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Another Psa About Stepping In Front Of Assault Mechs During Combat

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#21 Lukoi Banacek


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Posted 23 September 2018 - 09:38 PM

View PostThe Mysterious Fox, on 23 September 2018 - 08:52 PM, said:

most of the time its just bad players who take a spot late and just alpha straight forward without care for their teams who are already there and its usually the bigger slower mechs who are knee biters and *** kissers :/

Well let's see. The last game I saw you in and you complained about me shooting everyone in the back, I did 19 team damage and dropped 1k on the enemy. And, more pointedly, you spent the entire time with one of your light mates constantly cutting in front of a slower mech (me in the EBJ) trying to lock down a corner.

I was the first guy around the corner vs the MC2 etc on that push on viridian, but you certainly had no problem trying to wedge in there and then without much care of situational awareness, constantly shuffle stepping back and forth blocking two other, slower mechs who weren't going to flair around you to get on their main.

I play lights plenty and the key is to keep moving and not bottleneck in front of your heavier friends trying to do peekaboo.

#22 The Mysterious Fox


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Posted 23 September 2018 - 09:49 PM

View PostLukoi Banacek, on 23 September 2018 - 09:38 PM, said:

Well let's see. The last game I saw you in and you complained about me shooting everyone in the back, I did 19 team damage and dropped 1k on the enemy. And, more pointedly, you spent the entire time with one of your light mates constantly cutting in front of a slower mech (me in the EBJ) trying to lock down a corner.

I was the first guy around the corner vs the MC2 etc on that push on viridian, but you certainly had no problem trying to wedge in there and then without much care of situational awareness, constantly shuffle stepping back and forth blocking two other, slower mechs who weren't going to flair around you to get on their main.

I play lights plenty and the key is to keep moving and not bottleneck in front of your heavier friends trying to do peekaboo.

huh? all you did was follow half of alpha lance on its flank and used us as meatshields while blindly machine gunning the two of us on the corner. whats this mythical 130kph ebon that you're running?

#23 Lukoi Banacek


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Posted 23 September 2018 - 10:08 PM

Posted Image

Somehow I don't think you've bothered to paint a very accurate picture. And again, for all of my "mindless" machine-gunning, I only managed 19 team damage. I couldn't use you as a meatshield regardless, you were too short for that. I used the corner and eventually backed down into the low ground once we were overwhelmed and pushed off the ledge.

Literally, I wish I'd filmed you constantly playing peekaboo and blocking out no less than 2 other mechs with the shuffle-step nonsense, instead of using your speed to get around the small island to the right so you'd have had clean LOS into their sides and backs. Text book blocking.

p.s. wish I'd had a 130kph EBJ so I could get around you from tangling up in my ankles for most of the match.

Edited by Lukoi Banacek, 23 September 2018 - 10:20 PM.

#24 GeminiWolf


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Posted 23 September 2018 - 10:24 PM

*grabs some popcorn and sits back*

#25 Shifty McSwift


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Posted 23 September 2018 - 10:27 PM

Stands at the back of the pack...

"don't stand in front of me!"

"But sir you are at the back of the group, would you like us to stop so you can go ahead?"


"Well, ok, but how is anyone supposed to move, 90% of the map is "in front of your guns" particularly when you take into account your ability to turn."


"OK fine whatever." *leaves that guy to die*

*Gets shot in the back later from 750m away by the same guy* "Guess I got in his way"

Edited by Shifty McSwift, 23 September 2018 - 10:29 PM.

#26 CFC Conky


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Posted 23 September 2018 - 11:34 PM

View PostShifty McSwift, on 23 September 2018 - 10:27 PM, said:

Stands at the back of the pack...

"don't stand in front of me!"

"But sir you are at the back of the group, would you like us to stop so you can go ahead?"


"Well, ok, but how is anyone supposed to move, 90% of the map is "in front of your guns" particularly when you take into account your ability to turn."


"OK fine whatever." *leaves that guy to die*

*Gets shot in the back later from 750m away by the same guy* "Guess I got in his way"

Excellent point Shifty.

What makes me scratch my head is the situation where I'm in the front with a clear field of fire and firing when some friendly mech decides to either walk in front of me or close enough beside me to get hit by my arm-mounted weapons. I've done it when i was a newer player and can't guarantee it won't happen again, but at least I think about it more now Posted Image .

I'm not angry at players who move into my line of fire, I just want to reduce the likelihood of it occurring. Posted Image

Good hunting,
CFC Conky

#27 Shifty McSwift


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Posted 24 September 2018 - 12:37 AM

View PostCFC Conky, on 23 September 2018 - 11:34 PM, said:

Excellent point Shifty.

