** UPDATE 26/11/2018 **
e_ParticlesShadows is locked in multiplayer
it is locked but we can put Shadows on high in the menus (this will set e_ParticlesShadows to 0)
** UPDATE 24/11/2018 **
Just an update, i re-checked PGI settings and the tweak e_ParticlesShadows=0 will only show gains for people using shadows on very high.
If you set shadows lower, e_ParticlesShadows is already set to 0.
I started playing MWO two weeks ago (I played mechwarrior 2/3 and earthsiege a looooong time ago !)
I've been playing with the variables in User.cfg and found a few interesting things (I'll make a bigger post later).
For this simple tweak, i recommend creating two files in your MechWarrior Online directory :
exec user.cfg
sys_flash_newstencilclear=1 e_ParticlesShadows=0
tuning.cfg will reload user.cfg every time you start a map.This way, you can :
1- start a map with "testing grounds", test your performance (fps/GPU/CPU usage)
2- go back to the lab, modify your user.cfg
3- start a map with "testing ground", test your performance
sys_flash_newstencilclear=1 will make Flash use a faster method for mask rendering. My best test: if i have 50% GPU usage on a map, the fullscreen battlemap would make me go to 60% GPU usage. With this tweak, i stay at 50%. In lab, i gain 5%.
e_ParticlesShadows=0 eliminates *almost* all slowdowns i had when displaying particles (missiles/dropships smoke, some puddles etc). To test this, you can start "caustic valley", go into external camera mode (F5 ?). Turn 90° left, go through the refinery, cross the water, go into the center of the red puddle, the closer you are to the centre, the bigger the FPS impact or GPU usage)
I have not seen those tweaks in other posts (apologies if i missed someone's post !)
Tell me if you see an improvement

Edited by MrVaad, 26 November 2018 - 09:31 AM.