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Little Rant

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#41 Mister Glitchdragon


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Posted 20 August 2018 - 10:08 AM

View PostMarquis De Lafayette, on 20 August 2018 - 09:04 AM, said:

No matter if this happened in Skirmish or Assault.....Assault on Frozen does need a re-work, as many Assault matches play out (to some degree) like the OP describes.

Agreed. I think it's the clean LOS at range you have on most of the map. So you might NASCAR like most maps, but unlike most maps you know where the the enemy is at all times, and they see you, too. So when someone sees that Charlie is about to get wrecked, the team stops and sets up to defend, which is smart play. In turn, the opfor stops and waits for their slow-movers to catch up, which is also a sound move.

All this leaves two teams in the position the OP describes, staring at each other across the valley (You're spot on about assault mode being the same without the perfunctory NASCAR, because no one wants to abandon their base). ERLL boats and PPC's have fun, everyone else (even GR's waste ammo exchanging for anemic damage at the ranges we're talking about) has to sit. And sit. And sit...

View PostAlmond Brown, on 20 August 2018 - 08:12 AM, said:

Sounds like The Plan" was to make NO C-Bills, NO XP and have absolutely NO "FUN".

I know, right?

How can you complain about PGI "unfunning" the game in the name of balance when your tactical genius calls for hiding the entire team out of range for 15 minutes not firing a shot --deliberately "unfunning" the match for everyone present-- in the hope that someone on the enemy team will get utterly disgusted with their drop-caller's crummy plan and kill themselves before one of your teammates gets utterly disgusted with your crummy plan and does the same?

#42 MechaBattler


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Posted 20 August 2018 - 10:55 AM

Someone did something similar in a match I was in. There's a lot of give and take in pugland. Sometimes you have to accept that people are gonna do, what they're gonna do. You have to keep in mind that even if your strategy is the best. It still requires other people to succeed. So you're not doing your group any favors if you get caught out by multiple mechs. Sure you got one mech in your death march. But that's still not necessarily as good as you would have gotten otherwise.
With that said. I do hate waiting around in a short range build while people are poking. It's really up to each person what they want to do with their time. It doesn't change the fact that going on your own is selfish.

#43 Mister Glitchdragon


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Posted 20 August 2018 - 10:55 AM

View PostAppogee, on 20 August 2018 - 12:55 AM, said:

In this image, we see a graphic depiction of potatoes supporting each other.

Posted Image

The link to the recipe was more funny.

#44 Appogee


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Posted 20 August 2018 - 09:06 PM

View PostMister Glitchdragon, on 20 August 2018 - 10:55 AM, said:

The link to the recipe was more funny.

Sorry :( I thought the reference could be a bit obscure.

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