I have read on here till my eyes nearly bled. Trying to figure out why, after a certain patch I dont remember which one, or windows update, Mwo started running like hell. I have set power plans to what the forums have said, I have used different user configs, with a tuner. My gpu will run at nearly 100% just idling on mwo main screen. I, for the life of me dont know what else to try. Like I said before, the game at one point ran perfectly without any fps drops. Ill post system specs from a benchmark test and my user config
If I,ve overlooked something or havent posted something fully or correctly let me know please, im not ultra tech savvy.
CPU: Intel Core i7-7700HQ
GPU: Nvidia GTX 1050 (Mobile)
SSD: Toshiba THNSN5256GPUK NVMe PCIe M.2 256GB
RAM: Hynix HMA851S6AFR6N-UH 2x4GB
MBD: Dell XPS 15 9560
the above didnt post that the intigrated is a intel hd 630
Hopefully im smart enough to have done the spoiler below with the user.config in it right, if not i apologize.
In the Nvidia control panel i have bot the Global settings, and program setttings for mwo set to high performance Nvidia processor(got the setup for this from a mwo post about optimization settings being close to the settings for pubg)?
--; *****************
--; * SYSTEM *
--; *****************
--; 0) normal - all cores / PROPER *DECIMAL* INPUT AFFINITY CONTROL
--sys_affinity = 56
--; Sets the upper limit for frame time (in ms) when monitoring budget | 33) normal ( 30 fps )
--sys_budget_frametime = 16
--; sets the upper limit for number of draw calls per frame. | 3000) normal
--sys_budget_numdrawcalls = 2000
--; 1) normal - enable optimization / 0) disable optimization
--sys_deferAudioUpdateOptim = 0
--; Enables budget monitoring. | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) ?
--sys_enable_budgetmonitoring = 1
--; Speedup files loading from DVD | 0) normal - off - ALL OPTIONS LOCKED
--sys_FileReadSequencer =
--; Controls curve tessellation. Larger values result in coarser, more angular curves | 1) normal
--sys_flash_curve_tess_error = 1
--; Enables/disables edge anti-aliased rendering of flash files | 1) normal
--sys_flash_edgeaa = 0
--; Clears stencil buffer alternate mode | 0) normal - clear command / 1) draw rect
--sys_flash_newstencilclear = 1
--; Specifies the size (in kb) of the static memory pool for flash objects / 0) normal - use dynamic pool / +) set limit - CRASHES?
--sys_flash_static_pool_size = 16384
--; Enables creation of temporary instances through designated memory arena | 1) normal
--sys_flash_use_temp_arena = 1
--; Sets verbosity level for CryEngine related warnings | 1) normal - log warning / 2) log warning and display message / 0) omit warning
--sys_flash_warning_level = 0
--; Enable the JobSystem | 1) enabled, each job is invoked in one of the worker threads / 0) disabled, each job is executed in its invoking thread.
sys_job_system_enable = 0
--; Sets the number of threads to use for the job system | 8) normal - PC / 4) console / 0) as many threads as available cores
--sys_job_system_max_worker = 0
--; Limits p_num_threads to physical CPU count | 1) normal - limit? / 0) dont limit ?
--sys_limit_phys_thread_count = 0
--; Limits the frame rate to specified number | 0) normal / wouldnt call this overly reliable ...
--sys_MaxFPS = -1
--; Preload Game Resources | 0) normal ? / 1) ?
--sys_preload = 1
--; Set the statobj geometry memory limit to check streaming (Mb/sec)
--sys_LocalMemoryGeometryLimit = 40
--; Stat object geometry streaming speed limit (approx, Mb/sec)
--sys_LocalMemoryGeometryStreamingSpeedLimit = 40
--; it will log the numeric values
--sys_LocalMemoryLogText = 1
--; Optimal calculation time (MSec) per secundum
--sys_LocalMemoryOptimalMSecPerSec = 100
--; Set the texture memory limit to check streaming (Mb/sec)
--sys_LocalMemoryTextureLimit = 40
--; Texture streaming speed limit (approx, Mb/sec)
--sys_LocalMemoryTextureStreamingSpeedLimit = 40
--; Specifies the maximum physics step in a separate thread
--sys_max_step = 0.016
--; Specifies the minimum physics step in a separate thread
--sys_min_step = 0.01
--; Reduce frame rate if window is not in focus | 0) use full resources (STREAMERS!) / 1) normal - reduce usage when alt-tabbed
sys_SleepIfInactive = 0
--; Enables capping of max streaming bandwidth in MB/s
--sys_streaming_max_bandwidth = 40
--; Maximum stream finalizing calls per frame to reduce the CPU impact on main thread | 0) normal - disable limit
--sys_streaming_max_finalize_per_frame = 256
--; *************************
--; *************************
--r_Width = 7680
--r_Height = 4320
--r_Width = 720
--r_Height = 576
--; *************************
--; * NETWORK *
--; *************************
--; Packet rate on client | this will jump fairly wildly sometimes, maybe a stable rate is better for some
cl_packetRate = 60
--; Whether or not mech on mech collisions should boost correction priority. This improves fidelity at the cost of bandwidth.
--gp_mech_movement_collision_boost_priority = 0
--; Allow net syncing/binding of breakage entities | could be bad form ?
--net_breakage_sync_entities = 1
--; Balances TCP friendlyness versus prioritization of game traffic
--net_bw_aggressiveness = 0.5
--; Display bandwidth statistics per-channel
net_channelstats = 0
--; Max bytes to send across the network across all blocks per second
--net_max_block_bytes_per_second = 0
--; Max block size in bytes
--net_max_block_size_bytes = 1024
--; Sets the maximum packet size we will attempt to send (not including UDP/other headers)
--net_maxpacketsize = 1000
--; Min block size in bytes
--net_min_block_size_bytes = 0
--; Minimum bitrate allowed for TCP friendly transmission
--net_minTCPFriendlyBitRate = 30000
--; When set to 1, this will try to minimize the number of packets sent on a channel.
net_new_queue_behaviour = 0
--; Controls the length of time between ping packets. | could be considered bad form
--net_ping_time = 5
--; *********************************
--; *********************************
--; Time in ms to wait between each mouse move hardware event |
gfx_inputevents_mouse_move_threshold = 0.002
--; How many frames till we update the AMS
gp_hud_ams_update = 1
--; How many frames till we update the compass marker
gp_hud_compass_update = 1
--; How many frames till we update the ECM.
gp_hud_ecm_update = 1
--; How many frames till we update the engine.
gp_hud_engine_update = 1
--; How many frames till we update the heading.
gp_hud_heading_update = 1
--; How many frames till we update the heat.
gp_hud_heat_update = 1
--; How many frames till we update the stealth armour.
gp_hud_stealth_armour_update = 1
--; How many targets to update per frame
gp_hud_targetinfo_update = 1
--; How many text warnings to update per frame
gp_hud_textwarning_update = 1
--; How many frames till we update the throttle.
gp_hud_throttle_update = 1
--; How many frames till we update the weapons.
gp_hud_weapon_update = 1
--; Allow autotarget to be explicitly disabled | 0) normal, autotarget under reticle / 1) disable autotarget
gp_mech_disable_autotarget = 1
--; Toggle local ping (f9) | 0) normal - disabled / 1) enabled
gp_mech_ping = 1
--; Toggle local show fps (f9) | 0) normal - disabled / 1) enabled
gp_mech_showfps = 1
--; Toggle local position (f9) | 0) normal - disabled / 1) enabled
gp_mech_showpos = 1
--; *********************************
--; *********************************
--; Enables MaterialEffects. | 1) LOCKED
--mfx_Enable =
--; Enable attached effects (characters, entities...) | 1) LOCKED
--mfx_EnableAttachedEffects =
--; Enabled Flowgraph based Material effects. | 1) LOCKED
--mfx_EnableFGEffects =
--; min distance, in meters, before two effects are to be considered positionally overlapping (for suppression purposes)
--mfx_overlap_dist = 5
--; min time, in seconds, before two effects are to be considered temporally overlapping (for suppression purposes) | 0.05) normal
--mfx_overlap_time = 0
--; Impact threshold for particle effects. Default: 2.0
--mfx_ParticleImpactThresh = 0
--; Max dist (how far away before scale is clamped) | 35) normal
--mfx_pfx_maxDist = 1
--; Max scale (when particle is far) | 1.5) normal
--mfx_pfx_maxScale = 0
--; Min scale (when particle is close) | 0.5) normal
--mfx_pfx_minScale = 0
--; Impact threshold for sound effects if we're rolling. | 3.5) normal
--mfx_RaisedSoundImpactThresh = 0
--; Serialize Flowgraph based effects | 1) normal - LOCKED
--mfx_SerializeFGEffects =
--; Impact threshold for sound effects. | 1.5) normal
--mfx_SoundImpactThresh = 0
--; Timeout (in seconds) to avoid playing effects too often | 0.01) normal
--mfx_Timeout = 60
--; *************************
--; * DECALS *
--; *************************
--; Activates drawing of decals (game decals and hand-placed) | 1) normal - enabled / 0) disabled ?
--e_Decals = 0
--; Allows creation of decals by game (like weapon bullets marks) | 1) all / 0) disable ?
--e_DecalsAllowGameDecals = 0
--; Clip decal geometry by decal bbox | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--e_DecalsClip = 0
--; decals deferred | 1) normal - make all game play decals deferred / 2) make all game play decals non deferred
--e_DecalsDefferedDynamic =
--; switch all non-planar decals placed by level designer to deferred | 1) enabled / 0) ?
--e_DecalsDefferedStatic = 0
--; force to convert all decals to use deferred ones | 1) normal - force / 0) disable ?
--e_DecalsForceDeferred = 0
--; Use smart hit caching for bullet hits (may cause no decals in some cases) | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--e_DecalsHitCache = 0
--; Allows to increase or reduce decals life time for different specs | 1) low / 2) med / 4) stupid high
--e_DecalsLifeTimeScale = 0
--; Do not create decals on objects having more than X triangles | 8000) normal / 0) ?
--e_DecalsMaxTrisInObject = 0
--; Maximum number of static decal render mesh updates per frame | 4) normal / 0) ?
--e_DecalsMaxUpdatesPerFrame = 0
--; Number of frames after which not visible static decals are removed | 600) normal
--e_DecalsMaxValidFrames = 0
--; Combine pieces of decals into one render call | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) ?
--e_DecalsMerge = 1
--; If not zero - new decals will force old decals to fade in X seconds | 4) normal
--e_DecalsNeighborMaxLifeTime = 0
--; If zero - new decals will not be spawned if the distance to nearest decals less than X | 1) all / 0) ?
--e_DecalsOverlapping = 0
--; Pre-create decals at load time | 1) normal - ? / 0) ?
--e_DecalsPreCreate = 0
--; Less precision for decals outside this range | 20) normal / 0) ?
--e_DecalsRange = 0
--; Enable decal rendering optimization by using scissor | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0)
--e_DecalsScissor = 0
--; Toggles deferred decals | 1) general pass darken / 2) light buffer darken / 3) alpha blended / 0) Disable
r_DeferredDecals = 0
--; *************************
--; * ENGINE *
--; *************************
-- pool size for temporary allocations in kb, ( must be set before game launch )
--e_3dEngineTempPoolSize = 32768
--; Force auto pre-cache of CGF render meshes | 1) LOCKED - pre-cache all mehes around camera / 2) pre-cache only important ones (twice faster)
--e_AutoPrecacheCgf = 0
--; Maximum number of parallel streaming tasks during pre-caching | 8) normal ?
--e_AutoPrecacheCgfMaxTasks = 6
--; Force auto pre-cache of terrain textures and procedural vegetation | 0) LOCKED - disabled ? / 1) enabled ?
--e_AutoPrecacheTerrainAndProcVeget = 1
--; Force auto pre-cache of general textures and shaders | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) enabled ?
--e_AutoPrecacheTexturesAndShaders = 1
--; Activates drawing of bounding boxes | 0) LOCKED
--e_BBoxes = 1
--; Min LOD for character objects | 0) normal / ?
--e_CharLodMin = 0
--; Check for crazy sized COctreeNode m_objectsBoxes | 0) do nothing / 1) normal- CryWarning / 2) CryWarning and __debugbreak()
--e_CheckOctreeObjectsBoxSize = 0
--; Activates usage of software coverage buffer. | 1) camera culling only / 2) camera culling and light to object check / 0) disable ?
--e_CoverageBuffer = 0
--; expanding the AABB's of the objects to test to avoid z-fighting issues in the Coverage buffer | 0.007) normal - ?
--e_CoverageBufferAABBExpand = 0.01
--; Checking of OBB boxes instead of AABB or bounding rects
--e_CoverageBufferAccurateOBBTest = 1
--; Coverage buffer z-biasing | 0.05) normal
--e_CoverageBufferBias = 0.05
--; Use re-projection technique on CBuffer / 2) normal - ?
--e_CoverageBufferReproj = 2
--; Max time for unlimited AddRenderMesh / 2) normal - ?
--e_CoverageBufferMaxAddRenderMeshTime = 0
--; Resolution of software coverage buffer | 64) normal - ? / 128) ?
--e_CoverageBufferResolution = 384
--; Activates usage of coverage buffer for terrain | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_CoverageBufferTerrain = 1
--; Controls tessellation of terrain mesh | 2) normal / 0) disable ?
--e_CoverageBufferTerrainLodShift = 1
--; which version of the coverage buffer| 1) Vladimir's / 2) MichaelK's
--e_CoverageBufferVersion = 2
--; Vegetation activation distance limit | 50) normal - ? / 0) disables visibility-based culling (= unconditional activation)
--e_CullVegActivation = 0
--; use gray illumination as default | 0) LOCKED
--e_DefaultMaterial =
--; Enable to Perform some physics events deferred as a task/spu job | 0) normal - LOCKED ?
--e_DeferredPhysicsEvents =
--; Enable / Disable morph based deformable objects | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--e_DeformableObjects = 0
--; Activates dynamic light sources | 1) LOCKED
--e_DynamicLights =
--; debug option, no help given | 1) normal
--e_DynamicLightsConsistentSortOrder = 0
--; Convert all lights to deferred (except sun) | 1) LOCKED - enabled ?
--e_DynamicLightsForceDeferred =
--; Activates global height/distance based fog | 1) LOCKED - enabled ?
--e_Fog =
--; Activates local height/distance based fog volumes | 1) LOCKED - enabled ?
--e_FogVolumes =
--; Activates usage of HW occlusion test for objects | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) enabled ? ( causes glitch?)
--e_HwOcclusionCullingObjects = 1
--; Activates usage of HW occlusion test for ocean | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--e_HwOcclusionCullingWater = 0
--; Activates drawing of Mechs | 1) normal - LOCKED
--e_Mechs =
--; Allow game to activate/deactivate object layers | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_ObjectLayersActivation = 1
--; Allow game to create/free physics of objects | 0) Disable / 1) All / 2) Water only.
--e_ObjectLayersActivationPhysics = 1
--; Render or not all objects
--e_Objects = 0
--; Enable occlusion volumes(antiportals) | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--e_OcclusionVolumes = 0
--; Specifies the maximum size of vegetation objects that are physicalized on-demand | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_OnDemandMaxSize = 1
--; Turns on on-demand vegetation physicalization
--e_OnDemandPhysics = 0
--; Enables physicalized foliage | 1) only for dynamic objects / 2) for static and dynamic / 0) disable ?
--e_PhysFoliage = 0
--; Min size of cell in physical entity grid | 2) normal
--e_PhysMinCellSize = 0
--; Cell size for ocean approximation in physics | 0.5) normal / 0) assumes flat plane ?
--e_PhysOceanCell = 0
--; Maximum allowed triangle count for phys proxies
--e_PhysProxyTriLimit = 100
--; Pre-render objects right after level loading | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) ?
--e_PrecacheLevel = 1
--; Preload all materials for decals | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--e_PreloadDecals = 1
--; Preload level materials from level cache pak and resources list | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--e_PreloadMaterials = 1
--; Enable to Prepare deformable objects at load time instead on demand, prevents peaks but increases memory usage | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) enabled?
--e_PrepareDeformableObjectsAtLoadTime = 1
--; Show procedurally distributed vegetation | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--e_ProcVegetation = 0
--; Maximum number of instances per chunk | 512) normal
--e_ProcVegetationMaxObjectsInChunk = 128
--; Maximum number of 64x64 meter sectors cached in memory | 16) normal
--e_ProcVegetationMaxSectorsInCache = 32
--; If 0 - will skip recursive render calls like render into texture | 1) normal ? / 0) ?