What makes me scratch my head is the situation where I'm in the front with a clear field of fire and firing when some friendly mech decides to either walk in front of me or close enough beside me to get hit by my arm-mounted weapons. I've done it when i was a newer player and can't guarantee it won't happen again, but at least I think about it more now Posted Image .

I'm not angry at players who move into my line of fire, I just want to reduce the likelihood of it occurring. Posted Image

Good hunting,
CFC Conky

Yeah FF happens in real life, and this is a game where care levels are even lower for actual FF, I totally understand the notion of people not getting firing channels and blocking eachother too (which happens in real life also, just far less with military training) in what often appear like obtuse/enemy benefiting ways.

But as they say trigger discipline is key there, the guy firing the shot carries the weight of all the potential f ups, but that still recognises someone disregarding training and running in front of a firing line naked with some celery poking out his butt, in ways was a dead man walking whether he got his by bullets or not, so the level of "punishment" can match the scenario I am quite sure.

I remember in one game I lost a torso to FF, then to purposely demonstrate the different between walking into a firing line and someone failing at recognising their teams movements/tunnel vision firing/not recognising their own width, I used my face to block an enemy AC20 who was shooting at a teammate, in that instance I "caught" his fire with my movement, rather than being "in the way" and getting hit by virtue of my and a guns positioning.

But yeah, you have to sort of expect FF in this game where we don't have rear view mirrors, there's no real "training" for this sort of thing and guns are often wildly inaccurate and/or unresponsive, there's just going to be love taps happening. And its another reason I wish we had a clearly visible team damage differential in the UI information (blue damage indicator for example), as you cannot tell if a friendly MG just brushed you or if thats 11 enemy lasers about to core you, and that is a real problem without a rear view mirror.

#28 Shifty McSwift


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Posted 24 September 2018 - 12:44 AM

Also just anecdotally I had a friendly shoot me in the back while our team was pushing/nascaring, I wasn't leading the pack or driving the nascar, but the teammate shot me in the spine, so I would turn around, then he could pass me, and not be the guy at the back of the pack, if I could ensure in some way that level of trolling is entirely crushed, I would, and this would do that. Unfortunately some either don't see it, or more likely they REFUSE to see it because it is way too fun trolling teammates.

#29 Reposter


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Posted 24 September 2018 - 04:23 AM

Friendly fire kills through experience only happens 1 in every maybe 100 games give and take... so get some friends with you or warn people before hand if you keep getting friendly fired...

#30 Alexandra Hekmatyar


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Posted 24 September 2018 - 05:01 AM

Should go both ways.
People should mind going into a firing line and the people firing should be mindful of their surroundings more.

#31 Snowbluff


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Posted 24 September 2018 - 05:44 AM

View PostGeminiWolf, on 23 September 2018 - 04:38 PM, said:

Also when you jump in front of an Assault trying to steal a kill (Which makes no sense in this game) expect to be cored and don't whine about it later. Oh and legged, on "accident", definitely would be an accident, no honest it would be an accident, seriously an accident.

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#32 Jzaltheral


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Posted 27 September 2018 - 11:41 AM

View PostSuperMCDad, on 23 September 2018 - 01:40 PM, said:

Blazing away with my triple RAC2 Roughneck yesterday, and someone sidled in front of me. Like a couple of feet in front. Doubt they had much back armour left, by the time I noticed them and stopped firing.

I can't say I've never accidently done it, not realising there was someone there, who was about to let rip. But in this case, there was a stream of fire, and they just walked into it. Facepalm.

When people do that, I don't bother to stop firing. The obstruction will clear itself one way or another.

#33 Athom83


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Posted 27 September 2018 - 04:21 PM

Don't park your light mech infront of my Atlas. Even unzoomed I physically cannot see you and usually carry a weapon on the hip that can core you out from behind with 1 shot/D-tap.

#34 Variant1


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Posted 27 September 2018 - 08:23 PM

View PostCFC Conky, on 23 September 2018 - 09:36 AM, said:

I know this has been discussed ad nauseum.

if it has been discussed to ad nauseum then its best not to bring it up. i dont get these "press r, dont x, dont y" threads since 99% of the players that have these bad behaviors dont read the forums, and the people that are forum users know not to do these things so its kind of pointless. instead i think all forum users that see theses topics should instead go ingame and teach the players good behaviorsPosted Image

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