Jack Dawes, on 24 September 2018 - 07:04 PM, said:
I probably qualify as a "bad". You are not competent to decide what I want. In fact, you aren't capable of determining what most people want. You just enjoy feeling special by denigrating strawmen aimed at "bads". your opinion is meaningless when it is encapsulated by so much stupid.
I would like to be able to play stock mechs. I can't. So be it. Keep your "bads want" crap to yourself.
This is exactly the issue.
You are a “bad” because perhaps you bring a stock mech to a min/max fight?
The game is designed one way, a clear and mathematically provable and obvious way. By refusing to accept that and bringing your stock mech in a game not designed for that you guarantee to bring your own performance down and also your teams’. I am guilty of this as well and so is a large chunk of the population (not just stock but other novelty and niche builds as well). Our own personal lack of skill (which of course varies) makes it all the worse.
This is what makes PGI’s decision for a stock mode WC so insane as well. NO ONE who is of a competitive bent (a “good” if you will) plays the game in the manner PGI is imposing on thier “world championship”. This is also what makes PGI’s efforts at “balance” equally frustrating, as they approach it from a perspective that no mech should be a puzzle with a single optimized build, failing to understand that EVERY mech has a single optimized build! That may change with ever monthly weapons tweak but at a given moment in time it is true, and so pretending to balance such that any player choice is viable is folly; all it does is feed into the cycle of allowing bads to get worse.
This isn’t personal to you, or me or anyone else. It’s just the way the game is set up.
Edited by Bud Crue, 25 September 2018 - 01:58 AM.