solo kills and 5 KMDDs..

Don't assume..

Edited by Vellron2005, 17 July 2018 - 04:56 AM.

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