I've done some math and as an example, an unskilled HBR with 4xERML and 2xHLL sits at 64 damage and 71 Heatcap, a full alpha yields about 70-71% heat (51 points), which leaves a pretty high overhead for that much pinpoint damage.
With the PTS cap at 50, the mech would instantly overheat and actually receive damage from the same salvo. By dropping one ERML, the heat would reach 95% (44.7 points) for 57 alpha damage, riding the threshold. With PTS dissipation, the mech would be incredibly heat efficient at around +75% (with current values it's already at 60% efficiency).
Now, I don't know if PGI was targeting mechs like the HBR, but a 65 ton mech with that much juice is dangerous AF, it's almost at 1 damage
PER TON!!, but lets do the math for the MCII-DS shall we?. Alright..
Current stats (unskilled):
365 XL
17 DHS = 60.5 Heat
2xGauss, 2xHLL, 2xERML = 80 alpha = 42.1 heat or 69% @ 47% efficiency.
PTS stats (unskilled):
Same engine & DHS
50 heat cap
Same loadout = 87% heat but cools MUCH faster.
See the problem PGI? The same build but at about +60% heat efficiency in PTS. With
40 heat cap as the previous PTS, that same DeathStrike would have to drop or chain fire the ERML's. Sure its only 14 points less of alpha damage,
BUT IT IS STILL LESS DAMAGE!! which was the whole point of this PTS series.
ANH with 2xHGR and 4xERML deals 70 damage at a measly 17.9 points of heat,
that's only 35%!! insanely low!! quite literally it can fire without breaks for as long as it has ammo!... *breathes*... Sure, GRs and HGR's require some timing and a small degree of skill to be used, so these builds are seemingly not the target?? O.K., lets keep goin...
At 50 cap, the maximum
Laser only damage
-that I could come up with- without overheat or ghost heat is:
Clan: DWF, 64 (1xHLL, 1xLPL, 5xERML)
IS: BLR/BNC @ 54 (3+3 LL) or TDR-TD/BNC @ 52 (3xLL, 5xERML) and quite a bit less efficient than Clan
This PTS has already taken a step back and it's not even out yet

@ 40 heat cap, Clan would need to drop 1 ERML and this actually brings them more in line with IS.
Navid, I'm really interested in this WLF build, I'm guessing it's LF 230 and with the PTS values of dissipation. Any Chance you could add 5-10% more dissipation @ 40 heat cap and compare it to the proposed 2.1?? I'd really appreciate it if you did
Navid A1, on 23 August 2018 - 04:35 PM, said:
PS: Why the Hunchback hate?