here my few humble cents concerning the pts;
-people there where almost all constructive and trying to bend/crash the system; cudos to that, the community does it's share.
-also more people there then last time, so either more interest or your small compensation works. either way: happy with that.
weapons (in pgi "balance" order):
-clan-gauss. wasn't as bad as imagined. still does nothing to balance it against IS gauss. makes it even more beginnner-UNFRIENDLY, which is bad. pls scratch it for the sake of beginners.
-er-small: you take a mediocre weapon (cause its NOT used AT ALL in fw/scouting, the more comp.crowd, which should tell you something), and make it a tad less "good". bad move.
-er-med: you're gonna make it extinct. it's that bad.
-er-large: ppl using 1-2 get punished. see light/med mechs. -> bad. however, with 3 without ghost, you create a fw-nightmare. bad is the wrong word. it's gonna kill fw on a lot of maps.
-med puls: bad move. if it were overperforming, again: you'd see it spammed in fw/scouting. which it is not. it is really easy to figure out that you don't have to nerf something most consider as "just not that good".
-lrg puls: again, punishing lights and meds, while assaults especially benefit. just don't.
-hvy medium: the what? exactly.. NOBODY uses that thing outside of fringe cases, and you decide to nerf it considerably. pls play your game, or TALK to people who do..
otoh you might as well bring it down to 1 dmg, 15 heat, as nobody uses that thing anyway.
-hvy large: eh.... I see where you're coming from, but it is the wrong solution. just makes the weapon more unattractive, where it's "6minute burntime" is a problem in the first place.
TL;DR - just scratch that. most of these are bad, and it shows. test it yourselves, I guess the community is happy to give your "overpowered clan-lasboat" a beating

for the sake of this game, STOP looking at spreadsheets and START working with the community; Tarogato and his buddies have done tremendous work which reads itself WOLRDS better than what you did here.
you got a paying customer that wants to improve YOUR product. FOR FREE. you spit him in the face, time and again, instead of working with him (the community). no sane person does that.
let's put up a PTS with NONE of your changes but with all of Taros - and let's see how people react to that, eh?

Best regards,