--e_Recursion = 0
--; disable occlusion tests for recursive render calls like render into texture | 0) normal - use
--e_RecursionOcclusionCulling = 1
--; Set all view distances shorter by factor of X | 0.1) normal / 0) ?
--e_RecursionViewDistRatio = 0
--; Set output image file format for hires screen shots. Can be JPG or TGA | tga) normal - save tga / jpg) save jpeg
--e_ScreenShotFileFormat = jpg
--; 1 - occlusion test on render node level, 2 - occlusion test on render mesh level
--e_StatObjBufferRenderTasks = 0
--; Load level CGF's in efficient way | 1) normal
--e_StatObjPreload = 1
--; Set they way pre-tessellated version of meshes is created | 0) no pre-tessellation / 1) normal - load from disk / 2) generate from normal mesh on loading
--e_StatObjTessellationMode = 0
--; Activates sun light source | 0) disabled / 1) normal - enabled - LOCKED
--e_Sun = 1
--; Voxel Terrain, pretty much all 'actual' terrain ... | 0) normal - enabled / 1) disabled - will crash *when* you load mechlab
--e_VoxTer = 0
--; Actuate all terrain meshes and textures available marked as needed for game play | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerActivateAll =
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 1) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerAddBrushes = 0
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 1) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerAsyncPhysicalization = 1
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 1) ? / 2) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerBorderLodPlus = 0
--; no help offered ... | 0) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerHideIntegrated =
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 1) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerInGameTextureStreaming = 0
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? - normal / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerIntegrateBoxes =
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? - normal / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerIntegrateVegetations =
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 5) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerMaxMeshBuildDepth =
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 5) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerMaxMeshBuildDepthLimit =
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 2000) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerMaxMeshesInMem = 4000
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 9) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerMaxMeshLods = 1
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 1) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerMeshSimplify = 0
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 2) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerMeshSize =
--; Store blend info, base color and normals in textures | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerMixMask =
--; no help offered ... | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerOnTheFlyIntegration =
--; no help offered ... | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerOptimizeLods =
--; Use overlay blending mode | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerOverlayBlend =
--; no help offered | 0) ? / 10) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerPaintSleep = 0
--; no help offered | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerPlanarProjection = 1
--; Use X vertex relaxation passes during voxel terrain mesh generation | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerRelaxation = 1
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 1) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerRoadsCheck =
--; no help offered | 0) ? / 4) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerRoadsCullDist =
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 1) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerShadows =
--; no help offered ... | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerShapeCheck =
--; no help offered ... | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerTexBuildOnCPU = 1
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 256) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerTexBuildsPerFrame =
--; Mega-texture format | 22) normal - eTF_DXT1 / 24) eTF_DXT5 / 7) eTF_A4R4G4B4 / 8) eTF_R5G6B5
--e_VoxTerTexFormat = 24
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 1) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerTexRangeScale =
--; no help offered ... | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerTexRebuildEveryFrame =
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 1) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerTexResBumpDownscale = 0
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 256) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerTexResFinal =
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 256) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerTexResInternal =
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 1) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerTexTiling =
--; no help offered ... | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerUpdateTextures =
--; no help offered ... | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerVegetationEx =
--; no help offered ... | 0.5) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerViewDistRatio = 1
--; no help offered ... | 0.5) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerViewDistRatioMeshActivate =
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 1) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerViewDistRatioPrediction =
--; *************************
--; * GAME *
--; *************************
--; Enable/Disable battledust | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--g_battleDust_enable = 0
--; Sets a budget for procedurally breakable objects (in KBs) | 0) normal - auto ?
--g_breakage_mem_limit = 0
--; attached view camera lagging issue in cinematics recording | 1) MWO normal / 0) crytek normal - dropship bounce lol mode
--g_deferredviewsystemupdate = 1
--; GameObjects IsProbablyVisible->TRUE && IsProbablyDistant()->FALSE | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--g_forceFastUpdate = 1
--; Prevents secondary procedural breaks (to keep down memory usage)
--g_no_secondary_breaking = 0
--; Radial blur on explosions. | 1) normal - enabled / 0) to disable
--g_radialBlur = 0
--; show fullscreen info (and which one to show) | 0) normal - ? / ?
--g_show_fullscreen_info = 1
--; Maximum distance from a previously made cut that allows reusing
--g_tree_cut_reuse_dist = 0.35
--; *************************
--; *************************
--; Enables conditional rendering | 0) normal - enabled ? / 1) disabled ?
--r_ConditionalRendering = 1
--; Enables/Disables ambient processing | 0) disabled - goes weird / 1) normal - vis + outdoors / 2) outdoors only - debug
--r_DeferredShadingAmbient = 1
--; Toggles deferred shading combined depth bounds test + stencil test | 1) normal - enabled / 0) disabled ?
--r_DeferredShadingDBTstencil = 0
--; Toggles deferred shading depth bounds test. | 1) normal - enabled / 0) disabled ?
--r_DeferredShadingDepthBoundsTest = 0
--; Toggles deferred environment probes rendering | 1) normal - enabled / 0) this fixes some weird lighting behaviours ...
r_DeferredShadingEnvProbes = 0
--; Toggles experimental height based ambient | 1) normal - enabled / 0) goes weird ...
--r_DeferredShadingHeightBasedAmbient = 0
--; Enables/Disables lights processing | 0) disable most lights / 1) normal - on
--r_DeferredShadingLights = 1
--; Sets screen ratio for deferred lights to use stencil | 0.21) 21% of screen ...
--r_DeferredShadingLightStencilRatio = 0
--; Toggles Light volumes for deferred shading | 0) ? / 1) normal - enabled
--r_DeferredShadingLightVolumes = 0
--; Toggles deferred shading scissor test | 0) ? / 1) normal - enabled
--r_DeferredShadingScissor = 0
--; Sorts light by influence | 0) off / 1) ?
--r_DeferredShadingSortLights = 1
--; Toggles deferred shading stencil pre pass. | 0) ? / 1) normal - enabled
--r_DeferredShadingStencilPrepass = 0
--; How close to the 'camera' to draw things | 0.08) all / 0.1) crytek default
--r_DrawNearZRange =
--; no help offered | 0) ? 1) normal
--r_LightsSinglePass = 0
--; no help offered | 0) ? / 1) ? / 2) normal - ?
--r_OptimisedLightSetup = 0
--; Enables point light shafts | 0) normal - off / 1) on
--r_pointslightshafts = 1
--; Enables per-pixel culling for deferred volumetric fog pass | -0.0005) normal -
--; 0) culling disabled
--; > 0) fixed linear world space culling depth
--; < 0) optimal culling depth will be computed automatically based on camera direction and fog settings
--r_FogDepthTest = 0
--; Enables deferred volumetric fog shadows
--r_FogShadows = 1
--; intended for SLI setups | 0) disabled / 1) extra overhead to allow SLI or Crossfire / 2) normal - auto, nvidia only(?)
r_MultiGPU = 1
--; Sets renderer to ignore hardware gamma correction | 1) normal - disabled / 0) enabled
--r_NoHWGamma = 0
--; Sets maximum view distance (in meters) for deferred rain reflection layer | 50) normal
--r_RainMaxViewDist_Deferred = 50
--; Sets fullscreen scratches post-process effect usage. | 0) force off / 1) force on / 2) on in game mode only / 3) on but independent of sun
--r_Scratches = 2
--; Enable asynchronous shader activation | 0) normal - synchronous shaders activation / 1) insta crash
--r_ShadersAsyncActivation = 0
--; nothing offered ... | 1) normal
--r_ShadersAsyncMaxThreads = 5
--; Toggles post processed soft alpha test for shaders supporting this | 1) normal - enabled / 0) disabled ?
--r_SoftAlphaTest = 0
--; Enables material layers rendering | 2) normal - enabled optimized / 1) debug with no optimiztion / 0) disable ?
--r_UseMaterialLayers = 0
--; Enables motion blur merged with DOF | 1) normal - half res mode / 2) full res mode / 3) quality mode / 0) ?
--r_UseMergedPosts = 2
--; Toggles alpha blended objects | 1) normal - enable alpha blends / 0) disable alpha blending ( bad idea ... )
--r_UseAlphaBlend = 1
--; Toggles Z pass | 1) on - normal / 0) disabled - goes whack / 2) reprojection technique
--r_UseZPass = 2
--; Toggles vertical sync | 0) disabled / 1) enabled / 2) asynchronous swaps ( on X360 )
--r_VSync = 0
--; Toggles under water caustics deferred pass | 0) disabled / 1) enabled / 2) normal - enabled with prepass
--r_WaterCausticsDeferred = 0
--; Toggles Z pass depth sorting. | 0) No depth sorting / 1) Sort by depth layers (default) / 2) Sort by distance
--r_ZPassDepthSorting = 0
--; *********************************
--; *********************************
--; Enable clouds rendering | 1) normal - enabled all settings / 0) disabled ?
--e_Clouds = 0
--; Activates dynamic light sources | 1) normal - enabled - LOCKED
--e_DynamicLights =
--; Convert all lights to deferred (except sun) | 1) normal - enabled - LOCKED
--e_DynamicLightsForceDeferred =
--; Sets maximum amount of dynamic light sources | 512) normal - LOCKED
--e_DynamicLightsMaxCount =
--; Set maximum number of lights affecting object | 0) disable - goes whack / 1) min - weird / 7) low / 11) medium / 16) high
--; changing this value from what the settings are results in light flickering before spawn
--e_DynamicLightsMaxEntityLights = 16
--; Activates drawing of entities and brushes | 1) normal - enabled - LOCKED
--e_Entities = 0
--; Enable/disable global illumination | 0) low - disabled / 1) med + high - enabled
--e_GI = 1
--; Sparse temporal caching for RSM rendering. Measured in framed per generation | 7) normal - enabled / 0) disabled ?
--e_GICache = 0
--; Multiplier for brightness of the global illumination (X times brighter) | 0.6) PGI default / 25) cryengine default
--e_GIAmount =
--; The less number of propagation iterations the shorter the light propagation distance | 10) MWO default / 6) cryengine default / 32) Max
--e_GIIterations =
--; The less the distance the better the quality | 400) PGI Default / 320) PGI min / 50) cryengine default / 150) cryengine recommended max
--e_GIMaxDistance =
--; Sets number of cascades for global illumination | 1) normal - default / 0) disable ?
--e_GINumCascades =
--; Set the default reflective shadow map size | 256) PC normal / 128) consoles / 64) minimum / 512) crashes
--e_GIRSMSize = 64
--; Type of sky used | 1) normal - dynamic / 0) static
--e_SkyType =
--; Percentage of a full dynamic sky update calculated per frame | 0.5) low / 1) med + high / 0) no updates ?
--e_SkyUpdateRate = 1
--; Activate deferred terrain ambient occlusion | 0) low / 1) med + high
--e_TerrainAo = 1
--; Allows in-game terrain surface deformations | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) ?
--e_TerrainDeformations = 1
--; Activates drawing of detail materials on terrain ground | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--e_TerrainDetailMaterials = 0
--; Set heightmap LOD | 3) low / 2) med + high / 1.5) REALLY high / 0) full at maximum distance, big performance penalty
e_TerrainLodRatio = 1
--; Use terrain normal map for base pass if available | 0) low / 1) med + high
--e_TerrainNormalMap = 1
--; Adjust terrain base texture resolution on distance | 5) low / 2) med / 1) high / 0) stupid high ? or disabled ?
e_TerrainTextureLodRatio = 1
--; Specifies number of textures in terrain base texture streaming pool | 64) low+med / 256) high [REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD]
--e_TerrainTextureStreamingPoolItemsNum = 256
--; Allow blend with terrain color for vegetations | 1) normal - enabled / 0) ?
--e_VegetationUseTerrainColor =
--; Activates drawing of ocean. | 1) normal - LOCKED - use fast path with merged fog / 2) use usual rendering path
--e_WaterOcean =
--; Activates drawing bottom of ocean | 1) normal - LOCKED
--e_WaterOceanBottom =
--; Activates fft based ocean | 1) normal - all sys_spec / 0) disables 'oceans'
--e_WaterOceanFFT = 1
--; Set tessellation amount | 1) low / 10) med+high / 0) min
--e_WaterTessellationAmount = 0
--; Set tessellation on X axis | 10) low + med + high / 85) very high / 2) BAIT recommended min
--e_WaterTessellationAmountX = 2
--; Set tessellation on Y axis | 10) low + med + high / 85) very high / 2) BAIT recommended min
--e_WaterTessellationAmountY = 2
--; Set the swath width for the boustrophedonic mesh stripping | 10) normal / 0) min
--e_WaterTessellationSwathWidth = 2
--; Activates drawing of water volumes | 2) normal - LOCKED
--e_WaterVolumes =
--; Toggles light (not laser) beams | 3) normal - optimized with glow / 0) disable / 1) full resolution / 2) fake beams
--r_Beams = 2
--; Distance between slices | 0.5) low + med / 0.05) high
--r_BeamsDistFactor = 0
--; Number of volumetric slices allowed per light beam | 32) low / 64) med / 128) high / 200) very high
--r_BeamsMaxSlices = 1
--; Toggles light beams clip type | 1) normal - software clipping / 0) harware clipping
--r_BeamsSoftClip = 0
--; Toggles updating of clouds each frame | 0) normal - off / 1) on ?
--r_CloudsUpdateAlways = 0
--; Distance used for per-pixel detail layers blending | 4) low / 8) high / 6) crytek default
--r_DetailDistance = 0
--; Toggles detail texture overlays | 1) normal - on / 0) off
--r_DetailTextures = 0
--; Enables selective supersampled antialiasing | 0) off / 1) on - will not disable once flipped
--r_MSAA = 0
--; Enable temporary workaround for resolvesubresources poor performance on AMD
--r_MSAA_amd_resolvessubresource_hack = 0
--; Quality level used when multisampled antialiasing is enabled | different values enable different hardware modes on cards ....
--r_MSAA_quality = 0
--; Number of subsamples used when multisampled antialiasing is enabled | different values enable different hardware modes on cards ....
--r_MSAA_samples = 0
--; Toggles reflections | 0) low - off / 1) med + high - on
--r_Reflections = 0
--; Toggles reflections quality | 3) normal - everything / 2) terrain + particcles + brushes / 1) terrain + particles / 0) terrain only
--r_ReflectionsQuality = 0
--; Enables refraction | 0) low - disabled / 1) med - enabled
--r_refraction = 0
--; Do a partial screen resolve before refraction | 2) normal - enabled / 1) non optimized enable / 0) disable
--r_RefractionPartialResolves = 0
--; Screen space ambient occlusion | 0) low - disabled / 1) med - SSAO + normals / 2) high - SSAO + normals + temporal / 3) Volumentric with jitter / 4) volumetric with jitter and temporal / 5) volumetric with multiple radii
--r_SSAO = 0
--; Controls how much SSAO affects ambient | 1) normal
--r_SSAOAmount = 1.1
--; Margin for brightening in multi-radii SSAO | 1.0) no brigtening / 1.1) some parts up to 10% brigter
--r_SSAOBrighteningMargin = 1.1
--; SSAO contrast coefficient (higher contrast highlights edges) | 1) normal
--r_SSAOContrast = 1
--; Use downscaled computations for SSAO | 1) med - half resolution / 0) high - disabled
--r_SSAODownscale = 1
--; Scale factor for large radius in multi-radii SSAO
--r_SSAOLargeRadiusRatio =
--; SSAO shader quality | 0) low spec / 1) medium spec 2) high spec / 3) highest spec
--r_SSAOQuality = 0
--; Controls size of area tested | 1.5) normal
--r_SSAORadius =
--; Scale factor for small radius in multi-radii SSAO | 0.3) normal
--r_SSAOSmallRadiusRatio =
--; Temporal SSAO update/convergence speed | 0.7) normal
--r_SSAOTemporalConvergence =
--; Glossiness value below which reflections are disabled |
--r_SSReflCutoff =
--; Screen space reflections | 0) normal - minimum / 1) noisy sharp / 2) glossy blurred / 3) alternate blur / 4) specular diffuse
--r_SSReflections = 0
--; Screen Space Directional Occlusion | 0) disabled - low - high / 1) enabled for local lights and sun - very high !DONT USE WITH SSAO!
