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Kurita Vs Davion Mini Campaign

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#241 My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ


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Posted 08 August 2018 - 02:36 AM

View PostJames Argent, on 08 August 2018 - 01:27 AM, said:

Also, I agree that five turrets was way...shall we say, optimistic...as a goal.

A better alternative to destroying turrets would be an equivalent amount in structure damage. So shooting the gate and o-gens could net you that objective, it'd obviously still restrict it to the attackers but there would be a lot more to go around.

#242 Todd Marshall


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Posted 08 August 2018 - 07:11 AM

View PostArkhangel, on 07 August 2018 - 12:00 PM, said:

learn to be useless in a push and equip deadweight trinkets

No, thanks.

#243 Ninjah


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Posted 08 August 2018 - 07:50 AM

Funniest moment of the event: Hellebore attack, I was the last survivor of the first push in a completely fresh Fanfir. I had my stealth armor on and as the fresh mechs came out of the spawn they didn't shoot me. I refrained from shooting them and walked around Omega casually just to unload dual gauss in their backs when no one was looking at me. Managed to kill four of them before they realised I was an intruder lol.

Edited by Ninjah, 08 August 2018 - 07:51 AM.

#244 D V Devnull


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Posted 08 August 2018 - 08:22 AM

Hi there! I read your post, just have a few return thoughts for you and some experiences to compare...

View PostJames Argent, on 08 August 2018 - 01:27 AM, said:

Highlight of this event...winning an attack on Boreal Vault on the third wave after our team whiffed the first wave 1-12.

That's danged lucky. I had a similar problem on Grim Plexus, but my team couldn't recover, and I got spawn-killed twice by the enemy's timing. :blink:

View PostJames Argent, on 08 August 2018 - 01:27 AM, said:

Low point...finding out someone whom I previously sort of respected on the forum is a [REDACTED] sore winner in the game. That can't be blamed on the event, though...he's probably like that all the time.

You might want to edit this section of your post in about the same place I'm censoring it. Would NOT want a moderator to come through and wipe your post out. :wacko:

That said, I don't remember seeing you in the matches I played, so at least I don't think it's me you're talking about. Although I have to confess, I did whine at the end of one match when I was trying to get those Turrets and some other people on my team stole all of them, which prevented me from working on that Challenge during the one single Match I got as an Attack round. We must have gotten a bad roll of the matchmaker to not meet up. However, it would be fun to team up with more of my fellow ForumWarriors. :huh:

View PostJames Argent, on 08 August 2018 - 01:27 AM, said:

Also, I agree that five turrets was way...shall we say, optimistic...as a goal. I lucked out and got the attacker side on all of my siege matches, but too many people were going for them and I only ever got one. I'm certain that as 'lucky' as I was, there were others who were just as unlucky and didn't get a single attacker side. I don't have a problem with not getting the reward, because I wasn't about to do extra matches just for that one task. But the idea behind offering a reward for completing an event task is that it needs to be possible for everyone to complete it if they think it's important enough to go after it. This task was a watered down 'kill the energy carrier' because of the limited resources available to complete it. One team in every single match was completely shut out from the possibility of going up against turrets, and there aren't even enough of them on the map to satisfy the needs of the team that had them as targets. It's not unreasonable to expect the devs to do some simple math before deciding on these event tasks. Two would have been a reasonable goal, if not for the very real possibility of never having the role of attacker.

I agree with these thoughts, albeit I differ in thinking that only 1 Turret Kill should be needed if such a Challenge is to be present in an Event. Anything more than that puts an anti-teamwork divisor into the equation, and severely limits (e.g.: Sub-25%) the player population that could ever finish such a Challenge. As it was, I only got 1 chance out of my Matches to even try, and that was stolen out from under me by other people. I actually ended up giving up on that one early, and that's something I usually NEVER do with an Event. Heck, I really wanted that additional Hanging "Hunter's Knife" Cockpit Item... :(

~D. V. "Feeling half-broken by this Event... Really don't want to feel that way again..." Devnull

#245 James Argent


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Posted 08 August 2018 - 09:29 AM

Remember, I said it would have been reasonable to require two IF NOT FOR the RNG shutting half the players out of the possibility of encountering turrets every single time. That's just a simple guess based on how red my mini-map looks like inside the base...I have never bothered to actually count them So long as the devs keep choosing something where half the players are playing Nopewarrior Online that number drops to zero.

But the other problem here, one I just thought of as I was typing this post, is that turrets aren't something you can simply ignore and leave for others if you already have your event task done. They NEED to be taken out as soon as possible. There's no time and not enough armor on your mech to be polite about it while the never-miss Jesus guns are carving you up. (And why would engineers be able to put that level of targeting on turrets but not on mechs?)

#246 Javin


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Posted 08 August 2018 - 10:56 AM

I liked the event. Non-stop drops around the clock. IS on IS fun. Well done!

#247 D V Devnull


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Posted 10 August 2018 - 01:41 AM

View PostJames Argent, on 08 August 2018 - 09:29 AM, said:

Remember, I said it would have been reasonable to require two IF NOT FOR the RNG shutting half the players out of the possibility of encountering turrets every single time. That's just a simple guess based on how red my mini-map looks like inside the base...I have never bothered to actually count them So long as the devs keep choosing something where half the players are playing Nopewarrior Online that number drops to zero.

But the other problem here, one I just thought of as I was typing this post, is that turrets aren't something you can simply ignore and leave for others if you already have your event task done. They NEED to be taken out as soon as possible. There's no time and not enough armor on your mech to be polite about it while the never-miss Jesus guns are carving you up. (And why would engineers be able to put that level of targeting on turrets but not on mechs?)

Agreed on your thoughts above. Isn't it sad how PGI's Staff keeps failing to think about the issues that certain Game Mechanics introduce which would prevent people from behaving as a Team about various types of Challenges? Thankfully, it looks like they didn't make that same mistake on the Next Event. :huh:

~D. V. "We can definitely agree... Challenge set opposite of Game Mechanic = Bad Idea" Devnull

#248 William Slayer


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Posted 27 August 2018 - 11:37 AM

The Skye Rangers had a blast on the one day we were allowed to participate in the event. IS on IS action is just as fun as fighting the Clanners. Thanks for giving us a bit of notice too, we were able to get an announcement out and get more folks online that day because we knew ahead of time!

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