Mystere, on 08 August 2018 - 08:11 PM, said:
It could be argued that we did not try enough, especially given the mainly one-dimensional nerf/buff outlook of both PGI and (especially) the player base.
With what we've seen, I expect it to be piss poor way of doing it.
Mystere, on 08 August 2018 - 08:11 PM, said:
Here is just a quick -- and completely uncurated -- example:
- Give LRMs an initially ballistic trajectory to target.
- Make multiple AMS more effective (i.e. improved accuracy, killing more missiles per AMS) when positioned as an "umbrella" (i.e. overlapping).
- Give ECM a new feature: decoy target signatures.
- Make TAG invisible in 2 of 3 vision modes.
- TAG flattens the trajectory of LRMs, thus giving them a shorter time-to-target. Better yet, make the missiles accelerate while target is tagged.
- NARC makes LRMs prioritize the enemy hit with a beacon, if any, making LRMs true fire-and-forget weapons.
- Using any two of TAG, NARC, and Artemis gives extra benefits.
- TAG + NARC + Artemis gives even more extra benefits.
Remember, the above is just a quick and completely uncurated example.

1.) Do you mean straight or hyperbolic? Cause they're already doing a ballistic trajectory if it were hyperbolic.
2.) Really? Buff the counters? ****'s already not performing well.
3.) Again, buff the counters? But okay sure, target signatures.
4.) Oh i agree, TAG should have been doing that in the first place. But we still we get to this problem. LRMs are still pretty bad.
5.) That's probably something. But needing TAG for basic chore of not being deadweight, maybe it should have been doing that in the first place.
6.) Yes, that's nice. Make NARC + LRMs = true fire and forget. But again we come to the Indirect-Fire problem, LRMs still ****. You only gave more worth with NARC, but ultimately does nothing to make LRMs more useful.
7 - 8.) Don't they already do? Even so, that's just extra hurdles to make LRMs bearable. Without those things, LRMs are still ****, and now we have to invest more things to make them not ****.
Mystere, on 08 August 2018 - 08:11 PM, said:
And change the reward system towards the generous side to reflect the above if so desired, although frankly I myself do not care.
I don't think people should be rewarded generously for doing piss-poor contribution.
Mystere, on 08 August 2018 - 08:11 PM, said:
As I mentioned in another thread, I am still not convinced it is a weapon problem as opposed to it being a people (i.e. teamwork) problem.
I am a firm believer in giving people more than enough rope to hang themselves if that is what they so choose.
(Damned Edge. I'm tired of removing the extraneous formatting tags. I'm just leaving them as is. <shrugs>)
Well, that's on you. People on the other hand, even PGI looking at the global data, they argue otherwise.
KoalaBrownie, on 08 August 2018 - 08:31 PM, said:
So veteran light mechs don't attack other light mechs? Right. Good to know you're not doing your job.
Lol. I don't think we're playing the same game. Lights have a variety of job, and fighting off lights aren't necessarily their job. Mostly it falls on who is mostly capable, such as that streak-cat.
KoalaBrownie, on 08 August 2018 - 08:31 PM, said:
Any Piranha or other close range Light with the retain the perk to retain a target after it goes behind you will get good locks for LRM support mechs as well.
True. That being said, Streak-Dog, Streak-Huntsman, and Streak-Cat says Hi.
KoalaBrownie, on 08 August 2018 - 08:31 PM, said:
If your requirement for not being a parasite is being able to stand on your own, there are many mechs that are going to fail the test including pretty much every assault mech in the arsenal.
No, my requirement is that these people could get locks on their own, and work for their own damage. That's a key difference.
Build a Dakka-Dire, it pummels enemies on their own. HGR Seipnir, puts a pair of 25-damage shells on the enemy on their own. Build LRM boats, unless you get your own locks, and the team graces you with their own, you are a dead weight. You are a parasite.
KoalaBrownie, on 08 August 2018 - 08:31 PM, said:
Funny how in the same argument you complain that an LRM mech is doing tons of damage and pretending he carried the game and yet you're claiming they're not pulling their weight. Those tons of damage are doing what exactly?
Molesting and annoying mechs. You know a laser-vomit could quickly destroy a component, destroy key weapons, and junk. two to three shots, by bye heavy-gauss.
You want to know what those tons of damage do? They waste time.
KoalaBrownie, on 08 August 2018 - 08:31 PM, said:
Again, you don't wan to fix LRMs. You want to fix a play style. Quit trying to enforce your rules of play on other people.
Again, the playstyle is LRM's problem. Quit defending bad-play, quit being in the way of progress.
KoalaBrownie, on 08 August 2018 - 08:31 PM, said:
You know what the word dedicated means? It means devoted to a task. A mech with 5 ER ML and 1 TAG is not "dedicated".
I've only seen one dedicated spotter in thousands of games and it was some joker running around with 1 TAG and 2 Narcs. There may be more dedicated spotters in GP or FP but certainly not in QP
Do you know what context is? If we accept your definition, then no mech is dedicated. There's the task of flanking around, of moving, of jumping, of locking.
But with context of "dedication" as in it's a god damn role, means it's primarily kitted to such a role. It's build is catered to it's playstyle. Having so much investment for other weapons that necessitate the use of those weapons to get a solid return of investment is something to consider.
You might as well argue "that's not a crocodile, that's an alligator", when there's still a predator around the bayou that killed your mate. It's not solving anything.
KoalaBrownie, on 08 August 2018 - 08:31 PM, said:
Oh first I'm an enthusiast. Now I don't have adequate knowledge?
If you have, you failed to demonstrate it. And enthusaist =/= having knowledge about it, it's a matter of preference.
KoalaBrownie, on 08 August 2018 - 08:31 PM, said:
Please try to make an argument dude. This attacking the person **** is getting old.
I wasn't attacking you, i was describing you. Big difference.
As in, if your argument is that you "have 3/35 builds that wouldn't make you the usual Parasitic LRM boat", but then the issue is that you aren't demonstrating adequate knowledge about it, then that's just a conclusion.
KoalaBrownie, on 08 August 2018 - 08:31 PM, said:
Can you contradict yourself any faster?
There isn't a contradiction. Respecting people's right to decide, isn't the same as respecting people's decisions. Hate speech must be allowed for free speech to thrive, but that doesn't mean we couldn't frown on hate speech.
Is that really hard logic to follow? Are we even on the same page?
KoalaBrownie, on 08 August 2018 - 08:31 PM, said:
If PGI is serious about e-sports they'll balance at high level and not care about the rest like Dota2. If they're not serious and just want to make money from the majority, they balance for low level.
Those are the only two real options.
Not really. It's much more nuanced than that. Such as if the game is too hard to get in, with newbies getting demolished utterly, then there won't be new players and we result in a dead game because eventually, people leave and there's no new blood to fill in the missing slots.
Edited by The6thMessenger, 08 August 2018 - 09:41 PM.