Paul Inouye, on 07 August 2018 - 10:18 AM, said:
• Current focus is on the 94 efficient alpha and the discrepancy between Clan and IS laser vomit performance against one another.
• Lasers aren't being targeted because they are the considered the highest performers so much that there is a clear rift in viability of energy centric load-outs between the IS and the Clan side.
• Will not be blindly balancing upwards to meet Clan Laser vomit without proper give/take and taking into consideration all other areas of balance.
• While upwards trajectories always sound good, there are consequences that would massively disrupt other states of play within the game. Such as massively buffing armor to compete against higher alphas out of heavy and assault 'Mechs, but then light on light mech gameplay would take forever to whittle through all of the armor with low weapon counts and high armor values.
• Any change that comes from PTS will not be a one sided change. We will be examining other attributes from both sides of the faction spectrum.
Gap summary (ongoing):
- Clan builds possess, on average, 25.2% larger alpha strikes at 400-600 meters
- Clan builds possess, on average, 4.3% larger alpha strikes at 300-450 meters
- IS builds possess, on average, a 4.3% advantage in maximum DPS at 400-600 meters
- Clan builds possess, on average, an 8.4% advantage in maximum DPS at 300-450 meters
- Clan builds possess, on average, 24% superior sustained DPS at 400-600 meters
- Clan builds possess, on average, 31% superior sustained DPS at 300-450 meters
- Clan builds possess 10% more range (optimum and maximum) at the 400-600 meters
- IS builds possess, on average, 8% to 12.5% more maximum range at 300-450 meters
- Clan builds possess, on average, 25% more optimum range at 300-450 meters
- Clan builds deal, on average, 92% of the damage of an IS build within the same duration as the IS build, and 100% within 0.1 seconds of that duration
So what is the gap between IS laser vomit and Clan laser vomit? The hypothesis is that Clan laser-vomit out-performs IS laser-vomit. That hypothesis is generally accepted as true, though the degree to which it is true is often a source of much debate. I am not comfortable with the broad brush PGI is currently painting the issue with, focusing too much on alpha size and not enough on DPS and cooling. What I want to accomplish with this thread is to demonstrate the ways in which Clan vomit is superior, ways in which it is not, and maybe submit some solutions to address the gaps without creating new ones. We will examine laser vomit by range bracket.
Moving on, I want to start by defining which lasers compete with each other as defined by the realities of the gameplay. That means how the weapons handle, where they handle, how hot they get, and how they combine with other weapons rather than what the developers intended them to align with:
Mid-range Analysis
Between 300 and 600 meters are contained the most powerful single-shot, non-ghosting firing solutions. It is also the source of the 94-point alpha boogeyman. Let’s examine performance deltas between some common IS and Clan options for Mediums, Heavies, and Assaults (classic “fast” Lights do not really participate in this bracket in any significant way).
All of the previous looks have been for the medium-long bracket (400-600 m). Now let’s quickly examine what happens at the Medium-Short bracket (300-450 m).
Edited by Yeonne Greene, 12 August 2018 - 04:09 PM.