--r_ssdo = 0
--; Strength of SSDO ambient occlusion | 1) normal
--r_ssdoAmbientAmount =
--; Strength of the directional occlusion | 1.2 - normal
--r_ssdoAmount =
--; SSDO radius | 0.4) normal
--r_ssdoRadius =
--; Max clamped SSDO radius | 0.2 ) normal
--r_ssdoRadiusMax =
--; Min clamped SSDO radiuS | 0.06) normal
--r_ssdoRadiusMin =
--; Toggles under water caustics | 0) low - disabled / 1) med - enabled / 2) ?
--r_WaterCaustics = 0
--; Toggles under water caustics deferred pass | 2) normal - enabled with pre-pass / 1) enabled / 0) disable
--r_WaterCausticsDeferred = 0
--; Enables under water god rays | 1) normal - enabled / 0) disabled ?
r_WaterGodRays = 0
--; Toggles water reflections | 1) normal - water reflects / 0) disabled ?
r_WaterReflections = 0
--; Activates water reflections if visible pixels above a certain threshold | 0.05) normal
--r_WaterReflectionsMinVisiblePixelsUpdate = 0.05
--; Activates water reflections quality setting | 3) normal - everything / 2) terrain + particcles + brushes / 1) terrain + particles / 0) terrain only
r_WaterReflectionsQuality = 0
--; Enables hw water tessellation | 0) normal - low - high - disabled ? / 1) very high - on - enabled ?
--r_WaterTessellationHW = 1
--; no help offered | 1) low + med / 0.2) high
--r_WaterUpdateDistance = 2
--; Distance factor for water reflected texture updating. | 0.1) low / 0.05) med / 0.16) good sync to 60fps
--r_WaterUpdateFactor = 0.16
--; *********************************
--; *********************************
--; Allow a skeleton animation to spawn more than one instance of an effect with the same name on the same instance | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--ca_AllowMultipleEffectsOfSameName = 1
--; ration between size of attachment and distance to camera | 120) low / 160) med / 300) high / 0) ?
--ca_AttachmentCullingRation = 0
--; Joint velocity preservation code mode | 2) normal - animation driven / 1) physics driven / 0) disable
--ca_ApplyJointVelocitiesMode = 1
--; if you set this to 0, there won't be any frequest warnings from the animation system | 3) normal ?!? / 0) disable
--ca_AnimWarningLevel = 0
--; Disable Animation Unloading | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1)
--ca_DisableAnimationUnloading =
--; if this is 0, will not draw the attachments objects | 1) normal / 0) disabled
--ca_DrawAttachments =
--; if this is 0, will not draw the skin attachments objects | 1) all
--ca_DrawFaceAttachments = 0
--; Character LOD ratio | 6) normal / 0) ?
--ca_lod_ratio = 0
--; Enable Precaching of Animation Sets per Character | 0) normal - disable ? / 1) enable
--ca_PrecacheAnimationSets = 0
--; if set to 1, then have no Animation-LOD (debugging feature for animation LOD) | 1) normal
--ca_UseAllJoints = 0
--; enable/disable creation of decals on characters | 1) all - enable / 2) alternate method / 0) disable
--ca_UseDecals = 0
--; Objects alphatest_noise_fading out on distance and between lods | 2) normal - all / 0) disable - things 'pop' in and out of viewable distance / 1) weird broken alpha effect ...
e_Dissolve = 0
--; Affects LOD selection for big objects, small number will switch more objects into lower LOD | 8) normal / 0) ?
--e_LodCompMaxSize = 9
--; Max LOD for objects | 6) normal - LOCKED
--e_LodMax = 2
--; Min LOD for objects | 0) normal
--e_LodMin = 0
--; LODs with less triangles will not be used | 300) normal - LOCKED
--e_LodMinTtris =
--; LOD distance ratio for objects | 5) low / 11) med / 15) high / 20) very high / 40) stupid high
--e_LodRatio = 25
--; Load and use LOD models for static geometry | 1) all / 0) disable
e_Lods = 1
--; Force using LODs even if triangle count do not suit | 1) normal - ? / 0) ?
--e_LodsForceUse = 0
--; Far clipping plane distance | -1) normal - unlimited - LOCKED
--e_MaxViewDistance = 1
--; Values between 0 and 1 - will lerp between high and low spec max view distances | 0.5) low / 1) med / 0) minimum - causes issues
--e_MaxViewDistSpecLerp = 0.5
--; Object detail quality | 1) low / 2) med / 3) high / 4) very high / 0) ?
--e_ObjQuality = 1
--; Skip per object occlusion test for very far objects - culling on tree level will handle it | 1) all / 0) ?
--e_OcclusionCullingViewDistRatio = 0
--; Activates drawing of visareas content | 1) normal - LOCKED
--e_Portals = 0
--; Show procedurally distributed vegetation | 1) all / 0) ?
--e_ProcVegetation = 0
--; Max view distance of terrain XY materials | 2048) all
--e_TerrainDetailMaterialsViewDistXY = 128
--; Max view distance of terrain Z materials | 128) all
--e_TerrainDetailMaterialsViewDistZ = 196
--; heightmap occlusion culling with time coherency | 1) normal - LOCKED / 0) off
--e_TerrainOcclusionCulling =
--; Max length of ray | 130) low / 200) med + high / 0) ?
--e_TerrainOcclusionCullingMaxDist = 200
--; HW geometry tessellation | 0) low - high - not allowed / 1) very high - allowed / 2) ?
--e_Tessellation = 1
--; listed as a debug option @ 1| 0) low + med / 1) high
--e_VegetationBending =
--; Minimal size of static object, smaller objects will be not rendered | 0.5) low / 0) med / 1)
--e_VegetationMinSize =
--; Clamps SpriteDistRatio setting in vegetation properties | 0.6) low / 1) med / 2) stupid high
--e_VegetationSpritesDistanceCustomRatioMin = 2
--; Allows changing distance on what vegetation switch into sprite | 0.5) low / 0.7) med / 1) high / 1.5) very high / 3) stupid high
--e_VegetationSpritesDistanceRatio = 3
--; Min distance on what far objects will be culled out | 10) all
--e_ViewDistMin = 75
--; View distance ratio for objects | 50) low / 75) med / 100) high
--e_ViewDistRatio = 75
--; View distance ratio for special marked objects (Players,AI,Vehicles) | 60) low / 100) med
--e_ViewDistRatioCustom = 75
--; View distance ratio for detail objects | 25) low / 35) med / 100) high
--e_ViewDistRatioDetail = 25
--; View distance ratio for light sources | 25) low / 50) med + high /
--e_ViewDistRatioLights = 50
--; View distance ratio for portals | 60) normal setting
e_ViewDistRatioPortals = 75
--; View distance ratio for vegetation | 40) low / 60) med / 90) high / 100) very high !RESTRICTED TO BE SYS_SPEC VALUES!
--e_ViewDistRatioVegetation = 75
--; no help offered, I think this is like severed limbs fade out time| 0.6) low / 0.8) med / 1) high
--es_DebrisLifetimeScale = 0
--; lower the detail of 'damage glow' | 1) low + med / 0) high / 2) super low definition damage glow
gp_reducedamagemasksize = 0
--; *********************************
--; *********************************
--; Activates drawing of particles | 1) normal - LOCKED
--e_Particles =
--; Blend between animated texture frames | 1) normal - allow / 2) force / 0) disable - messes with particle smoke effects ...
--e_ParticlesAnimBlend = 1
--; Cull particles against the view frustum | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_ParticlesCullAgainstViewFrustum = 1
--; Apply diffuse cubemaps to appropriate particle effects | 1) normal - allow / 2) force / 0) disable
--e_ParticlesDiffCM = 0
--; no help offered
--e_ParticlesEmitterPoolSize = 32768
--; Apply global illumination to appropriate particle effects | 1) normal - allow / 2) force / 0) disable
e_ParticlesGI = 1
--; Allows to have light source attached to every particle | 0) low - off / 1) med+ - deferred lights (DAKKA LIGHTING)
e_ParticlesLights = 0
--; Set particles lights view distance ratio | 256) normal
--e_ParticlesLightsViewDistRatio = 0
--; Multiplier to particle count | 1) normal / 0.5) half 'size'
e_ParticlesLod = 0.75
--; Screen size max per particle (fade out earlier) | 2) normal
--e_ParticlesMaxDrawScreen = 4
--; Screen size max of total particles to draw | 32) low / 64) med / 128) high / 160) very high !RESTRICTED TO BE SYS_SPEC VALUES!
--e_ParticlesMaxScreenFill = 64
--; Alpha cutoff for rendering particles | 0) ?
--e_ParticlesMinDrawAlpha = 0.01
--; Pixel size min per particle (fade out earlier) | 1.5) low / 1) med / 2) ?
--e_ParticlesMinDrawPixels = 3
--; Motion blur for particles | 0) low - high / 1) very high / 2) force
--e_ParticlesMotionBlur = 0
--; Enable particle/object collisions for SimpleCollision: | 2) all - include dynamic / 1) static objects only / 0) disable ?
--e_ParticlesObjectCollisions = 0
--; Particles pool memory size in KB | 0) normal - unlimited
--e_ParticlesPoolSize = 0
--; Enable preloading of all particle effects at the beginning | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--e_ParticlesPreload = 0
--; Particles detail quality | 1) low / 2) med / 3) high / 4) very high / 0) full detail / 5) disables
--e_ParticlesQuality = 1
--; Render particles with soft intersection | 1) normal - allow / 2) force / 0) disable
--e_ParticlesSoftIntersect = 0
--; Shadows on particles | 0) low - high - off / 1) very high - on / 2) force
--e_ParticlesShadows = 0
--; Allows searching for level-specific version of effects files | 0) off - normal / 1) enable - ?
--e_ParticlesUseLevelSpecificLibs = 1
--; Toggles use of geometry shader particles (DX11 only) | 1) normal - disabled / 0) enabled
--r_UseGSParticles = 0
--; Enables glow particles. | 0) disabled ?
--r_UseParticlesGlow = 0
--; Enables rendering of particles of specified blend operation in half resolution. | 1) (low+med) half resolution / 0) off (high) - full resoluton / 2) alpha - occlusion bug
--r_UseParticlesHalfRes = 0
--; Forces all particles of specified blend operation to be rendered in half resolution | 0) normal - off / 1) force on
--r_UseParticlesHalfResForce = 0
--; Global illumination amount for particles without material. | 0.15) normal
--r_UseParticles_GIAmount = 0
--; Threshold of estimated particle coverage needed before half-res rendering enabled | 0) ? / 1) normal
--r_UseParticlesHalfResMinCoverage = 10
--; Enables merging of particles drawcalls. | 0) normal / 1) bugs out hard ...
--r_UseParticlesMerging = 0
--; Enables refractive particles | 0) ? / 1) normal
--r_UseParticlesRefraction = 0
--; Enables soft particles. | 0) low / 1) med + high
--r_UseSoftParticles = 0
--; *********************************
--; *********************************
--; dont mess with physics, nothing good will come of it
--; *****************************************
--; *****************************************
--; Enables color grading | 2) all ? / 1) ? / 0) ?
--r_ColorGrading = 1
--; Enables depth of field | 1) low - enabled / 2) med + high - hdr time of day dof enabled / 3) undocumented experimental mode
r_DepthOfField = 0
--; Sets depth of field bokeh type (only for dof mode 3)
--r_DepthOfFieldBokeh = 1
--; Enables depth of field stencil prepass | 0) normal - disabled / 1) enabled
--r_DepthOfFieldStencilPrepass =
--; HDR rendering eye adaptation base value (smaller values result in brighter adaption) | 0.25) normal - LOCKED
--r_EyeAdaptationBase =
--; HDR rendering eye adaptation factor | 0.5) normal - LOCKED / 0) no adaption / 1) full adaption
--r_EyeAdaptationFactor =
--; HDR rendering eye adaptation local (localise adaption area?) | 0) normal - off / 1) 4x4 / 2) 16x16 / 3) 256x256
--r_EyeAdaptationLocal = 0
--; HDR rendering eye adaptation speed | 16) normal - LOCKED
--r_EyeAdaptationSpeed =
--; Toggles the anamorphic flares effect. | 1) all - enabled / 0) disabled (check for lock)
--r_GlowAnamorphicFlares =
--; Toggles HDR debugging | 0) normal - off / 1) gamma-corrected no HDR / other possible modes really are debug ...
--r_HDRDebug = 1
--; HDR bloom multiplier | 0.7) all / 0) disable HDR blooming / 0.15) 'nice' minimal value
r_HDRBloomMul = 0.15
--; Default is 0 (disabled). Set to 1 to use max blue shift strength | 0) all / 1) max
--r_HDRBlueShift = 0
--; HDR rendering level (bloom multiplier, tweak together with threshold) | 0.85) all / 1.25) crytek default
--r_HDRBrightLevel = 0
--; HDR brightness | 1) all
--r_HDRBrightness = 0
--; HDR rendering bright offset | 5) all / 8) crytek default
--r_HDRBrightOffset = 0
--; HDR rendering bright threshold. | 6) all / 8) crytek default
--r_HDRBrightThreshold = 0
--; Enable/Disable eye adaptation caching overframes | 10) low / 6) med / 2) high / 0) very high (always update) / 4) crytek default
r_HDREyeAdaptionCache = 0
--; Forces updating HDR textures | / 0) normal ?
--r_HDRForceUpdateTextures =
--; HDR camera grain amount | 0) all
--r_HDRGrainAmount = 1
--; HDR rendering range level (color multiplier tweak together with hdr offset) | 3) all / 6) crytek default
--r_HDRLevel = 0
--; HDR rendering range offset (color multiplier tweak together with hdr level) | 10) all (+crytek default)
--r_HDROffset = 0
--; Enable/Disable HDR range adaptation (improve precision - minimize banding) | 0) off? / 1) normal - crytek default
--r_HDRRangeAdapt = 0
--; HDR range adaption speed | 4) normal ?
--r_HDRRangeAdaptationSpeed = 0
--; Set range adaptation max adaptation for light buffers (improve precision - minimize banding) | 0.125) normal / 0.25) crytek default
--r_HDRRangeAdaptLBufferMax = 0
--; Set range adaptation max range adaptation for light buffers (improve precision - minimize banding) | 2) normal
--r_HDRRangeAdaptLBufferMaxRange = 0
--; Set HDR range adaptation max adaptation (improve precision - minimize banding) | 1) normal
--r_HDRRangeAdaptMax = 0
--; Set HDR range adaptation max adaptation (improve precision - minimize banding) | 4) normal
--r_HDRRangeAdaptMaxRange = 0
--; Toggles HDR rendering | 1) all (film curve tone mapping) / 0) disable entire HDR system
--r_HDRRendering = 1
--; HDR saturation | 0.875) normal / 1) crytek default
--r_HDRSaturation = 0
--; HDR s-curve max output | 0.95) normal
--r_HDRSCurveMax = 0
--; HDR s-curve min output | 0) normal
--r_HDRSCurveMin = 0
--; HDR texture format | 0) normal - low precision (faster) / 1) high precision
--r_HDRTexFormat = 1
--; HDR viggneting | 1) normal - enabled / 0) off ?
--r_HDRVignetting = 0
--; Enables per object and camera motion blur | 0) off / 1) on - camera motion blur / 2) camera and object motion blur
--r_MotionBlur = 0
--; Enables motion blur.adaptive sampling setting depending on movement amount | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) disabled ?
--r_MotionBlurAdaptiveSampling = 0
--; Enables motion blur.frame time scaling - visually nicer on lower frame rates | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) enabled ?
--; Sets motion blur max view distance for objects | 16) low / 64) med / 100) high / 0) ?
--r_MotionBlurMaxViewDist =
--; Enables post processing effects parameters smooth blending | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) disable ?
