BumbaCLot, on 17 October 2018 - 11:37 AM, said:
Unless you really like LRMs
I like LRM's.
BumbaCLot, on 17 October 2018 - 11:37 AM, said:
As far as mechs go, if you look at each mech see what it's Solaris rating is in the store.
The higher the division, chances are the more powerful it is overall.
Where do I find a mech's solaris rating?
This is not listed on any of the store pages for any of the collector packs I've been looking at.
Spheroid, on 17 October 2018 - 01:22 PM, said:
Why on Earth do you want the 4L?
Well thats one of the reasons why I was asking about the best financial route to go here.
I am also still debating on whether or not it would actually be worth doing, financially....
ie: do I really want that one particular "free" Mech... thats not really free after all, after you go and spend $80 on an ultimate pack, or two $40 collector packs.. just to acquire it, etc... would I actually use it, would I regret it after acquiring it... would I really enjoy ALL the mechs included in whatever pack(s) I chose to acquire it? Do I really want to dump
all that money into a game that I only play casually, doing a few quick match rounds every few days or so; etc, etc...
Or would I be better off just spending $35 on the current drop ship deal, to pick up 4 hero mechs that I might enjoy using more.
ie: I do like the Maurader, but would I
really get some use out of
all 4 variants in the marauder collector pack? Or would I be happy with just the Bounty Hunter from the drop ship deals?
So, yeah... I am starting to second guess whether or not I really want either of the Top Tier rewards... I mean, I've already got the Javelin, Rifleman and Night Gyr rewards... do I really need another free mech?