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Saying Don't Nascar

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#21 SFC174


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Posted 23 July 2018 - 11:51 AM

NASCAR is cool - as long as the big boys are in the thick of the movement, or even out front. If I see assaults getting strung out and left behind, I'll put out a comms call to turn and support. Only works about 10% of the time.

#22 LordNothing


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Posted 23 July 2018 - 12:36 PM

i think this game uses assaults all wrong. they are great at breaching strongholds and laying seige to static targets. but with these minimally viable game modes that never happens. i though incursion would use them properly. but blasting through 2 50hp wall, one hit turrets and then having an uncontested march to the objectives does not a seige make. and thats assuming the mode hasnt devolved into skirmish, which it always does. fp is the best place to run assaults in the first wave at least.

and you can say the same thing about lights too. scouting is completely useless so they are mostly in an anti assault role. so you got assaults that dont have any purpose and lights whos only purpose is to kill other mechs without purpose. its a no brainer why nascar happens. if you dont want to loose your assault mech, take one that can do 60 and get to the front of the nascar on all maps that tend to devolve into nascar. do this immediately without being afk for the first 5 minutes and you will have a good time.

#23 Mole


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Posted 23 July 2018 - 01:21 PM

I've played everything from Annihilator to a Commando and I never get left behind in a nascar unless I just don't pay attention to my minimap. Anyone who tries to tell me that assaults are too slow is a liar. If I can keep up in an Annihilator or a Dire Wolf than anyone can in any other 'mech because unless you've under-engined your 'mech there is nothing slower.

#24 Kubernetes


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Posted 23 July 2018 - 02:50 PM

Yesterday I had that idea. "I'll cover the back and blast the first nascaring light/medium..."

Thirty seconds later I'm firing up a new match.

What's funny is when we lose and a guy blames us potatoes for nascaring... even though the enemy won by nascaring.

#25 Surn


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Posted 23 July 2018 - 03:11 PM

Team kills on Nascar teammates should count as a normal kill!

#26 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 23 July 2018 - 03:31 PM

View PostSFC174, on 23 July 2018 - 11:51 AM, said:

NASCAR is cool - as long as the big boys are in the thick of the movement, or even out front. If I see assaults getting strung out and left behind, I'll put out a comms call to turn and support. Only works about 10% of the time.

The issue with MWO Nascar is spawn point of Group Charlie. It can be appropriate for the side whose assaults spawn on the right end vs the team whose assaults mirror their position by spawning directly opposite of them on the left end of their team.

PGI either needs to put Group Charlie to either always spawn as the middle group or always spawn on the far right.

Not sure about most, but have any of you noticed that on a specific map it tends to appear that you spawn on one side of the map more often than the other side? Some maps I am shocked when I spawn on opposite side of the map from my normal side, thinking, where the frak do we go from here?

Edited by Tarl Cabot, 23 July 2018 - 03:35 PM.

#27 UnofficialOperator


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Posted 23 July 2018 - 03:51 PM

View PostAthom83, on 23 July 2018 - 08:59 AM, said:

Negative; Noun, Below the number 0.

Please tell me how you get below 0. Even 0 wins and 50000000 losses would give you a 0 win/loss, still not negative.

Thanks for the strawman.

In my OP, I didn't say negative WLR. I just said "negative" as in:

  • expressing or containing negation or denial:[color=#C0B5B5]a negative response to the question.[/color]
  • refusing consent, as to a proposal:[color=#C0B5B5]a negative reply to my request.[/color]
  • expressing refusal to do something:[color=#C0B5B5]He maintained a negative attitude about cooperating.[/color]
  • prohibitory, as a command or order.
  • characterized by the absence of distinguishing or marked qualities or features; lacking positive attributes(opposed to positive):[color=#C0B5B5]a dull, lifeless, negative character.[/color]

#28 UnofficialOperator


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Posted 23 July 2018 - 03:56 PM

View PostJman5, on 23 July 2018 - 11:11 AM, said:

The most infuriating are the guys who complain about NASCAR when the team hardly rotated at all once the engagement began.

Oh yeah I had that happen yesterday just 1min out of the game on HPG. Assaults went right barely out of the gate. Scrub lights went hard left into their main and got rolled and started complaining about no backup and how the assaults nascared. Lol they barely crossed the gate. Complainer is some 0.6 wlr old guy with thousands of games.