--r_PostProcessParamsBlending = 0
--; Sets post processing effects parameters smooth blending time scale | 12) normal (blend over 12 frames?) /
--r_PostprocessParamsBlendingTimeScale = 6
--; Enables post processing special effects | 1) normal - LOCKED
--r_PostProcessEffects =
--; Enables post processing special effects filters | 1) normal - LOCKED
--r_PostProcessFilters =
--; Enables post processing special effects game fx | 1) normal - LOCKED
--r_PostProcessGameFx =
--; Toggles 3d hud post processing | 1) normal - on / 0) off ?
r_PostProcessHUD3D = 0
--; Enables 3d hud caching overframes | 30) low / 10) med / 2) high / 0) very high
--r_PostProcessHUD3DCache =
--; Enables sun shafts. | 0) low - disabled / 1) med - enabled
--r_sunshafts = 1
--; *********************************
--; *********************************
--; Defines the quality of Renderer | 0) super low / 1) med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_Renderer = 3
--; Defines the shader quality of FX | 0) super low / 1) low + med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_ShaderFX = 3
--; Defines the shader quality of General | 0) super low / 1) low + med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_ShaderGeneral = 3
--; Defines the shader quality of Glass | 0) super low / 1) low + med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_ShaderGlass = 3
--; Defines the shader quality of HDR | 0) super low / 1) low + med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_ShaderHDR = 3
--; Defines the shader quality of Ice | 0) super low / 1) low + med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_ShaderIce = 3
--; Defines the shader quality of Metal | 0) super low / 1) low + med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_ShaderMetal = 3
--; Defines the shader quality of PostProcess | 0) super low / 1) low + med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_ShaderPostProcess = 0
--; Defines the shader quality of Shadow | 0) super low / 1) low + med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_ShaderShadow = 3
--; Defines the shader quality of Sky | 0) super low / 1) low + med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_ShaderSky = 3
--; Defines the shader quality of Terrain | 0) super low / 1) low + med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_ShaderTerrain = 3
--; Defines the shader quality of Vegetation | 0) super low / 1) low + med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_ShaderVegetation = 3
--; Defines the shader quality of Water | 0) super low / 1) low / 2) med + high / 0) minimum ?
--q_ShaderWater = 3
--; *********************************
--; *********************************
--; Cache sun shadows maps over several frames | 0) all - off / 1 ) update the sun / sun shadows, less often, alot less often
e_GsmCache = 0
--; Makes first X GSM lods not cached | 3) normal / 0) ?
--e_GsmCacheLodOffset = 0
--; How fast to update terrain GSM lod | 6) normal / 0) ?
--e_GsmCacheLodOffsetExtended = 6
--; Cast shadows from terrain | 0) normal - disabled / 1) looks cool here and there, but will destroy the shadow system in other places
--e_GsmCastFromTerrain = 0
--; Make last cascade bigger and use less frequent updates | 0 normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_GsmExtendLastLod = 0
--; Includes object shadows into last very big shadow frustum | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) ?
--e_GsmExtendLastLodIncludeObjects = 1
--; Enable Additive Blending on shadows from terrain | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) ?
--e_GsmExtendLastLodUseAdditiveBlending = 1
--; Enable Variance Shadow mapping on shadows from terrain | 0) normal / 1) ?
--e_GsmExtendLastLodUseVariance = 1
--; Number of GSM lods | 0) none ? / 4) all / 5) suggested max / 6) max ?
--e_GsmLodsNum = 6
--; Size of LOD 0 GSM area (in meters) | 3) all / 0) none ?
--e_GsmRange = 6
--; Range of next GSM lod is previous range multiplied by step | 3) normal / 0) none ?
--e_GsmRangeStep = 4
--; gsm_range_step for last gsm lod containing terrain | 8) normal / 0) none ?
--e_GsmRangeStepExtended = 9
--; Size of Scattering LOD GSM in meters | 70) normal / 0) none ?
--e_GsmScatterLodDist = 0
--; 0) normal - world axis aligned GSM layout / 1) Rotate GSM frustums depending on view camera
--e_GsmViewSpace = 1
--; Activates drawing of shadows | 0) low - disabled / 1) med + high enabled
--e_Shadows = 0
--; Shadows slope bias for shadowgen | 2.72) normal / 0) none ?
--e_ShadowsAdaptScale =
--; View dist ratio for shadow maps casting from objects | 0.4) low / 0.3) med / 0.6) high / 0) none ?
--e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatio = 100
--; View dist ratio for shadow maps casting for light sources | 1) normal / 0) none ?
--e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatioLights = 100
--; Extension to character bounds when rendering into GSM shadows | 0) normal - disabled / 1) high detail ?
--e_ShadowsCharacterExtend = 1
--; Cloud shadows (not overly present in MWO levels?) | 1) normal / 0) ?
--e_ShadowsClouds =
--; Shadows slope bias for shadowgen | 1) normal / 0) ?
--e_ShadowsConstBias = 4
--; Shadows slope bias for shadowgen (high quality mode) | 0.05) normal / 0) ?
--e_ShadowsConstBiasHQ = 0.5
--; Simplifies mesh for shadow map generation by X LOD levels | 1) normal / 0) none ?/ 2) ?
--e_ShadowsLodBiasFixed = 0
--; Simplifies mesh for shadow map generation by X LOD levels, if object is not visible in main frame | 0) normal
--e_ShadowsLodBiasInvis = 1
--; Maximum amount of allocated shadow mask textures | 0) normal - disable limit / 1) one texture / 2) two textures (8 channels, 8 lights)
--e_ShadowsMasksLimit = 2
--; Set maximum resolution of shadow map | 1024) all - normal - crytek high / 512) crytek medium / 256) crytek min (fast)
--e_ShadowsMaxTexRes = 512
--; Enable/disable shadow-caster test against the occlusion buffer | 0) normal ? / 1) ?
--e_ShadowsOcclusionCulling = 1
--; Clips the caster extrusion to the zero height. | 0) normal ? / 1) ?
--e_ShadowsOcclusionCullingCaster = 1
--; Enable shadows on alphablended | 0) all - ? / 1) ?
--e_ShadowsOnAlphaBlend = 0
--; Enable/disable shadows on water | 0) all - normal ? / 1) ?
--e_ShadowsOnWater = 1
--; Shadows slope bias for shadowgen | 3.4) all - ?
--e_ShadowsResScale = 10
--; Shadows slope bias for shadowgen | 1) normal - ?
--e_ShadowsSlopeBias = 2
--; Shadows slope bias for shadowgen (for high quality mode) | 0.25) normal - ?
--e_ShadowsSlopeBiasHQ = 1
--; Maximum cascade number to render tessellated shadows (0 = no tessellation for sun shadows) | 0) all
--e_ShadowsTessellateCascades = 5
--; Disable/enable tessellation for local lights shadows | 0) normal
--e_ShadowsTessellateDLights = 0
--; View dist ratio for shadow maps updating for shadowpool | 128) normal
--e_ShadowsUpdateViewDistRatio = 256
--; Self shadow intensity of volume objects | 0) min / 0.4) normal / 1) max
--e_VolObjShadowStrength = 1
--; Enables deferred volumetric fog shadows | 0) med / 1) high + very high
--r_FogShadows = 1
--; Selected shadow map screenspace blurring technique | 1) low / 2) high / 3) very high / 0) no blur
--r_ShadowBlur = 0
--; Select shadow map blurriness if r_ShadowBlur is activated. | 1) normal / 0.1) minimal / 16) maximal
--r_ShadowBluriness =
--; shadowmap generation | 1) normal - enable shadow map updates / 0) disable shadow map updates
--r_ShadowGen = 1
--; Use geometry shader for shadow map generation (DX11 only) !CRASHES! | 0) normal - off / 1) on - crash mode
--r_ShadowGenGS = 1
--; mode selection for shadow generation | 0) normal - use Frustoms Mask / 1) regenerate all sides
--r_ShadowGenMode = 1
--; Activate shadow map jittering | 1) med / 2.5) high
--r_ShadowJittering = 0
--; Process shadow pass | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) disabled ?
--r_ShadowPass = 1
--; Maximum number of frames a shadow can exist in the pool | 30) normal ?
--r_ShadowPoolMaxFrames = 30
--; Max number of time sliced shadow pool updates allowed per frame | 1) normal ?
--r_ShadowPoolMaxTimeslicedUpdatesPerFrame = 1
--; starting kernel size, to avoid blocky shadows | 0.35) normal / 0) 'blocky' / 1) 'blurry'
--r_ShadowsAdaptionMin = 0.35
--; maximum range between caster and reciever to take into account | 0.02) PGI normal / 0.01) crytek default / 1) maximum
--r_ShadowsAdaptionRangeClamp = 0
--; Select shadow map blurriness if r_ShadowsBias is activated | 0.3) normal / 0) none / 10) rapidly changing
--r_ShadowsAdaptionSize = 0.3
--; Select shadow map blurriness if r_ShadowsBias is activated. | 8e-005) normal - ? / 0.1) crytek minimal / 16) crytek maximal / 0) disable ?
--r_ShadowsBias = 0
--; no help offered | 1) normal - use light volumes / 0) quad light bounds
--r_ShadowsDeferredMode = 0
--; use NV Depth Bound extension | 0) normal - disable / 1) use NV Depth Bound extension - make shadows 'cheaper' ( possibly only for nvidia cards )
r_ShadowsDepthBoundNV = 1
--; use Forward prepare depth maps pass | 1) normal - use Forward prepare depth maps pass / 0) disable ?
--r_ShadowsForwardPass = 1
--; Selects algorithm to use for shadow mask generation | 1) normal - enable shadow snapping / 0) disable shadow snapping
--r_ShadowsGridAligned = 0
--; Saves video memory by using lower resolution for shadow masks except first one | 0) per pixel shadow mask / 1) half resolution shadow mask
--r_ShadowsMaskDownScale = 0
--; reduce shadow detail | 0) normal - per pixel shadow mask / 1) horizontal half resolution shadow mask / 2) horizontal and vertical half resolution shadow mask
--r_ShadowsMaskResolution = 0
--; Amount of animated jittering for particles shadows. | 1) normal ?
--r_ShadowsParticleAnimJitterAmount = 0
--; Amount of jittering for particles shadows | 0.5) normal
--r_ShadowsParticleJitterAmount = 0
--; Blur kernel size for particles shadows | 1) normal - blur / 0) hard edge
--r_ShadowsParticleKernelSize = 0
--; Shadow taps on particles affected by normal and intensity (breaks lines and uniformity of shadows) | 1) normal
--r_ShadowsParticleNormalEffect = 1
--; Use Stencil pre-pass for shadows | 1) normal - enable / 0) disable ?
--r_ShadowsStencilPrePass =
--; no help offered ... | 1) all - enable / 0) disable
--r_ShadowsUseClipVolume = 0
--; shadow texture format | 0) R16G16 / 1) R16 / 2) R32F / 3) ATI DF24 / 4) NV D24S8 / 5) NV D16
--r_ShadowTexFormat = 0
--; no help offered ...| 1) normal ? - enable / 0) disable ?
--r_UseShadowsPool = 0
--; Activate shadow map blur. | 1) normal / 0) disable ?
--r_VarianceShadowMapBlurAmount = 1
--; *********************************
--; *********************************
--; Sets maximum number of ADPCM Decoder | 32) normal
--s_ADPCMDecoders = 64
--; Controls whether to allow sound load requests that are not cached in the AFCM or not | 1) normal - enabled / 0) disable
--s_AllowNotCachedAccess = 0
--; Internal minimum file block alignment in bytes | 8192) normal / -1) 2048 bytes, FMOD default
--s_BlockAlignSize = -1
--; Sets the threshold where we check priority if we are using more then % of sound channels | 0.9) normal
--s_ChannelThreshold = 1
--; Toggles disk access on reading files | 1) normal - indirect file access via StreamingSystem with wait / 0) direct file access via CryPak
--s_FileAccess = 0
--; Sets the size in KiB the AFCM will allocate from the heap | 163840 ) normal
--s_FileCacheManagerSize = 327680
--; Sets max of open file handles | 30) normal
--s_FileOpenHandleMax = 64
--; Toggles internal resampling method | 0) none / 1) linear - normal / 2) cubic / 3) spline
--s_FormatResampler = 2
--; Sets the output sample rate | 48000) 48 khz / 44100) 44.1 khz
--s_FormatSampleRate = 44100
--; Sets the format data type | 1) PCM 8bit / 2) normal - PCM 16bit / 3) PCM 24bit / 4) PCM 32bit / 5) PCM 32bit float
--s_FormatType = 3
--; Enable and disable HDR sound | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) enable
--s_HDR = 1
--; Toggles extra lowpass filter for enhanced HRTF | 0) normal - enabled / 1) disabled ?
--s_HRTF_DSP = 1
--; Sets the number of sound hardware channels to use | 0) normal - disabled ?
--s_HWChannels = 128
--; Sets the maximum number of active sounds | 64) low / 128) high
--s_MaxActiveSounds = 128
--; Sets the maximum number of sound channels | 64) low / 128) high
--s_MaxChannels = 128
--; Sets the size in MB of the primary sound memory pool | 60) normal
--s_MemoryPoolSoundPrimary = 128
--; Sets the size in MB of the sound system memory pool | 0) normal - auto, 2.5 MB!?!
--s_MemoryPoolSystem = 64
--; Sets maximum number of MPEG Decoder | 32) normal
--s_MPEGDecoders = 64
--; enable/disable music | 0) normal - enable ? / 1) disable ?
--s_MusicEnable = 1
--; Defines the way music is loaded and handled | 0) auto - defined by pattern / 1) stream from disk / 2) enforce preloading
--s_MusicStreaming = 2
--; Allows for overriding the application's master volume when the window lost focus. | 0) normal - silence on alt tab / 1) full volume, even when task swapped
s_NoFocusVolume = 1
--; Controls rejection of sounds lower(higher) than this priority if 80% of voices are used. | 45) normal / 0) disable
--s_PriorityThreshold = 0
--; Toggles unloading of sound data by the AssetManager | 1) normal - enable ? / 0) disable unloading ?
--s_UnloadData = 0
--; Sets limiter to control sound variation | 1) all - normal / 0) ?
--s_VariationLimiter = 0
--; *********************************
--; *********************************
--; no help offered | 16) low / 24) med / 32) high
--r_DynTexAtlasCloudsMaxSize = 64
--; no help offered | 16) low + med / 32) high / 0) ?
--r_DynTexAtlasSpritesMaxSize = 64
--; no help offered | 50) low / 60) med / 80) high / 0) ?
--r_DynTexMaxSize = 128
--; Sets resolution for target environment cubemap, in pixels | 0) low / 1) med / 2) high
--r_EnvCMResolution = 2
--; Sets the interval between environmental cube map texture updates (ms) | 0.04) normal
--r_EnvCMupdateInterval = 0.016
--; Sets resolution for 2d target environment texture, in pixels | 0) 64px / 1) low - 128px / 2) med / 3) high - 512px
--r_EnvTexResolution = 3
--; Sets the interval between environmental 2d texture updates | 1) low / 0.5) med / 0.1) high / 0.001) crytek default
--r_EnvTexUpdateInterval = 0.016
--; llows to scale the texture resolution of imposters (clouds) | 2) low - quarter detail / 1.5) med / 1) high - full detail
--r_ImposterRatio = 1
--; Toggles imposters drawing ( clouds ) | 1) normal - enable / 0) disable
--r_ImpostersDraw = 0
--; base texture resolution | 512) low / 2048) med / high
r_TexAtlasSize = 2048
--; reduce texture resolution | 2) low - quarter / 1) med - half / 0) high - none
r_TexBumpResolution = 0
--; Specifies the maximum level allowed for anisotropic texture filtering | 8) normal
--r_TexMaxAnisotropy =
--; Specifies the minimum level allowed for anisotropic texture filtering. | 8) all ? / 0) abide by the filtering setting in each material
--r_TexMinAnisotropy =
--; no help offered ... | 0) normal - unlimited ?
--r_TexMaxSize =
--; no help offered ... | 64) normal
--r_TexMinSize =
--; Disables loading of textures | 0) normal - textures load / 1) texture glitch mode
--r_TexNoLoad =
--; no help offered | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) postpone high detail textures ?
--r_TexPostponeLoading = 1
--; no help offered || 0) normal - disabled
--r_TexPreallocateAtlases =
--; Reduces texture resolution | 2) low - quarter / 1) med - half / 0) high - none
r_TexResolution = 0
--; no help offered / Reduces texture resolution | 1) low - / 0) med - none / 2) super low ?
