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Daily/weekly Quests Or Missions.

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Poll: Daily/weekly missions (6 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you want an automated mission system?

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#1 MechTech Dragoon


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Posted 18 October 2018 - 09:56 AM

Mwo has a problem with ques outside of quickplay, this is quite a consistent problem that results in ghost drops in FP and no one in que in sollaris. MwO play spikes in certain modes whenever an event is on, we know this, its easily observed, and whenever FP or sollaris events are on, gameplay usually spikes up overall as well as in those modes.

Nearly every F2P and subscription game solves the problem of getting people into certain types of game modes or playing certain styles via use of daily/weekly quests and missions.

So....instead of event/sales staff creating events constantly to up play in certain places, i propose that PGI create a automated "mission" system, providing players with weekly and daily missions that they can complete for rewards.
This does two things, A. ties down event and sales staff less, and allows them to create more interesting and challenging events coinciding with sales and/or lore. and B. pushes players into ques other than quickplay on a more consistent basis.

This system would function via offering 3 weekly missions, out of a pool at random
and 2 daily missions out of a pool at random

Weekly Mission Pool---------------
Play 25 sollaris 2v2 matches 2,000,000 cbills, 6000gxp
Play 30 sollaris 1v1 matches 2,000,000 cbills, 6000gxp

Play 15 matches in faction play 2,000,000 cbills, 6000gxp
Win 7 matches in faction play 2,000,000 cbills, 6000gxp

Do 14,000 damage in faction play 1,000,000 cbills 1200gxp
Achieve 3100 combined match score in faction play 1,000,000 cbills 1200gxp

Destroy 7000 missiles in faction play 700,000 cbills 50mc
Deal 2000 damage with missiles in faction play 700,000 cbills 50mc,800gxp
Deal 2000 damage with energy weapons in faction play 700,000 cbills 50mc,800gxp
Deal 2000 damage with ballistic weapons in faction play 700,000 cbills 50mc, 800gxp

Deal 700 damage with missiles in sollaris 500,000 cbills 50mc
Deal 700 damage with energy weapons in sollaris 500,000 cbills 50mc
Deal 700 damage with ballistic weapons in sollaris 500,000 cbills 50mc

Daily Mission Pool--------------
Play 2 sollaris 2v2 match 200,000 cbills 800gxp
Play 3 sollaris 1v1 matches 200,000 cbills 800gxp

Play 1 faction play match 250,000 cbills 800gxp
Deal 800 damage in faction play 250,000 cbills 800gxp

Deal 200 damage in a light mech 200,000 cbills 800gxp
Deal 300 damage in a medium mech 200,000 cbills 800gxp
Deal 400 damage in a heavy mech 200,000 cbills 800gxp
Deal 500 damage in a assault mech 200,000 cbills 800gxp

Win 1 faction play match 300,000 cbills 1200gxp
Get 4 lance in formations in faction play 150,000 cbills 800gxp
Get 2 kill or kmdd in faction play 150,000 cbills 800gxp

Deal 450 damage in sollaris 100,000 cbills 400gxp
Win 2 sollaris 1v1 matches 800gxp
Win 1 sollaris 2v2 match 800gxp

Edited by MechTech Dragoon, 19 October 2018 - 06:08 AM.

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