I've a little treat so share with you all that I've tried and found to be quite effective. It's got punch, it's got speed, it's got defenses. It's almost got everything! I haven't found anything to be lacking other than the usual 100ton mech slugishness when it comes to turning and acceleration/deceleration.
Here's the build - A\:820f1|^<2|i^|i^|[g|i^p:1|R@|o?q:1|R@|o?r41|F@|fO|@Ps41|F@|fO|@Pt91|JO|?Pu91|JO|?PvB0|F@w60:0:0
Here's the skill tree - a474306e601de40c1d0dfefffff62101cdb7f000000000070a5660c000000
The build utilizes Light Engine 325 with three Double Heat Sinks which pushes the mech to 52.something kph (which goes up to 56.6! (FIFTY-SIX POINT SIX KILOMETERS PER HOUR) with Speed Tweek), Guardian ECM, triple ER Medium Lasers (can be switches for regular medium lasers), double LB10X and double RAC2 (helped by two LBX spread skills and one RAC skill). Each weapon group carries 3 tons of ammo (bolstered by two ammo capacity skills).
Skill points go into Firepower, Survival, Movement and Sensors.
RAC2s have that fright effect, LBX shreds open mechs components, and lasers are there cuzz you have space for them and ammo is not a concern.
I really hope some of you get to try out this FULL build and let me know how it went for you, I've had a few matches and it and achieved good to great results in a short time and very reliably.
Edited by Acersecomic, 28 October 2018 - 01:17 PM.