Okay, for those of you guys who seem think this is the WoB, little lore bit for you.
Shin Yodama and the Yakuza on Turtle Bay broke Hohiro out of a supposedly inescapable prison, and Shin and Hohiro managed to leave the system. The Smokes, meanwhile, were putting down literally ANYONE who resisted at all brutally, and thus caused even worse resistance to their rule (typical of crusader clans). This finally got to the point where CSJ decided to make an example of Edo, Turtle Bay's Capital, by using their Flagship to orbitally bombard it off the face of the planet. this occurred in 3050.
Hohiro and Shin's escape also is how the DCMS managed to bait CSJ into an ambush on Wolcott, one of two staggering defeats of Clanners by the IS pre-Wolf's Dragoons getting involved, the other being Kai Allard-Liao's defense of the pass on Twycross, which culminated in the Jade Falcons losing an entire frontline cluster of OmniMechs.
The reason why the battle of Wolcott is so important is the fact that Kurita managed to develop OmniTech and BattleArmor due to a deal Hohiro had made with the CSJ commander if CSJ lost, for a full lance of OmniMechs and Elemental BattleArmors, which ofc lead to the development of the Raptor, Blackhawk-KU, and Avatar, and the Kanazuchi Assault BattleArmor within the next few years.
Edited by Arkhangel, 29 August 2018 - 02:22 PM.