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Part Of An Atlas Recreated In Minecraft


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#1 snikey


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Posted 09 November 2018 - 02:17 PM

So, kind of hesitated to post this before but since I miss it so much here goes nothing.
A few years ago when I used to play MC with a few friends, I had this crazy idea of recreating an Atlas in MC, sadly though after getting it done up to the knees, this friend of mine's server was wiped, because of new mods and such, which was a real shame since I had a lot of fun putting time and effort into this little project (if you can call it little lol), here's a screenshot anyway.
Keep in mind that I wasn't in creative mode, survival mode FTW, so since I mostly used sandstone for it, had to gather a lot of it by myself and had to be careful when building, about the lit and unlit areas since mobs could spawn, had to use ladders to get up high etc.
You can see a tiny door for size/comparison on the right bottom side from where I took a screenshot.

Posted Image

Edited by snikey, 10 November 2018 - 03:53 AM.

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Posted 09 November 2018 - 05:55 PM

That thing would have been monstrous once completed.

#3 snikey


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Posted 09 November 2018 - 07:10 PM

View Post50 50, on 09 November 2018 - 05:55 PM, said:

That thing would have been monstrous once completed.

I would've really liked to complete it indeed, thanks! :) (sorry for the delayed reply, Idk why it didn't notify/mail me lol)

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