...Not good at all.*
So the Bushwacker armor nurf. Fine, I get that. Its not that bad. The Ani's? Well I would say just drop it ~5 armor since I snipe their heads all the time, unless you only care about Solaris, they are easy to hit, slow targets.
The Faf and Cy's though!? Come on...I have no issues killing these two. The Faf is so easy to kill, huge hit boxes. The Cy cannot tank alone without getting creamed. 1v1 a Cy will die on ave to any 100 tonner if the skill of the pilot is the same. The whole reason why its good is not because its armor its because the ones driving the thing still can torso twist. Want proof? Duel Gauss both the Cy-Slep with the Faf, Ani, or NightS in Solaris with both equal players and you will find the Cy on average will lose that fight...why? Less Armor (plus he has less back up guns on average to these other duel HG). Nurfing this and the Faf...not good.
TLDR: Armor Nurfs:
Bushwacker: Fine
Annihilators: Drop it only ~5 Armor Nurf since slow and easy to hit.
Fafnir: No...WAY too big. Needs the armor.
Cyclops-S: Double No. This mech currently does not measure up to the other H.Gauss mechs.
*(note, this is also with my mindset of having all the clan lasers reverted back to normal damage but having longer duration as Tarogato explains here: https://youtu.be/u1OC0Vze0pc)

Armor Nurf, Some Good, Others...
Started by Ragedog4, Jul 29 2018 05:23 AM
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