1) aim
2) read map
3) pay attention to comms
4) teamwork
Piranha deleted
The fact that a lot/many/most players don't do 1-4 is the reason why mg PIRs have such an open license to shred.
Now, I mained PIR-1s pretty much since their release. However, I'm well aware of, and have been a vocal critic of their ability to
punch up in skill. A player of my average skill level should generally not be able to perform in such a manner. I fully admit that. None of my stats are as good as my PIR.
And yes, when piloting heavier mechs I've been annoyed by, killed by and seen my team wiped by Piranhas. But you know why that happens?
1) no one can aim (myself included lul). PIRs have what like.. >20 armour in their st?
2) team not looking at targets on map
3) no one listening to comms
4) team all split up. no two mechs within 100m of each other. assaults capping. yolo lights throwing the match in the first 30 seconds. xl lrm atlases.
this is why PIRs can run amok more easily than just about any other chassis. they exploit weaknesses and poor teamplay better than any other mech. it also helps that yes, they can fully face tank heavies and assaults with their dps.
Again, as someone who mained mg piranhas and is pretty average as a pilot overall, I'd tend to agree they're a little bit OP.
However, and this is important, that amount of OP quickly disappears when steps 1-4 are taken. Players continually want to ignore those steps. People just refuse to learn. This is a
team game. Play like it.
My Piranha is deleted instantly by an alpha from an assualt, heavy or some mediums. My Piranha runs away as soon as I see a wolfhound, urbie, or TDK looking my way.
Yes, perhaps Piranhas are punching above their "skill". Yes, they shouldn't be necessarily capable of such performance, but it's not entirely their fault.
I watched probably 6 people on my team peel out, chase and try to 1v1 Da Red in his Wolfhound, who is not only one of the best pilots in the game, but also probably the best Wolfhound pilot out there. They all died. 1 by 1, precisely as I predicted (and tried to suggest avoiding) This is why average players in Piranhas can pull 1k and 6 kills. Should it be that easy to do that?
Probably not. But the low level of skill and awareness demonstrated by so many people isn't making it easy to disentangle where the "punching up" ends and where the "too many easy targets" starts.
Edited by thievingmagpi, 19 September 2018 - 07:23 AM.