Posted 10 August 2018 - 06:19 AM
Our group is casual mostly IS emphasizing players who play in QP GQ. We tend to brawl more than anything, because that is what must of us enjoy. We did mostly fine trying to play fast heavy brawl decks in the IS event even though most of us rarely play faction play at all anymore. So the thinking among at least some of us, was that since most of us don’t play FP and most of us don’t play Clan, we would stick with what we know and try to apply it to some Clan mechs and decks for this event. As such, several of us bought Orion IIc for our first (and some for second and third) drops running one or more ballistics and SRMs mostly, some also brought the good ole SRM Linebackers, Arctic Wolves, a few splat crows, and a smattering of other mechs, but all in all still brawly builds overall. We also made sure we brought lots of AMS too.
Out of 5 matches that I played last night we rolled the opponent once, had a couple of close games that we also won, had one total nail biter that we won on caustic, and then got stomped by 228 and EVIL on frozen. That last match would have probably been even worse than it was, but most of us who had them switched out some of our mechs to energy builds so at least we managed to get some shots in at range.
Anyway, I agree with the OP, the events are a blast. Rewards are enough to get even the folks I play with who detest FP to play it, and it may even be showing them that the mode is something fun enough to play more often, even with the risk of coming across teams of vastly different skill. Hope to see more of this sort of thing.