--r_TexSkyResolution = 0
--; Specifies the default level for anisotropic texture filtering
--r_Texture_Anisotropic_Level = 1
--; Defines which texture compressor is used (fallback is DirectX) | 1) normal - squish / 0) nvDXT
--r_TextureCompressor = 0
--; Controls dynamic LOD system for textures used in materials. | -1) normal - completely off / 0) full LOD / 1) ?
--r_TextureLodDistanceRatio = 1
--; Enables textures uploading to video memory after level loading | 1) normal - enabled / 0) disabled
--r_TexturesWarmup = 1
--; No help offered ... | 64) normal
--r_VegetationSpritesTexRes = 32
--; * SYSTEM *
--; *****************
--; 0) normal - all cores / PROPER *DECIMAL* INPUT AFFINITY CONTROL
--sys_affinity = 56
--; Sets the upper limit for frame time (in ms) when monitoring budget | 33) normal ( 30 fps )
--sys_budget_frametime = 16
--; sets the upper limit for number of draw calls per frame. | 3000) normal
--sys_budget_numdrawcalls = 2000
--; 1) normal - enable optimization / 0) disable optimization
--sys_deferAudioUpdateOptim = 0
--; Enables budget monitoring. | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) ?
--sys_enable_budgetmonitoring = 1
--; Speedup files loading from DVD | 0) normal - off - ALL OPTIONS LOCKED
--sys_FileReadSequencer =
--; Controls curve tessellation. Larger values result in coarser, more angular curves | 1) normal
--sys_flash_curve_tess_error = 1
--; Enables/disables edge anti-aliased rendering of flash files | 1) normal
--sys_flash_edgeaa = 0
--; Clears stencil buffer alternate mode | 0) normal - clear command / 1) draw rect
--sys_flash_newstencilclear = 1
--; Specifies the size (in kb) of the static memory pool for flash objects / 0) normal - use dynamic pool / +) set limit - CRASHES?
--sys_flash_static_pool_size = 16384
--; Enables creation of temporary instances through designated memory arena | 1) normal
--sys_flash_use_temp_arena = 1
--; Sets verbosity level for CryEngine related warnings | 1) normal - log warning / 2) log warning and display message / 0) omit warning
--sys_flash_warning_level = 0
--; Enable the JobSystem | 1) enabled, each job is invoked in one of the worker threads / 0) disabled, each job is executed in its invoking thread.
sys_job_system_enable = 0
--; Sets the number of threads to use for the job system | 8) normal - PC / 4) console / 0) as many threads as available cores
--sys_job_system_max_worker = 0
--; Limits p_num_threads to physical CPU count | 1) normal - limit? / 0) dont limit ?
--sys_limit_phys_thread_count = 0
--; Limits the frame rate to specified number | 0) normal / wouldnt call this overly reliable ...
--sys_MaxFPS = -1
--; Preload Game Resources | 0) normal ? / 1) ?
--sys_preload = 1
--; Set the statobj geometry memory limit to check streaming (Mb/sec)
--sys_LocalMemoryGeometryLimit = 40
--; Stat object geometry streaming speed limit (approx, Mb/sec)
--sys_LocalMemoryGeometryStreamingSpeedLimit = 40
--; it will log the numeric values
--sys_LocalMemoryLogText = 1
--; Optimal calculation time (MSec) per secundum
--sys_LocalMemoryOptimalMSecPerSec = 100
--; Set the texture memory limit to check streaming (Mb/sec)
--sys_LocalMemoryTextureLimit = 40
--; Texture streaming speed limit (approx, Mb/sec)
--sys_LocalMemoryTextureStreamingSpeedLimit = 40
--; Specifies the maximum physics step in a separate thread
--sys_max_step = 0.016
--; Specifies the minimum physics step in a separate thread
--sys_min_step = 0.01
--; Reduce frame rate if window is not in focus | 0) use full resources (STREAMERS!) / 1) normal - reduce usage when alt-tabbed
sys_SleepIfInactive = 0
--; Enables capping of max streaming bandwidth in MB/s
--sys_streaming_max_bandwidth = 40
--; Maximum stream finalizing calls per frame to reduce the CPU impact on main thread | 0) normal - disable limit
--sys_streaming_max_finalize_per_frame = 256
--; *************************
--; *************************
--r_Width = 7680
--r_Height = 4320
--r_Width = 720
--r_Height = 576
--; *************************
--; * NETWORK *
--; *************************
--; Packet rate on client | this will jump fairly wildly sometimes, maybe a stable rate is better for some
cl_packetRate = 60
--; Whether or not mech on mech collisions should boost correction priority. This improves fidelity at the cost of bandwidth.
--gp_mech_movement_collision_boost_priority = 0
--; Allow net syncing/binding of breakage entities | could be bad form ?
--net_breakage_sync_entities = 1
--; Balances TCP friendlyness versus prioritization of game traffic
--net_bw_aggressiveness = 0.5
--; Display bandwidth statistics per-channel
net_channelstats = 0
--; Max bytes to send across the network across all blocks per second
--net_max_block_bytes_per_second = 0
--; Max block size in bytes
--net_max_block_size_bytes = 1024
--; Sets the maximum packet size we will attempt to send (not including UDP/other headers)
--net_maxpacketsize = 1000
--; Min block size in bytes
--net_min_block_size_bytes = 0
--; Minimum bitrate allowed for TCP friendly transmission
--net_minTCPFriendlyBitRate = 30000
--; When set to 1, this will try to minimize the number of packets sent on a channel.
net_new_queue_behaviour = 0
--; Controls the length of time between ping packets. | could be considered bad form
--net_ping_time = 5
--; *********************************
--; *********************************
--; Time in ms to wait between each mouse move hardware event |
gfx_inputevents_mouse_move_threshold = 0.002
--; How many frames till we update the AMS
gp_hud_ams_update = 1
--; How many frames till we update the compass marker
gp_hud_compass_update = 1
--; How many frames till we update the ECM.
gp_hud_ecm_update = 1
--; How many frames till we update the engine.
gp_hud_engine_update = 1
--; How many frames till we update the heading.
gp_hud_heading_update = 1
--; How many frames till we update the heat.
gp_hud_heat_update = 1
--; How many frames till we update the stealth armour.
gp_hud_stealth_armour_update = 1
--; How many targets to update per frame
gp_hud_targetinfo_update = 1
--; How many text warnings to update per frame
gp_hud_textwarning_update = 1
--; How many frames till we update the throttle.
gp_hud_throttle_update = 1
--; How many frames till we update the weapons.
gp_hud_weapon_update = 1
--; Allow autotarget to be explicitly disabled | 0) normal, autotarget under reticle / 1) disable autotarget
gp_mech_disable_autotarget = 1
--; Toggle local ping (f9) | 0) normal - disabled / 1) enabled
gp_mech_ping = 1
--; Toggle local show fps (f9) | 0) normal - disabled / 1) enabled
gp_mech_showfps = 1
--; Toggle local position (f9) | 0) normal - disabled / 1) enabled
gp_mech_showpos = 1
--; *********************************
--; *********************************
--; Enables MaterialEffects. | 1) LOCKED
--mfx_Enable =
--; Enable attached effects (characters, entities...) | 1) LOCKED
--mfx_EnableAttachedEffects =
--; Enabled Flowgraph based Material effects. | 1) LOCKED
--mfx_EnableFGEffects =
--; min distance, in meters, before two effects are to be considered positionally overlapping (for suppression purposes)
--mfx_overlap_dist = 5
--; min time, in seconds, before two effects are to be considered temporally overlapping (for suppression purposes) | 0.05) normal
--mfx_overlap_time = 0
--; Impact threshold for particle effects. Default: 2.0
--mfx_ParticleImpactThresh = 0
--; Max dist (how far away before scale is clamped) | 35) normal
--mfx_pfx_maxDist = 1
--; Max scale (when particle is far) | 1.5) normal
--mfx_pfx_maxScale = 0
--; Min scale (when particle is close) | 0.5) normal
--mfx_pfx_minScale = 0
--; Impact threshold for sound effects if we're rolling. | 3.5) normal
--mfx_RaisedSoundImpactThresh = 0
--; Serialize Flowgraph based effects | 1) normal - LOCKED
--mfx_SerializeFGEffects =
--; Impact threshold for sound effects. | 1.5) normal
--mfx_SoundImpactThresh = 0
--; Timeout (in seconds) to avoid playing effects too often | 0.01) normal
--mfx_Timeout = 60
--; *************************
--; * DECALS *
--; *************************
--; Activates drawing of decals (game decals and hand-placed) | 1) normal - enabled / 0) disabled ?
--e_Decals = 0
--; Allows creation of decals by game (like weapon bullets marks) | 1) all / 0) disable ?
--e_DecalsAllowGameDecals = 0
--; Clip decal geometry by decal bbox | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--e_DecalsClip = 0
--; decals deferred | 1) normal - make all game play decals deferred / 2) make all game play decals non deferred
--e_DecalsDefferedDynamic =
--; switch all non-planar decals placed by level designer to deferred | 1) enabled / 0) ?
--e_DecalsDefferedStatic = 0
--; force to convert all decals to use deferred ones | 1) normal - force / 0) disable ?
--e_DecalsForceDeferred = 0
--; Use smart hit caching for bullet hits (may cause no decals in some cases) | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--e_DecalsHitCache = 0
--; Allows to increase or reduce decals life time for different specs | 1) low / 2) med / 4) stupid high
--e_DecalsLifeTimeScale = 0
--; Do not create decals on objects having more than X triangles | 8000) normal / 0) ?
--e_DecalsMaxTrisInObject = 0
--; Maximum number of static decal render mesh updates per frame | 4) normal / 0) ?
--e_DecalsMaxUpdatesPerFrame = 0
--; Number of frames after which not visible static decals are removed | 600) normal
--e_DecalsMaxValidFrames = 0
--; Combine pieces of decals into one render call | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) ?
--e_DecalsMerge = 1
--; If not zero - new decals will force old decals to fade in X seconds | 4) normal
--e_DecalsNeighborMaxLifeTime = 0
--; If zero - new decals will not be spawned if the distance to nearest decals less than X | 1) all / 0) ?
--e_DecalsOverlapping = 0
--; Pre-create decals at load time | 1) normal - ? / 0) ?
--e_DecalsPreCreate = 0
--; Less precision for decals outside this range | 20) normal / 0) ?
--e_DecalsRange = 0
--; Enable decal rendering optimization by using scissor | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0)
--e_DecalsScissor = 0
--; Toggles deferred decals | 1) general pass darken / 2) light buffer darken / 3) alpha blended / 0) Disable
r_DeferredDecals = 0
--; *************************
--; * ENGINE *
--; *************************
-- pool size for temporary allocations in kb, ( must be set before game launch )
--e_3dEngineTempPoolSize = 32768
--; Force auto pre-cache of CGF render meshes | 1) LOCKED - pre-cache all mehes around camera / 2) pre-cache only important ones (twice faster)
--e_AutoPrecacheCgf = 0
--; Maximum number of parallel streaming tasks during pre-caching | 8) normal ?
--e_AutoPrecacheCgfMaxTasks = 6
--; Force auto pre-cache of terrain textures and procedural vegetation | 0) LOCKED - disabled ? / 1) enabled ?
--e_AutoPrecacheTerrainAndProcVeget = 1
--; Force auto pre-cache of general textures and shaders | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) enabled ?
--e_AutoPrecacheTexturesAndShaders = 1
--; Activates drawing of bounding boxes | 0) LOCKED
--e_BBoxes = 1
--; Min LOD for character objects | 0) normal / ?
--e_CharLodMin = 0
--; Check for crazy sized COctreeNode m_objectsBoxes | 0) do nothing / 1) normal- CryWarning / 2) CryWarning and __debugbreak()
--e_CheckOctreeObjectsBoxSize = 0
--; Activates usage of software coverage buffer. | 1) camera culling only / 2) camera culling and light to object check / 0) disable ?
--e_CoverageBuffer = 0
--; expanding the AABB's of the objects to test to avoid z-fighting issues in the Coverage buffer | 0.007) normal - ?
--e_CoverageBufferAABBExpand = 0.01
--; Checking of OBB boxes instead of AABB or bounding rects
--e_CoverageBufferAccurateOBBTest = 1
--; Coverage buffer z-biasing | 0.05) normal
--e_CoverageBufferBias = 0.05
--; Use re-projection technique on CBuffer / 2) normal - ?
--e_CoverageBufferReproj = 2
--; Max time for unlimited AddRenderMesh / 2) normal - ?
--e_CoverageBufferMaxAddRenderMeshTime = 0
--; Resolution of software coverage buffer | 64) normal - ? / 128) ?
--e_CoverageBufferResolution = 384
--; Activates usage of coverage buffer for terrain | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_CoverageBufferTerrain = 1
--; Controls tessellation of terrain mesh | 2) normal / 0) disable ?
--e_CoverageBufferTerrainLodShift = 1
--; which version of the coverage buffer| 1) Vladimir's / 2) MichaelK's
--e_CoverageBufferVersion = 2
--; Vegetation activation distance limit | 50) normal - ? / 0) disables visibility-based culling (= unconditional activation)
--e_CullVegActivation = 0
--; use gray illumination as default | 0) LOCKED
--e_DefaultMaterial =
--; Enable to Perform some physics events deferred as a task/spu job | 0) normal - LOCKED ?
--e_DeferredPhysicsEvents =
--; Enable / Disable morph based deformable objects | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--e_DeformableObjects = 0
--; Activates dynamic light sources | 1) LOCKED
--e_DynamicLights =
--; debug option, no help given | 1) normal
--e_DynamicLightsConsistentSortOrder = 0
--; Convert all lights to deferred (except sun) | 1) LOCKED - enabled ?
--e_DynamicLightsForceDeferred =
--; Activates global height/distance based fog | 1) LOCKED - enabled ?
--e_Fog =
--; Activates local height/distance based fog volumes | 1) LOCKED - enabled ?
--e_FogVolumes =
--; Activates usage of HW occlusion test for objects | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) enabled ? ( causes glitch?)
--e_HwOcclusionCullingObjects = 1
--; Activates usage of HW occlusion test for ocean | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--e_HwOcclusionCullingWater = 0
--; Activates drawing of Mechs | 1) normal - LOCKED
--e_Mechs =
--; Allow game to activate/deactivate object layers | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_ObjectLayersActivation = 1
--; Allow game to create/free physics of objects | 0) Disable / 1) All / 2) Water only.
--e_ObjectLayersActivationPhysics = 1
--; Render or not all objects
--e_Objects = 0
--; Enable occlusion volumes(antiportals) | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--e_OcclusionVolumes = 0
--; Specifies the maximum size of vegetation objects that are physicalized on-demand | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_OnDemandMaxSize = 1
--; Turns on on-demand vegetation physicalization
--e_OnDemandPhysics = 0
--; Enables physicalized foliage | 1) only for dynamic objects / 2) for static and dynamic / 0) disable ?
--e_PhysFoliage = 0
--; Min size of cell in physical entity grid | 2) normal
--e_PhysMinCellSize = 0
--; Cell size for ocean approximation in physics | 0.5) normal / 0) assumes flat plane ?
--e_PhysOceanCell = 0
--; Maximum allowed triangle count for phys proxies
--e_PhysProxyTriLimit = 100
--; Pre-render objects right after level loading | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) ?
--e_PrecacheLevel = 1
--; Preload all materials for decals | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--e_PreloadDecals = 1
--; Preload level materials from level cache pak and resources list | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--e_PreloadMaterials = 1
--; Enable to Prepare deformable objects at load time instead on demand, prevents peaks but increases memory usage | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) enabled?
--e_PrepareDeformableObjectsAtLoadTime = 1
--; Show procedurally distributed vegetation | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--e_ProcVegetation = 0
--; Maximum number of instances per chunk | 512) normal
--e_ProcVegetationMaxObjectsInChunk = 128
--; Maximum number of 64x64 meter sectors cached in memory | 16) normal
--e_ProcVegetationMaxSectorsInCache = 32
--; If 0 - will skip recursive render calls like render into texture | 1) normal ? / 0) ?
--e_Recursion = 0
--; disable occlusion tests for recursive render calls like render into texture | 0) normal - use
--e_RecursionOcclusionCulling = 1
--; Set all view distances shorter by factor of X | 0.1) normal / 0) ?
