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Bad, But Not As Bad As I Expected

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#1 -Spectre


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 09:04 AM

Okay, so after a few days of testing, I feel like I have a good grasp on the changes, and here are my two cents.

First, the CERML. I went into this thinking it was dead with this build. I no longer think that. It still serves its purpose, though the dph ratio is trash, and Clan scientists would be executed for coming up with the weapon as it stands now. Ultimately, while it didn't kill the weapon system, it did go too far. I freely admit that the CERML was a much more versatile weapon system than the IS version I think setting the damage to 6, and shortening the duration, cooldown, and heat BY THE SAME PERCENTAGE would be the best option. That will allow it to retain relevance in medium range combat while giving the IS ERML a chance to compete, and at the same time increasing its effectiveness in short range combat where beam duration and cycle time is king.

Next up, the large lasers. The changes here actually provide a net buff to the large lasers for heavies and assaults, while decreasing their viability on lights and mediums. This is the opposite of what needs to happen. I actually think that the large laser balance is at a pretty good place right now:

The IS ERLLs have a net superiority over CERLLs, because of the ranges that are typically encountered, but CERLLs can still best IS ERLLs on a select few maps, especially Alpine Peaks.

The LPLs are a bit less balanced, with IS having a nearly equal 2.72 dps (Clan=2.8) and a much higher 1.38 dph (Clan=1.2) The dps decrease on the IS LPL is arguably sufficient to account for the 35% shorter burn time, but 16% more weight is more than worth 15% more heat efficiency and 33% more health. The only drawback to the IS LPL is the optimal range, which is significantly less (40%), but the maximum ranges are only 13% different, and the tendency of engagements to close to brawling ranges, combined with the ability to fire 3 IS LPLs at a time makes up for that difference about equally. Given that lights rarely use LPLs anyway, I think the PTS changes for the LPLs are about in line with what needs to happen here.

The Heavy Large laser changes are right on track. Lore values for this system are 16 damage for 18 heat, so the changes here are moving closer to the lore, while still aiming to keep the system relevant (because the lore dph ratio is pretty brutal). I agree with trying out 16 and 16 for a while, and possibly moving to lore values later, depending on the results on a live server.

Now for the final items:

CERSL is already worse than the IS SLs and ERSLs, on the ghost heat alone. If this damage nerf goes through, the ghost heat threshold needs to rise on the CERSLs, otherwise, leave them where they are. I do not see the slightest inkling of OP in the CERSLs. I would also settle with a value change to 4.5 or 4.6 damage, 3.2 heat, and 3.2 cooldown. That would bring them more in line with the effectiveness of the IS small laser class, though still worse overall because of the ghost heat threshold.

CMPL currently feels fairly balanced. It has a miniscule (0.03) dps advantage, a relatively small (0.11) dph disadvantage, and a substantial range advantage (33% optimal, 9% max) If anything, a slight optimal range buff to the IS MPL, with no change to the max, would bring these two weapons closer into parity, but the component health and dph advantage already provide a balance to the range disparity.

C-Gauss. What? Where is this nerf coming from? There are a very few Clan mechs that use the gauss rifle effectively, but from my experience in Faction Play, the Clan Gauss is hardly ever used, while IS relies heavily on the Gauss. The enormous health difference (50%) and the 100% chance of explosion (as opposed to 90% for IS Gauss) has already killed the weapon for Clan use. It is simply not worth the risk, with the exception of a few mechs with high arm ballistic mounts. If the shake is added, it needs to be less than the Heavy Gauss, and it needs to be added to IS gauss as well, though ultimately, I really don't think it needs to be added at all. This change feels completely out of left field, and I have no idea why it was even proposed, at least as a Clan only change. I get trying to nerf gauss+laser synergy, but that is equally present for IS and Clan, and if the lasers are balanced (which is what you are claiming to do with these changes), then there is no difference between Clan Gauss vomit and IS Gauss vomit. And ultimately, I don't think gauss vomit needs to be nerfed. It is just an IS advantage that Clan has to figure out how to overcome.

Alright, that's my two cents. Let me know what you guys think, and PGI, I hope you see this. I spent a long time writing it, and I tried to be completely fair and focus on the numbers. Also, I focused exclusively on the weapon systems, ignoring the durability differences between Clan and IS, which needs to go away if the weapons are considered to be balanced.

Edited by -Spectre, 16 July 2018 - 09:05 AM.

#2 KingJoo


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 09:36 AM

Ya, i didnt mind the medium and large laser changes as much as I feared in the end, i found that i might not have been alphaing as hard but i could do it more. taking an 80dmg every 5 seconds and doing a 60 dmg alpha every 1.5-2.5 seconds. i still built several laser alpha builds that woked wonderfully, although when i replicated similar laser alpha builds on IS mechs they worked significantly better than clan builds(just had to be a little closer) so in live play i think we will continue to see clans trounced in FP.

C-gauss is not entierly ruined but having the same shake as a heavy gauss seems pretty unnecessary, but oh well, life changes and we adapt. Watch out for the 6lpl deathstrike though! Oh and i think the 2uac5 2uac10 mcii-b was still top of the killer list.

