I did not try all the weapons, but most were acceptable.
The only one I didn't enjoy was the cERML, I am all for the reduction in damage, it is loooong overdue. I would just like to see a further reduction in its heat, from the 5.7 to say 5.3, to turn it into a slightly better option for returning fire, or it needs its burn time slightly reduced.
I would not say any of the changes that I tried are game breaking.
What they do all have in common though, is that it does nothing to alleviate the problem of boating, if anything, it is now worse, by being able to fire more large lasers simultaneously, here comes even higher alphas. On the plus side, the lower cooldown and slightly lower heat, really breathed some life into my support lights.
Suggestion: Re-look at energy draw, I missed the entire phase at it was just after I started playing the game so was all brand new and shiny to me. Either that or you will need a very complex list of ghost heat triggers, but I think ghosting based on the number of weapons being fired makes more sense.
Keep up the monthly tweaks, the frequency at which they made balance changes was one of the reasons StarCraft still rules the roost as king of RTS.
Rewarding players for PTS play was also a good move.
Keep up the good work, its not easy farming on the salt flats