--e_RecursionViewDistRatio = 0
--; Set output image file format for hires screen shots. Can be JPG or TGA | tga) normal - save tga / jpg) save jpeg
--e_ScreenShotFileFormat = jpg
--; 1 - occlusion test on render node level, 2 - occlusion test on render mesh level
--e_StatObjBufferRenderTasks = 0
--; Load level CGF's in efficient way | 1) normal
--e_StatObjPreload = 1
--; Set they way pre-tessellated version of meshes is created | 0) no pre-tessellation / 1) normal - load from disk / 2) generate from normal mesh on loading
--e_StatObjTessellationMode = 0
--; Activates sun light source | 0) disabled / 1) normal - enabled - LOCKED
--e_Sun = 1
--; Voxel Terrain, pretty much all 'actual' terrain ... | 0) normal - enabled / 1) disabled - will crash *when* you load mechlab
--e_VoxTer = 0
--; Actuate all terrain meshes and textures available marked as needed for game play | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerActivateAll =
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 1) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerAddBrushes = 0
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 1) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerAsyncPhysicalization = 1
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 1) ? / 2) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerBorderLodPlus = 0
--; no help offered ... | 0) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerHideIntegrated =
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 1) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerInGameTextureStreaming = 0
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? - normal / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerIntegrateBoxes =
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? - normal / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerIntegrateVegetations =
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 5) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerMaxMeshBuildDepth =
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 5) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerMaxMeshBuildDepthLimit =
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 2000) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerMaxMeshesInMem = 4000
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 9) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerMaxMeshLods = 1
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 1) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerMeshSimplify = 0
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 2) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerMeshSize =
--; Store blend info, base color and normals in textures | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerMixMask =
--; no help offered ... | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerOnTheFlyIntegration =
--; no help offered ... | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerOptimizeLods =
--; Use overlay blending mode | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerOverlayBlend =
--; no help offered | 0) ? / 10) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerPaintSleep = 0
--; no help offered | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerPlanarProjection = 1
--; Use X vertex relaxation passes during voxel terrain mesh generation | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerRelaxation = 1
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 1) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerRoadsCheck =
--; no help offered | 0) ? / 4) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerRoadsCullDist =
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 1) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerShadows =
--; no help offered ... | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerShapeCheck =
--; no help offered ... | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerTexBuildOnCPU = 1
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 256) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerTexBuildsPerFrame =
--; Mega-texture format | 22) normal - eTF_DXT1 / 24) eTF_DXT5 / 7) eTF_A4R4G4B4 / 8) eTF_R5G6B5
--e_VoxTerTexFormat = 24
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 1) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerTexRangeScale =
--; no help offered ... | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerTexRebuildEveryFrame =
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 1) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerTexResBumpDownscale = 0
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 256) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerTexResFinal =
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 256) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerTexResInternal =
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 1) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerTexTiling =
--; no help offered ... | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerUpdateTextures =
--; no help offered ... | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerVegetationEx =
--; no help offered ... | 0.5) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerViewDistRatio = 1
--; no help offered ... | 0.5) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_VoxTerViewDistRatioMeshActivate =
--; no help offered ... | 0) ? / 1) normal - ?
--e_VoxTerViewDistRatioPrediction =
--; *************************
--; * GAME *
--; *************************
--; Enable/Disable battledust | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--g_battleDust_enable = 0
--; Sets a budget for procedurally breakable objects (in KBs) | 0) normal - auto ?
--g_breakage_mem_limit = 0
--; attached view camera lagging issue in cinematics recording | 1) MWO normal / 0) crytek normal - dropship bounce lol mode
--g_deferredviewsystemupdate = 1
--; GameObjects IsProbablyVisible->TRUE && IsProbablyDistant()->FALSE | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--g_forceFastUpdate = 1
--; Prevents secondary procedural breaks (to keep down memory usage)
--g_no_secondary_breaking = 0
--; Radial blur on explosions. | 1) normal - enabled / 0) to disable
--g_radialBlur = 0
--; show fullscreen info (and which one to show) | 0) normal - ? / ?
--g_show_fullscreen_info = 1
--; Maximum distance from a previously made cut that allows reusing
--g_tree_cut_reuse_dist = 0.35
--; *************************
--; *************************
--; Enables conditional rendering | 0) normal - enabled ? / 1) disabled ?
--r_ConditionalRendering = 1
--; Enables/Disables ambient processing | 0) disabled - goes weird / 1) normal - vis + outdoors / 2) outdoors only - debug
--r_DeferredShadingAmbient = 1
--; Toggles deferred shading combined depth bounds test + stencil test | 1) normal - enabled / 0) disabled ?
--r_DeferredShadingDBTstencil = 0
--; Toggles deferred shading depth bounds test. | 1) normal - enabled / 0) disabled ?
--r_DeferredShadingDepthBoundsTest = 0
--; Toggles deferred environment probes rendering | 1) normal - enabled / 0) this fixes some weird lighting behaviours ...
r_DeferredShadingEnvProbes = 0
--; Toggles experimental height based ambient | 1) normal - enabled / 0) goes weird ...
--r_DeferredShadingHeightBasedAmbient = 0
--; Enables/Disables lights processing | 0) disable most lights / 1) normal - on
--r_DeferredShadingLights = 1
--; Sets screen ratio for deferred lights to use stencil | 0.21) 21% of screen ...
--r_DeferredShadingLightStencilRatio = 0
--; Toggles Light volumes for deferred shading | 0) ? / 1) normal - enabled
--r_DeferredShadingLightVolumes = 0
--; Toggles deferred shading scissor test | 0) ? / 1) normal - enabled
--r_DeferredShadingScissor = 0
--; Sorts light by influence | 0) off / 1) ?
--r_DeferredShadingSortLights = 1
--; Toggles deferred shading stencil pre pass. | 0) ? / 1) normal - enabled
--r_DeferredShadingStencilPrepass = 0
--; How close to the 'camera' to draw things | 0.08) all / 0.1) crytek default
--r_DrawNearZRange =
--; no help offered | 0) ? 1) normal
--r_LightsSinglePass = 0
--; no help offered | 0) ? / 1) ? / 2) normal - ?
--r_OptimisedLightSetup = 0
--; Enables point light shafts | 0) normal - off / 1) on
--r_pointslightshafts = 1
--; Enables per-pixel culling for deferred volumetric fog pass | -0.0005) normal -
--; 0) culling disabled
--; > 0) fixed linear world space culling depth
--; < 0) optimal culling depth will be computed automatically based on camera direction and fog settings
--r_FogDepthTest = 0
--; Enables deferred volumetric fog shadows
--r_FogShadows = 1
--; intended for SLI setups | 0) disabled / 1) extra overhead to allow SLI or Crossfire / 2) normal - auto, nvidia only(?)
r_MultiGPU = 1
--; Sets renderer to ignore hardware gamma correction | 1) normal - disabled / 0) enabled
--r_NoHWGamma = 0
--; Sets maximum view distance (in meters) for deferred rain reflection layer | 50) normal
--r_RainMaxViewDist_Deferred = 50
--; Sets fullscreen scratches post-process effect usage. | 0) force off / 1) force on / 2) on in game mode only / 3) on but independent of sun
--r_Scratches = 2
--; Enable asynchronous shader activation | 0) normal - synchronous shaders activation / 1) insta crash
--r_ShadersAsyncActivation = 0
--; nothing offered ... | 1) normal
--r_ShadersAsyncMaxThreads = 5
--; Toggles post processed soft alpha test for shaders supporting this | 1) normal - enabled / 0) disabled ?
--r_SoftAlphaTest = 0
--; Enables material layers rendering | 2) normal - enabled optimized / 1) debug with no optimiztion / 0) disable ?
--r_UseMaterialLayers = 0
--; Enables motion blur merged with DOF | 1) normal - half res mode / 2) full res mode / 3) quality mode / 0) ?
--r_UseMergedPosts = 2
--; Toggles alpha blended objects | 1) normal - enable alpha blends / 0) disable alpha blending ( bad idea ... )
--r_UseAlphaBlend = 1
--; Toggles Z pass | 1) on - normal / 0) disabled - goes whack / 2) reprojection technique
--r_UseZPass = 2
--; Toggles vertical sync | 0) disabled / 1) enabled / 2) asynchronous swaps ( on X360 )
--r_VSync = 0
--; Toggles under water caustics deferred pass | 0) disabled / 1) enabled / 2) normal - enabled with prepass
--r_WaterCausticsDeferred = 0
--; Toggles Z pass depth sorting. | 0) No depth sorting / 1) Sort by depth layers (default) / 2) Sort by distance
--r_ZPassDepthSorting = 0
--; *********************************
--; *********************************
--; Enable clouds rendering | 1) normal - enabled all settings / 0) disabled ?
--e_Clouds = 0
--; Activates dynamic light sources | 1) normal - enabled - LOCKED
--e_DynamicLights =
--; Convert all lights to deferred (except sun) | 1) normal - enabled - LOCKED
--e_DynamicLightsForceDeferred =
--; Sets maximum amount of dynamic light sources | 512) normal - LOCKED
--e_DynamicLightsMaxCount =
--; Set maximum number of lights affecting object | 0) disable - goes whack / 1) min - weird / 7) low / 11) medium / 16) high
--; changing this value from what the settings are results in light flickering before spawn
--e_DynamicLightsMaxEntityLights = 16
--; Activates drawing of entities and brushes | 1) normal - enabled - LOCKED
--e_Entities = 0
--; Enable/disable global illumination | 0) low - disabled / 1) med + high - enabled
--e_GI = 1
--; Sparse temporal caching for RSM rendering. Measured in framed per generation | 7) normal - enabled / 0) disabled ?
--e_GICache = 0
--; Multiplier for brightness of the global illumination (X times brighter) | 0.6) PGI default / 25) cryengine default
--e_GIAmount =
--; The less number of propagation iterations the shorter the light propagation distance | 10) MWO default / 6) cryengine default / 32) Max
--e_GIIterations =
--; The less the distance the better the quality | 400) PGI Default / 320) PGI min / 50) cryengine default / 150) cryengine recommended max
--e_GIMaxDistance =
--; Sets number of cascades for global illumination | 1) normal - default / 0) disable ?
--e_GINumCascades =
--; Set the default reflective shadow map size | 256) PC normal / 128) consoles / 64) minimum / 512) crashes
--e_GIRSMSize = 64
--; Type of sky used | 1) normal - dynamic / 0) static
--e_SkyType =
--; Percentage of a full dynamic sky update calculated per frame | 0.5) low / 1) med + high / 0) no updates ?
--e_SkyUpdateRate = 1
--; Activate deferred terrain ambient occlusion | 0) low / 1) med + high
--e_TerrainAo = 1
--; Allows in-game terrain surface deformations | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) ?
--e_TerrainDeformations = 1
--; Activates drawing of detail materials on terrain ground | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--e_TerrainDetailMaterials = 0
--; Set heightmap LOD | 3) low / 2) med + high / 1.5) REALLY high / 0) full at maximum distance, big performance penalty
e_TerrainLodRatio = 1
--; Use terrain normal map for base pass if available | 0) low / 1) med + high
--e_TerrainNormalMap = 1
--; Adjust terrain base texture resolution on distance | 5) low / 2) med / 1) high / 0) stupid high ? or disabled ?
e_TerrainTextureLodRatio = 1
--; Specifies number of textures in terrain base texture streaming pool | 64) low+med / 256) high [REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD]
--e_TerrainTextureStreamingPoolItemsNum = 256
--; Allow blend with terrain color for vegetations | 1) normal - enabled / 0) ?
--e_VegetationUseTerrainColor =
--; Activates drawing of ocean. | 1) normal - LOCKED - use fast path with merged fog / 2) use usual rendering path
--e_WaterOcean =
--; Activates drawing bottom of ocean | 1) normal - LOCKED
--e_WaterOceanBottom =
--; Activates fft based ocean | 1) normal - all sys_spec / 0) disables 'oceans'
--e_WaterOceanFFT = 1
--; Set tessellation amount | 1) low / 10) med+high / 0) min
--e_WaterTessellationAmount = 0
--; Set tessellation on X axis | 10) low + med + high / 85) very high / 2) BAIT recommended min
--e_WaterTessellationAmountX = 2
--; Set tessellation on Y axis | 10) low + med + high / 85) very high / 2) BAIT recommended min
--e_WaterTessellationAmountY = 2
--; Set the swath width for the boustrophedonic mesh stripping | 10) normal / 0) min
--e_WaterTessellationSwathWidth = 2
--; Activates drawing of water volumes | 2) normal - LOCKED
--e_WaterVolumes =
--; Toggles light (not laser) beams | 3) normal - optimized with glow / 0) disable / 1) full resolution / 2) fake beams
--r_Beams = 2
--; Distance between slices | 0.5) low + med / 0.05) high
--r_BeamsDistFactor = 0
--; Number of volumetric slices allowed per light beam | 32) low / 64) med / 128) high / 200) very high
--r_BeamsMaxSlices = 1
--; Toggles light beams clip type | 1) normal - software clipping / 0) harware clipping
--r_BeamsSoftClip = 0
--; Toggles updating of clouds each frame | 0) normal - off / 1) on ?
--r_CloudsUpdateAlways = 0
--; Distance used for per-pixel detail layers blending | 4) low / 8) high / 6) crytek default
--r_DetailDistance = 0
--; Toggles detail texture overlays | 1) normal - on / 0) off
--r_DetailTextures = 0
--; Enables selective supersampled antialiasing | 0) off / 1) on - will not disable once flipped
--r_MSAA = 0
--; Enable temporary workaround for resolvesubresources poor performance on AMD
--r_MSAA_amd_resolvessubresource_hack = 0
--; Quality level used when multisampled antialiasing is enabled | different values enable different hardware modes on cards ....
--r_MSAA_quality = 0
--; Number of subsamples used when multisampled antialiasing is enabled | different values enable different hardware modes on cards ....
--r_MSAA_samples = 0
--; Toggles reflections | 0) low - off / 1) med + high - on
--r_Reflections = 0
--; Toggles reflections quality | 3) normal - everything / 2) terrain + particcles + brushes / 1) terrain + particles / 0) terrain only
--r_ReflectionsQuality = 0
--; Enables refraction | 0) low - disabled / 1) med - enabled
--r_refraction = 0
--; Do a partial screen resolve before refraction | 2) normal - enabled / 1) non optimized enable / 0) disable
--r_RefractionPartialResolves = 0
--; Screen space ambient occlusion | 0) low - disabled / 1) med - SSAO + normals / 2) high - SSAO + normals + temporal / 3) Volumentric with jitter / 4) volumetric with jitter and temporal / 5) volumetric with multiple radii
--r_SSAO = 0
--; Controls how much SSAO affects ambient | 1) normal
--r_SSAOAmount = 1.1
--; Margin for brightening in multi-radii SSAO | 1.0) no brigtening / 1.1) some parts up to 10% brigter
--r_SSAOBrighteningMargin = 1.1
--; SSAO contrast coefficient (higher contrast highlights edges) | 1) normal
--r_SSAOContrast = 1
--; Use downscaled computations for SSAO | 1) med - half resolution / 0) high - disabled
--r_SSAODownscale = 1
--; Scale factor for large radius in multi-radii SSAO
--r_SSAOLargeRadiusRatio =
--; SSAO shader quality | 0) low spec / 1) medium spec 2) high spec / 3) highest spec
--r_SSAOQuality = 0
--; Controls size of area tested | 1.5) normal
--r_SSAORadius =
--; Scale factor for small radius in multi-radii SSAO | 0.3) normal
--r_SSAOSmallRadiusRatio =
--; Temporal SSAO update/convergence speed | 0.7) normal
--r_SSAOTemporalConvergence =
--; Glossiness value below which reflections are disabled |
--r_SSReflCutoff =
--; Screen space reflections | 0) normal - minimum / 1) noisy sharp / 2) glossy blurred / 3) alternate blur / 4) specular diffuse
--r_SSReflections = 0
--; Screen Space Directional Occlusion | 0) disabled - low - high / 1) enabled for local lights and sun - very high !DONT USE WITH SSAO!
--r_ssdo = 0
--; Strength of SSDO ambient occlusion | 1) normal
--r_ssdoAmbientAmount =
--; Strength of the directional occlusion | 1.2 - normal
--r_ssdoAmount =
--; SSDO radius | 0.4) normal
--r_ssdoRadius =
--; Max clamped SSDO radius | 0.2 ) normal
--r_ssdoRadiusMax =
--; Min clamped SSDO radiuS | 0.06) normal
--r_ssdoRadiusMin =
--; Toggles under water caustics | 0) low - disabled / 1) med - enabled / 2) ?
