I Keep Getting Killed By Pir-1
Posted 22 September 2018 - 07:19 PM
PGI give the Pir-1 mchine gun monster
Kills lots of players in an irritating way
Can PGI back-track?
I don't think so
My reasoning is the the Pir-1 is a mistake
But PGI having taken the money...
Can't undo the Pir-1
We're stuck with it.
Posted 22 September 2018 - 07:23 PM
Posted 22 September 2018 - 07:24 PM
El Bandito, on 22 September 2018 - 07:23 PM, said:
Whose Gyrok?
EDIT...Not asking to nerf MG's, just hate the Pir-1, just not a fun mech imho.
Can't see PGI backtracking cos they accepted money for it.
Hence I see it as a catastrphoic mistake...
Edited by Jyrox, 22 September 2018 - 07:26 PM.
Posted 22 September 2018 - 07:27 PM
El Bandito, on 22 September 2018 - 07:23 PM, said:
They just nerfed its accel/decel by ~15%, pitch by 20%.
Edited by dario03, 22 September 2018 - 07:29 PM.
Posted 22 September 2018 - 07:28 PM
Posted 22 September 2018 - 07:44 PM
A lot of people play it because it's better than pretty much all of the other lights.
It's better than all of the other lights because it can mount more than three weak weapons and is difficult to hit.
Maybe one day they'll decide to do something about it.
If your justification for the PIR is "Glass Cannon" then why do all of the other lights (mainly IS lights) have a garbage number of hardpoints and firepower despite being larger than the PIR (except the locust)? Where's the trade-off?
Edited by Tonberry Knife, 22 September 2018 - 07:49 PM.
Posted 22 September 2018 - 07:47 PM
Tonberry Knife, on 22 September 2018 - 07:44 PM, said:
A lot of people play it because it's better than pretty much all of the other lights.
It's better than all of the other lights because it can mount more than two weak weapons and is difficult to hit.
Maybe one day they'll decide to do something about it.
If your justification for the PIR is "Glass Cannon" then why do all of the other lights (mainly IS lights) have a garbage number of hardpoints and firepower? Where's the trade-off?
It gets annoying when they just stand in front of you not moving and just blast...
I will have to make a video about this...
Posted 22 September 2018 - 07:48 PM
Tonberry Knife, on 22 September 2018 - 07:44 PM, said:
A lot of people play it because it's better than pretty much all of the other lights.
It's better than all of the other lights because it can mount more than two weak weapons and is difficult to hit.
Maybe one day they'll decide to do something about it.
If your justification for the PIR is "Glass Cannon" then why do all of the other lights (mainly IS lights) have a garbage number of hardpoints and firepower? Where's the trade-off?
Buff the other lights.
Though some are around Piranha levels in different ways.
Posted 22 September 2018 - 07:51 PM
El Bandito, on 22 September 2018 - 07:23 PM, said:
It was partially the reason why the Timber is almost never touched now.
Am I really the only one out there that has like 0 issues with PIR's? They're easier to hit than a commando, made of paper, less nimble, i could go on and on about it but seriously, y'all need to basically git good.
Edited by DrtyDshSoap, 22 September 2018 - 07:52 PM.
Posted 22 September 2018 - 07:59 PM
Jyrox, on 22 September 2018 - 07:19 PM, said:
PGI give the Pir-1 mchine gun monster
Kills lots of players in an irritating way
Can PGI back-track?
I don't think so
My reasoning is the the Pir-1 is a mistake
But PGI having taken the money...
Can't undo the Pir-1
We're stuck with it.
yeah its a strange one
I am not to worried because based on all the other mechs
the nerf hammer will fall sooner or later
only the wolfhound has managed to stay up there for awhile
Posted 22 September 2018 - 08:15 PM
People who understand the Pir-1 is over-powered are Hugh Laurie...
Posted 22 September 2018 - 09:21 PM
El Bandito, on 22 September 2018 - 07:23 PM, said:
I'd be 100% fine with the pre-nerf PIR-1 if they'd just replace the crit bonuses with more raw damage.
Posted 22 September 2018 - 10:22 PM
Posted 22 September 2018 - 11:22 PM
Posted 22 September 2018 - 11:57 PM
So, like if an MG (and other hitscan weapons ) checks for crits 10 times a second, make the maximum number of rollable crits in one second to be 60 or something. 12 MGs would hit that 60 frequently, but you wouldn't have those runaway situations where you're popping 120 crits per second for 3.5 seconds and wrecking whatever is in front of you.
That solution ensures that mechs with 6 or less hardpoints don't get penalized, and those with more still have utility (you don't get more crits overall but you get them more frequently).
Edited by Judah Malganis, 23 September 2018 - 12:59 AM.
Posted 23 September 2018 - 01:17 AM
Posted 23 September 2018 - 01:35 AM
Jyrox, on 22 September 2018 - 07:19 PM, said:
PGI give the Pir-1 mchine gun monster
Kills lots of players in an irritating way
Can PGI back-track?
I don't think so
My reasoning is the the Pir-1 is a mistake
But PGI having taken the money...
Can't undo the Pir-1
We're stuck with it.
Well, look at LRMs. All they have to do is make it so all LRM missiles fly in an even parabole. That way they would stop hitting people who are behind higher rocks and buildings. As it is now, not even under a rock are you safe from them.
That being said, I don't have much trouble with Piranhas as I stick to the team and watch out for my team I see one on their team.
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