I thought this was unique, didn't realized it happens a lot!

#29 UnofficialOperator


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Posted 23 July 2018 - 04:05 PM

View PostKoalaBrownie, on 23 July 2018 - 11:14 AM, said:

People who say don't Nascar are usually too slow to keep up, so really what they're saying is "don't ditch me" because the other team rolls right onto your rear and starts picking apart anyone slow enough.

Yesterday was in a game, team was moving up there was heavy mechs on our flank on Tourmaline, I took a few potshots at them before moving forward but everyone kept rolling. Next thing I know I'm miles away from the team who are all in a ball, I go down along with another guy. Only thought was where the hell are people running to? It's skirmish and team is desperate to get across the map for some reason even though there are isolated enemy mechs on the sides. Anyway team lost. GG

View PostKoalaBrownie, on 23 July 2018 - 11:27 AM, said:

A lot of times also I like to flank around behind the enemy so take a wider route to get around but team and enemy just swirling around like water down a toilet, so I end up doubling back to catch the enemy on the rotation. Gets to be pretty silly to be honest.

You really should stop listening to bad advice like Ricky's. I mean just yesterday you were caught out by me and died alone with only 11 damage on Canyon simply because you didn't move with the group at all. Even if you are a fully LRM cat, you should have followed the main and lrm from 400m at most.

View PostMole, on 23 July 2018 - 01:21 PM, said:

I've played everything from Annihilator to a Commando and I never get left behind in a nascar unless I just don't pay attention to my minimap. Anyone who tries to tell me that assaults are too slow is a liar. If I can keep up in an Annihilator or a Dire Wolf than anyone can in any other 'mech because unless you've under-engined your 'mech there is nothing slower.

Exactly true. I was nascaring hard in a 54kph rifleman and still was close to the front.

View PostTarl Cabot, on 23 July 2018 - 03:31 PM, said:

The issue with MWO Nascar is spawn point of Group Charlie. It can be appropriate for the side whose assaults spawn on the right end vs the team whose assaults mirror their position by spawning directly opposite of them on the left end of their team.

PGI either needs to put Group Charlie to either always spawn as the middle group or always spawn on the far right.

Not sure about most, but have any of you noticed that on a specific map it tends to appear that you spawn on one side of the map more often than the other side? Some maps I am shocked when I spawn on opposite side of the map from my normal side, thinking, where the frak do we go from here?

Yeah they really should let us have a window of time for a commander to reshuffle the groups. Mining is just weird sometimes when Charlie lance spawns on the left flank.

#30 KoalaBrownie


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Posted 23 July 2018 - 04:14 PM

View PostUnofficialOperator, on 23 July 2018 - 04:04 PM, said:

You really should stop listening to bad advice like Ricky's. I mean just yesterday you were caught out by me and died alone with only 11 damage on Canyon simply because you didn't move with the group at all. Even if you are a fully LRM cat, you should have followed the main and lrm from 400m at most.

Ah yes, thank you for reminding me of all the worst parts of this game and why I need to stop playing- like how a 25 ton mech can shred a Heavy with machine guns in seconds while in other games Light mechs can take hit after hit from my AC/20s.

Anyway I don't try so hard in that mech, only LRM boat I have and take it once in a while just for a laugh. I was with the group, just at the back on the wrong side of the hill- but literally once you started attacking me there was zero chance I could live anyway- MGs are ridiculous.

#31 KoalaBrownie


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Posted 23 July 2018 - 04:27 PM

Also I did the same sort of positioning with my lrm cat on crimson straight the day previous and got 665 damage. Sometimes you get caught out by a light mech, sometime you don't.

MGs are overpowered though. In another game was running an srm/mrm cat and got into it with a um-k9. Did 200 damage to him, as far as I know didn't even breach his armour- meanwhile his four hmgs and a couple lasers shred me. It's very stupid.

#32 LordNothing


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Posted 23 July 2018 - 04:30 PM

View PostMole, on 23 July 2018 - 01:21 PM, said:

I've played everything from Annihilator to a Commando and I never get left behind in a nascar unless I just don't pay attention to my minimap. Anyone who tries to tell me that assaults are too slow is a liar. If I can keep up in an Annihilator or a Dire Wolf than anyone can in any other 'mech because unless you've under-engined your 'mech there is nothing slower.

are you running max engine in all your slow assaults? because ive seen assaults going in the 30s and 40s and theres no reason for that kind of build. 50 is the minimum keep up speed in most matches. 40 is workable if you dont get the worst possible spawn. an unnecessarily slow assault is just a sign of a bad build imho.