--r_WaterCaustics = 0
--; Toggles under water caustics deferred pass | 2) normal - enabled with pre-pass / 1) enabled / 0) disable
--r_WaterCausticsDeferred = 0
--; Enables under water god rays | 1) normal - enabled / 0) disabled ?
r_WaterGodRays = 0
--; Toggles water reflections | 1) normal - water reflects / 0) disabled ?
r_WaterReflections = 0
--; Activates water reflections if visible pixels above a certain threshold | 0.05) normal
--r_WaterReflectionsMinVisiblePixelsUpdate = 0.05
--; Activates water reflections quality setting | 3) normal - everything / 2) terrain + particcles + brushes / 1) terrain + particles / 0) terrain only
r_WaterReflectionsQuality = 0
--; Enables hw water tessellation | 0) normal - low - high - disabled ? / 1) very high - on - enabled ?
--r_WaterTessellationHW = 1
--; no help offered | 1) low + med / 0.2) high
--r_WaterUpdateDistance = 2
--; Distance factor for water reflected texture updating. | 0.1) low / 0.05) med / 0.16) good sync to 60fps
--r_WaterUpdateFactor = 0.16
--; *********************************
--; *********************************
--; Allow a skeleton animation to spawn more than one instance of an effect with the same name on the same instance | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--ca_AllowMultipleEffectsOfSameName = 1
--; ration between size of attachment and distance to camera | 120) low / 160) med / 300) high / 0) ?
--ca_AttachmentCullingRation = 0
--; Joint velocity preservation code mode | 2) normal - animation driven / 1) physics driven / 0) disable
--ca_ApplyJointVelocitiesMode = 1
--; if you set this to 0, there won't be any frequest warnings from the animation system | 3) normal ?!? / 0) disable
--ca_AnimWarningLevel = 0
--; Disable Animation Unloading | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1)
--ca_DisableAnimationUnloading =
--; if this is 0, will not draw the attachments objects | 1) normal / 0) disabled
--ca_DrawAttachments =
--; if this is 0, will not draw the skin attachments objects | 1) all
--ca_DrawFaceAttachments = 0
--; Character LOD ratio | 6) normal / 0) ?
--ca_lod_ratio = 0
--; Enable Precaching of Animation Sets per Character | 0) normal - disable ? / 1) enable
--ca_PrecacheAnimationSets = 0
--; if set to 1, then have no Animation-LOD (debugging feature for animation LOD) | 1) normal
--ca_UseAllJoints = 0
--; enable/disable creation of decals on characters | 1) all - enable / 2) alternate method / 0) disable
--ca_UseDecals = 0
--; Objects alphatest_noise_fading out on distance and between lods | 2) normal - all / 0) disable - things 'pop' in and out of viewable distance / 1) weird broken alpha effect ...
e_Dissolve = 0
--; Affects LOD selection for big objects, small number will switch more objects into lower LOD | 8) normal / 0) ?
--e_LodCompMaxSize = 9
--; Max LOD for objects | 6) normal - LOCKED
--e_LodMax = 2
--; Min LOD for objects | 0) normal
--e_LodMin = 0
--; LODs with less triangles will not be used | 300) normal - LOCKED
--e_LodMinTtris =
--; LOD distance ratio for objects | 5) low / 11) med / 15) high / 20) very high / 40) stupid high
--e_LodRatio = 25
--; Load and use LOD models for static geometry | 1) all / 0) disable
e_Lods = 1
--; Force using LODs even if triangle count do not suit | 1) normal - ? / 0) ?
--e_LodsForceUse = 0
--; Far clipping plane distance | -1) normal - unlimited - LOCKED
--e_MaxViewDistance = 1
--; Values between 0 and 1 - will lerp between high and low spec max view distances | 0.5) low / 1) med / 0) minimum - causes issues
--e_MaxViewDistSpecLerp = 0.5
--; Object detail quality | 1) low / 2) med / 3) high / 4) very high / 0) ?
--e_ObjQuality = 1
--; Skip per object occlusion test for very far objects - culling on tree level will handle it | 1) all / 0) ?
--e_OcclusionCullingViewDistRatio = 0
--; Activates drawing of visareas content | 1) normal - LOCKED
--e_Portals = 0
--; Show procedurally distributed vegetation | 1) all / 0) ?
--e_ProcVegetation = 0
--; Max view distance of terrain XY materials | 2048) all
--e_TerrainDetailMaterialsViewDistXY = 128
--; Max view distance of terrain Z materials | 128) all
--e_TerrainDetailMaterialsViewDistZ = 196
--; heightmap occlusion culling with time coherency | 1) normal - LOCKED / 0) off
--e_TerrainOcclusionCulling =
--; Max length of ray | 130) low / 200) med + high / 0) ?
--e_TerrainOcclusionCullingMaxDist = 200
--; HW geometry tessellation | 0) low - high - not allowed / 1) very high - allowed / 2) ?
--e_Tessellation = 1
--; listed as a debug option @ 1| 0) low + med / 1) high
--e_VegetationBending =
--; Minimal size of static object, smaller objects will be not rendered | 0.5) low / 0) med / 1)
--e_VegetationMinSize =
--; Clamps SpriteDistRatio setting in vegetation properties | 0.6) low / 1) med / 2) stupid high
--e_VegetationSpritesDistanceCustomRatioMin = 2
--; Allows changing distance on what vegetation switch into sprite | 0.5) low / 0.7) med / 1) high / 1.5) very high / 3) stupid high
--e_VegetationSpritesDistanceRatio = 3
--; Min distance on what far objects will be culled out | 10) all
--e_ViewDistMin = 75
--; View distance ratio for objects | 50) low / 75) med / 100) high
--e_ViewDistRatio = 75
--; View distance ratio for special marked objects (Players,AI,Vehicles) | 60) low / 100) med
--e_ViewDistRatioCustom = 75
--; View distance ratio for detail objects | 25) low / 35) med / 100) high
--e_ViewDistRatioDetail = 25
--; View distance ratio for light sources | 25) low / 50) med + high /
--e_ViewDistRatioLights = 50
--; View distance ratio for portals | 60) normal setting
e_ViewDistRatioPortals = 75
--; View distance ratio for vegetation | 40) low / 60) med / 90) high / 100) very high !RESTRICTED TO BE SYS_SPEC VALUES!
--e_ViewDistRatioVegetation = 75
--; no help offered, I think this is like severed limbs fade out time| 0.6) low / 0.8) med / 1) high
--es_DebrisLifetimeScale = 0
--; lower the detail of 'damage glow' | 1) low + med / 0) high / 2) super low definition damage glow
gp_reducedamagemasksize = 0
--; *********************************
--; *********************************
--; Activates drawing of particles | 1) normal - LOCKED
--e_Particles =
--; Blend between animated texture frames | 1) normal - allow / 2) force / 0) disable - messes with particle smoke effects ...
--e_ParticlesAnimBlend = 1
--; Cull particles against the view frustum | 0) normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_ParticlesCullAgainstViewFrustum = 1
--; Apply diffuse cubemaps to appropriate particle effects | 1) normal - allow / 2) force / 0) disable
--e_ParticlesDiffCM = 0
--; no help offered
--e_ParticlesEmitterPoolSize = 32768
--; Apply global illumination to appropriate particle effects | 1) normal - allow / 2) force / 0) disable
e_ParticlesGI = 1
--; Allows to have light source attached to every particle | 0) low - off / 1) med+ - deferred lights (DAKKA LIGHTING)
e_ParticlesLights = 0
--; Set particles lights view distance ratio | 256) normal
--e_ParticlesLightsViewDistRatio = 0
--; Multiplier to particle count | 1) normal / 0.5) half 'size'
e_ParticlesLod = 0.75
--; Screen size max per particle (fade out earlier) | 2) normal
--e_ParticlesMaxDrawScreen = 4
--; Screen size max of total particles to draw | 32) low / 64) med / 128) high / 160) very high !RESTRICTED TO BE SYS_SPEC VALUES!
--e_ParticlesMaxScreenFill = 64
--; Alpha cutoff for rendering particles | 0) ?
--e_ParticlesMinDrawAlpha = 0.01
--; Pixel size min per particle (fade out earlier) | 1.5) low / 1) med / 2) ?
--e_ParticlesMinDrawPixels = 3
--; Motion blur for particles | 0) low - high / 1) very high / 2) force
--e_ParticlesMotionBlur = 0
--; Enable particle/object collisions for SimpleCollision: | 2) all - include dynamic / 1) static objects only / 0) disable ?
--e_ParticlesObjectCollisions = 0
--; Particles pool memory size in KB | 0) normal - unlimited
--e_ParticlesPoolSize = 0
--; Enable preloading of all particle effects at the beginning | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) ?
--e_ParticlesPreload = 0
--; Particles detail quality | 1) low / 2) med / 3) high / 4) very high / 0) full detail / 5) disables
--e_ParticlesQuality = 1
--; Render particles with soft intersection | 1) normal - allow / 2) force / 0) disable
--e_ParticlesSoftIntersect = 0
--; Shadows on particles | 0) low - high - off / 1) very high - on / 2) force
--e_ParticlesShadows = 0
--; Allows searching for level-specific version of effects files | 0) off - normal / 1) enable - ?
--e_ParticlesUseLevelSpecificLibs = 1
--; Toggles use of geometry shader particles (DX11 only) | 1) normal - disabled / 0) enabled
--r_UseGSParticles = 0
--; Enables glow particles. | 0) disabled ?
--r_UseParticlesGlow = 0
--; Enables rendering of particles of specified blend operation in half resolution. | 1) (low+med) half resolution / 0) off (high) - full resoluton / 2) alpha - occlusion bug
--r_UseParticlesHalfRes = 0
--; Forces all particles of specified blend operation to be rendered in half resolution | 0) normal - off / 1) force on
--r_UseParticlesHalfResForce = 0
--; Global illumination amount for particles without material. | 0.15) normal
--r_UseParticles_GIAmount = 0
--; Threshold of estimated particle coverage needed before half-res rendering enabled | 0) ? / 1) normal
--r_UseParticlesHalfResMinCoverage = 10
--; Enables merging of particles drawcalls. | 0) normal / 1) bugs out hard ...
--r_UseParticlesMerging = 0
--; Enables refractive particles | 0) ? / 1) normal
--r_UseParticlesRefraction = 0
--; Enables soft particles. | 0) low / 1) med + high
--r_UseSoftParticles = 0
--; *********************************
--; *********************************
--; dont mess with physics, nothing good will come of it
--; *****************************************
--; *****************************************
--; Enables color grading | 2) all ? / 1) ? / 0) ?
--r_ColorGrading = 1
--; Enables depth of field | 1) low - enabled / 2) med + high - hdr time of day dof enabled / 3) undocumented experimental mode
r_DepthOfField = 0
--; Sets depth of field bokeh type (only for dof mode 3)
--r_DepthOfFieldBokeh = 1
--; Enables depth of field stencil prepass | 0) normal - disabled / 1) enabled
--r_DepthOfFieldStencilPrepass =
--; HDR rendering eye adaptation base value (smaller values result in brighter adaption) | 0.25) normal - LOCKED
--r_EyeAdaptationBase =
--; HDR rendering eye adaptation factor | 0.5) normal - LOCKED / 0) no adaption / 1) full adaption
--r_EyeAdaptationFactor =
--; HDR rendering eye adaptation local (localise adaption area?) | 0) normal - off / 1) 4x4 / 2) 16x16 / 3) 256x256
--r_EyeAdaptationLocal = 0
--; HDR rendering eye adaptation speed | 16) normal - LOCKED
--r_EyeAdaptationSpeed =
--; Toggles the anamorphic flares effect. | 1) all - enabled / 0) disabled (check for lock)
--r_GlowAnamorphicFlares =
--; Toggles HDR debugging | 0) normal - off / 1) gamma-corrected no HDR / other possible modes really are debug ...
--r_HDRDebug = 1
--; HDR bloom multiplier | 0.7) all / 0) disable HDR blooming / 0.15) 'nice' minimal value
r_HDRBloomMul = 0.15
--; Default is 0 (disabled). Set to 1 to use max blue shift strength | 0) all / 1) max
--r_HDRBlueShift = 0
--; HDR rendering level (bloom multiplier, tweak together with threshold) | 0.85) all / 1.25) crytek default
--r_HDRBrightLevel = 0
--; HDR brightness | 1) all
--r_HDRBrightness = 0
--; HDR rendering bright offset | 5) all / 8) crytek default
--r_HDRBrightOffset = 0
--; HDR rendering bright threshold. | 6) all / 8) crytek default
--r_HDRBrightThreshold = 0
--; Enable/Disable eye adaptation caching overframes | 10) low / 6) med / 2) high / 0) very high (always update) / 4) crytek default
r_HDREyeAdaptionCache = 0
--; Forces updating HDR textures | / 0) normal ?
--r_HDRForceUpdateTextures =
--; HDR camera grain amount | 0) all
--r_HDRGrainAmount = 1
--; HDR rendering range level (color multiplier tweak together with hdr offset) | 3) all / 6) crytek default
--r_HDRLevel = 0
--; HDR rendering range offset (color multiplier tweak together with hdr level) | 10) all (+crytek default)
--r_HDROffset = 0
--; Enable/Disable HDR range adaptation (improve precision - minimize banding) | 0) off? / 1) normal - crytek default
--r_HDRRangeAdapt = 0
--; HDR range adaption speed | 4) normal ?
--r_HDRRangeAdaptationSpeed = 0
--; Set range adaptation max adaptation for light buffers (improve precision - minimize banding) | 0.125) normal / 0.25) crytek default
--r_HDRRangeAdaptLBufferMax = 0
--; Set range adaptation max range adaptation for light buffers (improve precision - minimize banding) | 2) normal
--r_HDRRangeAdaptLBufferMaxRange = 0
--; Set HDR range adaptation max adaptation (improve precision - minimize banding) | 1) normal
--r_HDRRangeAdaptMax = 0
--; Set HDR range adaptation max adaptation (improve precision - minimize banding) | 4) normal
--r_HDRRangeAdaptMaxRange = 0
--; Toggles HDR rendering | 1) all (film curve tone mapping) / 0) disable entire HDR system
--r_HDRRendering = 1
--; HDR saturation | 0.875) normal / 1) crytek default
--r_HDRSaturation = 0
--; HDR s-curve max output | 0.95) normal
--r_HDRSCurveMax = 0
--; HDR s-curve min output | 0) normal
--r_HDRSCurveMin = 0
--; HDR texture format | 0) normal - low precision (faster) / 1) high precision
--r_HDRTexFormat = 1
--; HDR viggneting | 1) normal - enabled / 0) off ?
--r_HDRVignetting = 0
--; Enables per object and camera motion blur | 0) off / 1) on - camera motion blur / 2) camera and object motion blur
--r_MotionBlur = 0
--; Enables motion blur.adaptive sampling setting depending on movement amount | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) disabled ?
--r_MotionBlurAdaptiveSampling = 0
--; Enables motion blur.frame time scaling - visually nicer on lower frame rates | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) enabled ?
--; Sets motion blur max view distance for objects | 16) low / 64) med / 100) high / 0) ?
--r_MotionBlurMaxViewDist =
--; Enables post processing effects parameters smooth blending | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) disable ?