Edited by KingJ00, 16 July 2018 - 09:43 AM.

#3 MechaBattler


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 10:23 AM

You mentioned the IS being able to fire 3 LPL as a counterbalance. But it seems the Clan LPL is also able to fire 3 for the PTS.

I agree with your assessment for the most part. C-ER medium was hit too hard. And small laser nerf seemed unnecassary.

The C-Gauss nerf however is due to it weighing less and taking up less crit slots. Even with less health and 10% more likely to be destroyed. That doesn't make up for 3 tons and 1 slot saved. Others have suggested buffing IS Gauss instead with more health and even less chance to explode. Personally I think a more offensive buff would be better.

#4 -Spectre


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 01:14 PM

View PostMechaBattler, on 16 July 2018 - 10:23 AM, said:

You mentioned the IS being able to fire 3 LPL as a counterbalance. But it seems the Clan LPL is also able to fire 3 for the PTS.

I agree with your assessment for the most part. C-ER medium was hit too hard. And small laser nerf seemed unnecassary.

The C-Gauss nerf however is due to it weighing less and taking up less crit slots. Even with less health and 10% more likely to be destroyed. That doesn't make up for 3 tons and 1 slot saved. Others have suggested buffing IS Gauss instead with more health and even less chance to explode. Personally I think a more offensive buff would be better.

Yes, in the PTS Clan can fire 3 LPL. I was comparing the way they currently are on the live server.

As far as the gauss goes, on paper the argument can be made that it is still overpowered, but the way the game actually works out shows the opposite. In Faction Play--the competitive side of MWO, aside from MWOWC--gauss is almost never used by the Clans, and for good reason. IS, on the other hand floods the field with dual gauss Warhammers and dual heavy gauss assaults (ANH, MAL, FNR, CPS, and maybe others that I can't think of right now), and even mechs that can't do dual gauss still often take one (AS7 especially). You are an IS loyalist. If you play Faction Play, you know what I am talking about. From the Clan perspective, we do tend to target the component with the gauss to try and explode it, but IS has the durability, both from quirks and base stats, to withstand that focusing enough to still make it a fearsome weapon. On the Clan side, it is just a joke. The Clan mechs are so fragile, and the Clan gauss so easy to crit that it is suicide to bring torso mounted gauss. You said the loss of health doesn't make up for 3 tons and 1 slot saved, so I'll run the math, too. IS gauss has 25% more weight, 17% more slots, and 100% more health. I would love to double the health of any of my components for a bit more weight and space, especially if that component explodes when it is destroyed.

I am not trying to be caustic, I am just trying to explain myself clearly. Honestly, the gauss nerf does not affect me, because I gave up using the Clan gauss a long time ago, back when they gave it 5 health and 100% chance to explode--it is more of a liability than an asset. However, I do try to fight for reason at all times, so I am trying to bring some sense to the table on this topic, based on my experience, both personal and observational, and my math.

#5 Wing 0


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 01:47 PM

View Post-Spectre, on 16 July 2018 - 09:04 AM, said:

C-Gauss. What? Where is this nerf coming from? There are a very few Clan mechs that use the gauss rifle effectively, but from my experience in Faction Play, the Clan Gauss is hardly ever used, while IS relies heavily on the Gauss. The enormous health difference (50%) and the 100% chance of explosion (as opposed to 90% for IS Gauss) has already killed the weapon for Clan use. It is simply not worth the risk, with the exception of a few mechs with high arm ballistic mounts. If the shake is added, it needs to be less than the Heavy Gauss, and it needs to be added to IS gauss as well, though ultimately, I really don't think it needs to be added at all. This change feels completely out of left field, and I have no idea why it was even proposed, at least as a Clan only change. I get trying to nerf gauss+laser synergy, but that is equally present for IS and Clan, and if the lasers are balanced (which is what you are claiming to do with these changes), then there is no difference between Clan Gauss vomit and IS Gauss vomit. And ultimately, I don't think gauss vomit needs to be nerfed. It is just an IS advantage that Clan has to figure out how to overcome.

Agreed. The call to add recoil to just the Clan Gauss was totally unnecessary and makes it extremely convoluted. If both Gauss's had no Charge to Fire mechanic in exchange for the recoil, Sure. I wouldn't mind it but when they added it specifically to the Clan gauss, Ya. Something ****** up is going on with that decision and needs to be investigated. They already nerfed the Gauss with the PPC/Gauss Ghost Heat link and adding recoil on top of it is like adding insult to injury. New Players who start playing in Clan tech will complain and it will simply hurt the game keeping players away from MWO with dumb call like these. Calls like these are what kills a game and its playerbase. One of the reasons why stop giving money to PGI.

The Devs wont play with the public on a regular basis and they made no effort in fighting in an FP match. Im sure the FP teams would just murder them with ease. Worse of all, we wouldn't need any gauss to kill them.

#6 MechaBattler


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 01:49 PM

Sadly I haven't dropped in faction play since they consolidated the buckets. It's interesting that the difference in vulnerability is that notable between IS Gauss and Clan Gauss. Guess I'm just out of practical experience in regards to the Geese. Perhaps they should consider a buff to Clan Gauss survivability if they go through with the recoil.

