Novakaine, on 17 July 2018 - 07:11 AM, said:
I disagree with you there bro-mech.
Lurming from the front lines is where you want to be.
Most people don't see you as a real threat until it's too late.
Had a match last night I did my usual dumb thing and led a charge.
In my Archer 2R and busted a 1000+ and got 6 kills.
The most amazing thing was and not every time is that they shoot the brawlers.
And not the lurm boat go figure

You're probably the only LRM-person that posts here who does that.
And don't take this the wrong way, no shaming here, but if you're consistently lrmin' your stats legit portray what is wrong with the weapon system. I'll be interested to see if you shoot up the ranks because the DPS has been increased on LRMS.
My only point of contention with LRMS is that they encourage people to hide and sandbag their team for huge numbers. Not a one of those peeps seem to realize how that affects the rest of the team, how difficult it makes it to maintain a line when an ASSAULT will not soak damage, how ineffectual their damage actually is, or that their DPS would be even greater if they were closer.
You keep doing you and hopefully other people will catch on.
Personally I think they should turn indirect fire into an AOE mechanic, buff lock times for visual locks on a sliding scale (mo close mo lock), and incentivise actually playing with your team over hiding in a trench 600 meters from the fight.
Edited by Prototelis, 19 July 2018 - 10:51 AM.