--r_PostProcessParamsBlending = 0
--; Sets post processing effects parameters smooth blending time scale | 12) normal (blend over 12 frames?) /
--r_PostprocessParamsBlendingTimeScale = 6
--; Enables post processing special effects | 1) normal - LOCKED
--r_PostProcessEffects =
--; Enables post processing special effects filters | 1) normal - LOCKED
--r_PostProcessFilters =
--; Enables post processing special effects game fx | 1) normal - LOCKED
--r_PostProcessGameFx =
--; Toggles 3d hud post processing | 1) normal - on / 0) off ?
r_PostProcessHUD3D = 0
--; Enables 3d hud caching overframes | 30) low / 10) med / 2) high / 0) very high
--r_PostProcessHUD3DCache =
--; Enables sun shafts. | 0) low - disabled / 1) med - enabled
--r_sunshafts = 1
--; *********************************
--; *********************************
--; Defines the quality of Renderer | 0) super low / 1) med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_Renderer = 3
--; Defines the shader quality of FX | 0) super low / 1) low + med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_ShaderFX = 3
--; Defines the shader quality of General | 0) super low / 1) low + med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_ShaderGeneral = 3
--; Defines the shader quality of Glass | 0) super low / 1) low + med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_ShaderGlass = 3
--; Defines the shader quality of HDR | 0) super low / 1) low + med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_ShaderHDR = 3
--; Defines the shader quality of Ice | 0) super low / 1) low + med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_ShaderIce = 3
--; Defines the shader quality of Metal | 0) super low / 1) low + med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_ShaderMetal = 3
--; Defines the shader quality of PostProcess | 0) super low / 1) low + med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_ShaderPostProcess = 0
--; Defines the shader quality of Shadow | 0) super low / 1) low + med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_ShaderShadow = 3
--; Defines the shader quality of Sky | 0) super low / 1) low + med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_ShaderSky = 3
--; Defines the shader quality of Terrain | 0) super low / 1) low + med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_ShaderTerrain = 3
--; Defines the shader quality of Vegetation | 0) super low / 1) low + med / 2) high / 3) very high
--q_ShaderVegetation = 3
--; Defines the shader quality of Water | 0) super low / 1) low / 2) med + high / 0) minimum ?
--q_ShaderWater = 3
--; *********************************
--; *********************************
--; Cache sun shadows maps over several frames | 0) all - off / 1 ) update the sun / sun shadows, less often, alot less often
e_GsmCache = 0
--; Makes first X GSM lods not cached | 3) normal / 0) ?
--e_GsmCacheLodOffset = 0
--; How fast to update terrain GSM lod | 6) normal / 0) ?
--e_GsmCacheLodOffsetExtended = 6
--; Cast shadows from terrain | 0) normal - disabled / 1) looks cool here and there, but will destroy the shadow system in other places
--e_GsmCastFromTerrain = 0
--; Make last cascade bigger and use less frequent updates | 0 normal - ? / 1) ?
--e_GsmExtendLastLod = 0
--; Includes object shadows into last very big shadow frustum | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) ?
--e_GsmExtendLastLodIncludeObjects = 1
--; Enable Additive Blending on shadows from terrain | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) ?
--e_GsmExtendLastLodUseAdditiveBlending = 1
--; Enable Variance Shadow mapping on shadows from terrain | 0) normal / 1) ?
--e_GsmExtendLastLodUseVariance = 1
--; Number of GSM lods | 0) none ? / 4) all / 5) suggested max / 6) max ?
--e_GsmLodsNum = 6
--; Size of LOD 0 GSM area (in meters) | 3) all / 0) none ?
--e_GsmRange = 6
--; Range of next GSM lod is previous range multiplied by step | 3) normal / 0) none ?
--e_GsmRangeStep = 4
--; gsm_range_step for last gsm lod containing terrain | 8) normal / 0) none ?
--e_GsmRangeStepExtended = 9
--; Size of Scattering LOD GSM in meters | 70) normal / 0) none ?
--e_GsmScatterLodDist = 0
--; 0) normal - world axis aligned GSM layout / 1) Rotate GSM frustums depending on view camera
--e_GsmViewSpace = 1
--; Activates drawing of shadows | 0) low - disabled / 1) med + high enabled
--e_Shadows = 0
--; Shadows slope bias for shadowgen | 2.72) normal / 0) none ?
--e_ShadowsAdaptScale =
--; View dist ratio for shadow maps casting from objects | 0.4) low / 0.3) med / 0.6) high / 0) none ?
--e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatio = 100
--; View dist ratio for shadow maps casting for light sources | 1) normal / 0) none ?
--e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatioLights = 100
--; Extension to character bounds when rendering into GSM shadows | 0) normal - disabled / 1) high detail ?
--e_ShadowsCharacterExtend = 1
--; Cloud shadows (not overly present in MWO levels?) | 1) normal / 0) ?
--e_ShadowsClouds =
--; Shadows slope bias for shadowgen | 1) normal / 0) ?
--e_ShadowsConstBias = 4
--; Shadows slope bias for shadowgen (high quality mode) | 0.05) normal / 0) ?
--e_ShadowsConstBiasHQ = 0.5
--; Simplifies mesh for shadow map generation by X LOD levels | 1) normal / 0) none ?/ 2) ?
--e_ShadowsLodBiasFixed = 0
--; Simplifies mesh for shadow map generation by X LOD levels, if object is not visible in main frame | 0) normal
--e_ShadowsLodBiasInvis = 1
--; Maximum amount of allocated shadow mask textures | 0) normal - disable limit / 1) one texture / 2) two textures (8 channels, 8 lights)
--e_ShadowsMasksLimit = 2
--; Set maximum resolution of shadow map | 1024) all - normal - crytek high / 512) crytek medium / 256) crytek min (fast)
--e_ShadowsMaxTexRes = 512
--; Enable/disable shadow-caster test against the occlusion buffer | 0) normal ? / 1) ?
--e_ShadowsOcclusionCulling = 1
--; Clips the caster extrusion to the zero height. | 0) normal ? / 1) ?
--e_ShadowsOcclusionCullingCaster = 1
--; Enable shadows on alphablended | 0) all - ? / 1) ?
--e_ShadowsOnAlphaBlend = 0
--; Enable/disable shadows on water | 0) all - normal ? / 1) ?
--e_ShadowsOnWater = 1
--; Shadows slope bias for shadowgen | 3.4) all - ?
--e_ShadowsResScale = 10
--; Shadows slope bias for shadowgen | 1) normal - ?
--e_ShadowsSlopeBias = 2
--; Shadows slope bias for shadowgen (for high quality mode) | 0.25) normal - ?
--e_ShadowsSlopeBiasHQ = 1
--; Maximum cascade number to render tessellated shadows (0 = no tessellation for sun shadows) | 0) all
--e_ShadowsTessellateCascades = 5
--; Disable/enable tessellation for local lights shadows | 0) normal
--e_ShadowsTessellateDLights = 0
--; View dist ratio for shadow maps updating for shadowpool | 128) normal
--e_ShadowsUpdateViewDistRatio = 256
--; Self shadow intensity of volume objects | 0) min / 0.4) normal / 1) max
--e_VolObjShadowStrength = 1
--; Enables deferred volumetric fog shadows | 0) med / 1) high + very high
--r_FogShadows = 1
--; Selected shadow map screenspace blurring technique | 1) low / 2) high / 3) very high / 0) no blur
--r_ShadowBlur = 0
--; Select shadow map blurriness if r_ShadowBlur is activated. | 1) normal / 0.1) minimal / 16) maximal
--r_ShadowBluriness =
--; shadowmap generation | 1) normal - enable shadow map updates / 0) disable shadow map updates
--r_ShadowGen = 1
--; Use geometry shader for shadow map generation (DX11 only) !CRASHES! | 0) normal - off / 1) on - crash mode
--r_ShadowGenGS = 1
--; mode selection for shadow generation | 0) normal - use Frustoms Mask / 1) regenerate all sides
--r_ShadowGenMode = 1
--; Activate shadow map jittering | 1) med / 2.5) high
--r_ShadowJittering = 0
--; Process shadow pass | 1) normal - enabled ? / 0) disabled ?
--r_ShadowPass = 1
--; Maximum number of frames a shadow can exist in the pool | 30) normal ?
--r_ShadowPoolMaxFrames = 30
--; Max number of time sliced shadow pool updates allowed per frame | 1) normal ?
--r_ShadowPoolMaxTimeslicedUpdatesPerFrame = 1
--; starting kernel size, to avoid blocky shadows | 0.35) normal / 0) 'blocky' / 1) 'blurry'
--r_ShadowsAdaptionMin = 0.35
--; maximum range between caster and reciever to take into account | 0.02) PGI normal / 0.01) crytek default / 1) maximum
--r_ShadowsAdaptionRangeClamp = 0
--; Select shadow map blurriness if r_ShadowsBias is activated | 0.3) normal / 0) none / 10) rapidly changing
--r_ShadowsAdaptionSize = 0.3
--; Select shadow map blurriness if r_ShadowsBias is activated. | 8e-005) normal - ? / 0.1) crytek minimal / 16) crytek maximal / 0) disable ?
--r_ShadowsBias = 0
--; no help offered | 1) normal - use light volumes / 0) quad light bounds
--r_ShadowsDeferredMode = 0
--; use NV Depth Bound extension | 0) normal - disable / 1) use NV Depth Bound extension - make shadows 'cheaper' ( possibly only for nvidia cards )
r_ShadowsDepthBoundNV = 1
--; use Forward prepare depth maps pass | 1) normal - use Forward prepare depth maps pass / 0) disable ?
--r_ShadowsForwardPass = 1
--; Selects algorithm to use for shadow mask generation | 1) normal - enable shadow snapping / 0) disable shadow snapping
--r_ShadowsGridAligned = 0
--; Saves video memory by using lower resolution for shadow masks except first one | 0) per pixel shadow mask / 1) half resolution shadow mask
--r_ShadowsMaskDownScale = 0
--; reduce shadow detail | 0) normal - per pixel shadow mask / 1) horizontal half resolution shadow mask / 2) horizontal and vertical half resolution shadow mask
--r_ShadowsMaskResolution = 0
--; Amount of animated jittering for particles shadows. | 1) normal ?
--r_ShadowsParticleAnimJitterAmount = 0
--; Amount of jittering for particles shadows | 0.5) normal
--r_ShadowsParticleJitterAmount = 0
--; Blur kernel size for particles shadows | 1) normal - blur / 0) hard edge
--r_ShadowsParticleKernelSize = 0
--; Shadow taps on particles affected by normal and intensity (breaks lines and uniformity of shadows) | 1) normal
--r_ShadowsParticleNormalEffect = 1
--; Use Stencil pre-pass for shadows | 1) normal - enable / 0) disable ?
--r_ShadowsStencilPrePass =
--; no help offered ... | 1) all - enable / 0) disable
--r_ShadowsUseClipVolume = 0
--; shadow texture format | 0) R16G16 / 1) R16 / 2) R32F / 3) ATI DF24 / 4) NV D24S8 / 5) NV D16
--r_ShadowTexFormat = 0
--; no help offered ...| 1) normal ? - enable / 0) disable ?
--r_UseShadowsPool = 0
--; Activate shadow map blur. | 1) normal / 0) disable ?
--r_VarianceShadowMapBlurAmount = 1
--; *********************************
--; *********************************
--; Sets maximum number of ADPCM Decoder | 32) normal
--s_ADPCMDecoders = 64
--; Controls whether to allow sound load requests that are not cached in the AFCM or not | 1) normal - enabled / 0) disable
--s_AllowNotCachedAccess = 0
--; Internal minimum file block alignment in bytes | 8192) normal / -1) 2048 bytes, FMOD default
--s_BlockAlignSize = -1
--; Sets the threshold where we check priority if we are using more then % of sound channels | 0.9) normal
--s_ChannelThreshold = 1
--; Toggles disk access on reading files | 1) normal - indirect file access via StreamingSystem with wait / 0) direct file access via CryPak
--s_FileAccess = 0
--; Sets the size in KiB the AFCM will allocate from the heap | 163840 ) normal
--s_FileCacheManagerSize = 327680
--; Sets max of open file handles | 30) normal
--s_FileOpenHandleMax = 64
--; Toggles internal resampling method | 0) none / 1) linear - normal / 2) cubic / 3) spline
--s_FormatResampler = 2
--; Sets the output sample rate | 48000) 48 khz / 44100) 44.1 khz
--s_FormatSampleRate = 44100
--; Sets the format data type | 1) PCM 8bit / 2) normal - PCM 16bit / 3) PCM 24bit / 4) PCM 32bit / 5) PCM 32bit float
--s_FormatType = 3
--; Enable and disable HDR sound | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) enable
--s_HDR = 1
--; Toggles extra lowpass filter for enhanced HRTF | 0) normal - enabled / 1) disabled ?
--s_HRTF_DSP = 1
--; Sets the number of sound hardware channels to use | 0) normal - disabled ?
--s_HWChannels = 128
--; Sets the maximum number of active sounds | 64) low / 128) high
--s_MaxActiveSounds = 128
--; Sets the maximum number of sound channels | 64) low / 128) high
--s_MaxChannels = 128
--; Sets the size in MB of the primary sound memory pool | 60) normal
--s_MemoryPoolSoundPrimary = 128
--; Sets the size in MB of the sound system memory pool | 0) normal - auto, 2.5 MB!?!
--s_MemoryPoolSystem = 64
--; Sets maximum number of MPEG Decoder | 32) normal
--s_MPEGDecoders = 64
--; enable/disable music | 0) normal - enable ? / 1) disable ?
--s_MusicEnable = 1
--; Defines the way music is loaded and handled | 0) auto - defined by pattern / 1) stream from disk / 2) enforce preloading
--s_MusicStreaming = 2
--; Allows for overriding the application's master volume when the window lost focus. | 0) normal - silence on alt tab / 1) full volume, even when task swapped
s_NoFocusVolume = 1
--; Controls rejection of sounds lower(higher) than this priority if 80% of voices are used. | 45) normal / 0) disable
--s_PriorityThreshold = 0
--; Toggles unloading of sound data by the AssetManager | 1) normal - enable ? / 0) disable unloading ?
--s_UnloadData = 0
--; Sets limiter to control sound variation | 1) all - normal / 0) ?
--s_VariationLimiter = 0
--; *********************************
--; *********************************
--; no help offered | 16) low / 24) med / 32) high
--r_DynTexAtlasCloudsMaxSize = 64
--; no help offered | 16) low + med / 32) high / 0) ?
--r_DynTexAtlasSpritesMaxSize = 64
--; no help offered | 50) low / 60) med / 80) high / 0) ?
--r_DynTexMaxSize = 128
--; Sets resolution for target environment cubemap, in pixels | 0) low / 1) med / 2) high
--r_EnvCMResolution = 2
--; Sets the interval between environmental cube map texture updates (ms) | 0.04) normal
--r_EnvCMupdateInterval = 0.016
--; Sets resolution for 2d target environment texture, in pixels | 0) 64px / 1) low - 128px / 2) med / 3) high - 512px
--r_EnvTexResolution = 3
--; Sets the interval between environmental 2d texture updates | 1) low / 0.5) med / 0.1) high / 0.001) crytek default
--r_EnvTexUpdateInterval = 0.016
--; llows to scale the texture resolution of imposters (clouds) | 2) low - quarter detail / 1.5) med / 1) high - full detail
--r_ImposterRatio = 1
--; Toggles imposters drawing ( clouds ) | 1) normal - enable / 0) disable
--r_ImpostersDraw = 0
--; base texture resolution | 512) low / 2048) med / high
r_TexAtlasSize = 2048
--; reduce texture resolution | 2) low - quarter / 1) med - half / 0) high - none
r_TexBumpResolution = 0
--; Specifies the maximum level allowed for anisotropic texture filtering | 8) normal
--r_TexMaxAnisotropy =
--; Specifies the minimum level allowed for anisotropic texture filtering. | 8) all ? / 0) abide by the filtering setting in each material
--r_TexMinAnisotropy =
--; no help offered ... | 0) normal - unlimited ?
--r_TexMaxSize =
--; no help offered ... | 64) normal
--r_TexMinSize =
--; Disables loading of textures | 0) normal - textures load / 1) texture glitch mode
--r_TexNoLoad =
--; no help offered | 0) normal - disabled ? / 1) postpone high detail textures ?
--r_TexPostponeLoading = 1
--; no help offered || 0) normal - disabled
--r_TexPreallocateAtlases =
--; Reduces texture resolution | 2) low - quarter / 1) med - half / 0) high - none
r_TexResolution = 0
--; no help offered / Reduces texture resolution | 1) low - / 0) med - none / 2) super low ?
--r_TexSkyResolution = 0
--; Specifies the default level for anisotropic texture filtering
--r_Texture_Anisotropic_Level = 1
--; Defines which texture compressor is used (fallback is DirectX) | 1) normal - squish / 0) nvDXT
--r_TextureCompressor = 0
--; Controls dynamic LOD system for textures used in materials. | -1) normal - completely off / 0) full LOD / 1) ?
--r_TextureLodDistanceRatio = 1
--; Enables textures uploading to video memory after level loading | 1) normal - enabled / 0) disabled
--r_TexturesWarmup = 1
--; No help offered ... | 64) normal
--r_VegetationSpritesTexRes = 32
Thank you