Edited by LordNothing, 23 July 2018 - 04:32 PM.

#33 eminus


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Posted 23 July 2018 - 04:37 PM


#34 justcallme A S H


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Posted 23 July 2018 - 04:45 PM

I try as often as I can to tell people to STOP/DO-NOT NASCAR and hold the firing line.

While it doesn't work all the time, it will work a lot of the time. I guess it helps that I can aim/shoot too so whatever comes around the corner first doing that blind push usually doesn't live long.

If I see the team has fired up their engines and is unable to process a pretty simple instruction then I just join in on the action because by that point it's just turned into the usual carry fest the game requires me to perform.

#35 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 23 July 2018 - 04:55 PM

PGI intentions may have been assaults vs assaults but that really does not happen, or I should say, it is the lights/meds/heavies catching up to the right end spawning assaults which start to engage the slow moving left end spawning assaults whose L/M/H have left the slower mechs behind, unprotected.

Edited by Tarl Cabot, 23 July 2018 - 05:03 PM.



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Posted 23 July 2018 - 05:11 PM


You spin me right round, baby
Right round like a record, baby
Right round round round
You spin me right round, baby
Right round like a record, baby
Right round round round

Edited by IIXxXII, 23 July 2018 - 08:05 PM.

#37 tutzdes


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Posted 23 July 2018 - 05:31 PM

View PostKoalaBrownie, on 23 July 2018 - 04:27 PM, said:

Also I did the same sort of positioning with my lrm cat on crimson straight the day previous and got 665 damage. Sometimes you get caught out by a light mech, sometime you don't.

MGs are overpowered though. In another game was running an srm/mrm cat and got into it with a um-k9. Did 200 damage to him, as far as I know didn't even breach his armour- meanwhile his four hmgs and a couple lasers shred me. It's very stupid.

K9 has exactly ONE ballistic hardpoint. It is arguably the best Urbanmech variant, which is most often outfitted with energy weapons only.

I'm piloting lights most of the time and I only commit to murdering lurmers/snipers if they are dumb enough to be far away from their team. Otherwise I would put an Arty under your behinds, scratch the back paint a bit and run away.

As for NASCAR: it can be a problem on some maps/spawns, where assaults/heavies start the match separated from their teammates, mostly on the left flank. On some maps you can always cut some corners and do will piloting Anni or whale.

#38 Xeno Phalcon


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Posted 23 July 2018 - 06:10 PM


Don't Nascar!
The battlecry of every landwhale.

Also Hmg are vicious iv cut so many clan mechs in half with my rifleman's 4xHMG backups when they thought I would be easy prey up close and tried to stare me down, they are also excellent at sawing off the legs of piranhas. But they also very heavy, IS hmg's weigh a ton each and by default have 100m effective range.

#39 VonBruinwald


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Posted 23 July 2018 - 06:32 PM

View PostXeno Phalcon, on 23 July 2018 - 06:10 PM, said:

Also Hmg are vicious iv cut so many clan mechs in half with my rifleman's 4xHMG backups when they thought I would be easy prey up close and tried to stare me down, they are also excellent at sawing off the legs of piranhas. But they also very heavy, IS hmg's weigh a ton each and by default have 100m effective range.

I'll take 4!

#40 Phlynn


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Posted 23 July 2018 - 07:23 PM

Nascar is a good reason to have a forfeit match button. If you have played enough games, certain maps are predictable.

1) Did your team get the "weaker" side (some maps tend to favor one team murderballs vrs other nascars)
2) Look at the drop position (usually only 1 side has a death drop lance: they can't catch up to a nascar or will get cut off)
3) Is the nascar lane away from the rest of the team? (lights will want the easy assault kills instead of fighting another light)
4) Expect many players to be peek and poke style and unable to stand in the face of damage
5) Before the 1 minute mark - experience will give you a good idea of winner and the score. Why even play a match when you know it will finish 4 - 12 within the first 60 seconds?

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