#7 -Spectre


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 01:57 PM

View PostWing 0, on 16 July 2018 - 01:47 PM, said:

Agreed. The call to add recoil to just the Clan Gauss was totally unnecessary and makes it extremely convoluted. If both Gauss's had no Charge to Fire mechanic in exchange for the recoil, Sure. I wouldn't mind it but when they added it specifically to the Clan gauss, Ya. Something ****** up is going on with that decision and needs to be investigated. They already nerfed the Gauss with the PPC/Gauss Ghost Heat link and adding recoil on top of it is like adding insult to injury. New Players who start playing in Clan tech will complain and it will simply hurt the game keeping players away from MWO with dumb call like these. Calls like these are what kills a game and its playerbase. One of the reasons why stop giving money to PGI.

The Devs wont play with the public on a regular basis and they made no effort in fighting in an FP match. Im sure the FP teams would just murder them with ease. Worse of all, we wouldn't need any gauss to kill them.

My one issue with what you said is: what new player starts with Clan tech? Posted Image

View PostMechaBattler, on 16 July 2018 - 01:49 PM, said:

Sadly I haven't dropped in faction play since they consolidated the buckets.

What does that mean?

Edited by -Spectre, 16 July 2018 - 01:56 PM.

#8 MechaBattler


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 02:07 PM

Well it used to be that there was a faction queue for each neighboring faction. So Liao could fight Marik, Davrats, or drop against the Clans. Back when we had super quirks. We dropped often against both Clans and Davrats. There was an arrangement with Marik. Though we did defend against them a few times. But PGI nerfed offensive quirks and gave us structure quirks. And then they consolidated the queues into just clan versus IS. So we just sorta stopped dropping in faction play. Didn't help PGI was just smacking every IS meta mech with the nerf bat. The unit participated in MRBC, but my schedule didn't quite match. I showed up a few times just as a back up. But nothing came of it. So I just do solo Q now. Pug life and all that.

Edited by MechaBattler, 16 July 2018 - 02:07 PM.

#9 Wing 0


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 02:08 PM

View Post-Spectre, on 16 July 2018 - 01:57 PM, said:

My one issue with what you said is: what new player starts with Clan tech? Posted Image

What does that mean?

There have been new players who have bought clan mechs when they started playing since the camo's are so easy to notice. The Invasion camo if you can recall. Most of us Old Players don't use those colors or the camo it came with. Been seeing new players wearing those colors and they don't play that great but they prefer clan tech because they are familiar with that tech over I.S. This also includes past game titles. True that New Players would generally would start at I.S tech but not everyone does that. There have been those who choose to go in a different approach.

#10 Naluca


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 02:16 PM

I pilot mostly IS mechs, is the Clan Gauss that vulnerable to being hit and explosion?

#11 PraetorGix


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 02:25 PM

Large lasers need to stay where they are now. This idiotic reasoning PGI has is only worsening what they are trying to prevent. If heavy larges need to be 16 damage, then the DPH needs to be WAY better than it is on live. The mediums and small lasers of all families need to be left alone.

#12 Wing 0


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 02:45 PM

View PostNaluca, on 16 July 2018 - 02:16 PM, said:

I pilot mostly IS mechs, is the Clan Gauss that vulnerable to being hit and explosion?

Clan Gauss has a higher chance to explode compared to the I.S Gauss. The explosion chances are like a 10% difference between the two. But they both have around a 90% or 100% or so overall to explode.

Edited by Wing 0, 16 July 2018 - 02:46 PM.

#13 Naluca


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 03:20 PM

But does the health between make that much of a difference? I have not notice my IS Gauss and H Gauss exploding often.

#14 Wing 0


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 03:35 PM

There is a 5 Health Point Difference. Hvy Gauss 15. I.S Gauss 10, Clan Gauss 5. You can see the rest in Mech Lab. And yes Gauss are the only Ballistics with High Explosion Chances.

Edited by Wing 0, 16 July 2018 - 03:36 PM.

#15 Josh Seles


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 05:08 PM

View PostMechaBattler, on 16 July 2018 - 10:23 AM, said:


The C-Gauss nerf however is due to it weighing less and taking up less crit slots. Even with less health and 10% more likely to be destroyed. That doesn't make up for 3 tons and 1 slot saved. Others have suggested buffing IS Gauss instead with more health and even less chance to explode. Personally I think a more offensive buff would be better.

Personally, I think an even better buff for IS Gauss is to narrow the weight gap between Clan and IS.
Make IS Gauss 14 tons and 7 slots.
Game playability and balance is priority 1.
Lore is priority 2.

#16 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 05:27 PM

View PostJosh Seles, on 16 July 2018 - 05:08 PM, said:

Personally, I think an even better buff for IS Gauss is to narrow the weight gap between Clan and IS.
Make IS Gauss 14 tons and 7 slots.
Game playability and balance is priority 1.
Lore is priority 2.

Weight is something PGI will not touch, as it would break too many things, damage on the other hand.. or the crit percentage...

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