Kaeb Odellas, on 02 December 2018 - 06:05 AM, said:
Am I the only one who never really cared about FW? I find FW matches just take way too long, especially when the ultimate outcome is usually decided within minutes.
At least with QP, I only have to die once to end a match when stuck with a bad team, and it's usually over within minutes. In FW I might have do die 4 times and get stuck with these bozos for a full half hour.
Sorry QP is shallow and vapid with zero variety. Why would anyone only play it? How many hundreds of times do you need to drop on Solaris City to have the same crap gameplay? Every match is composed of the same 3,3,3,3 mech composition of generically decent handful of mechs chosen for an unknown map selection. If you are not bored with that setup than something is wrong with you.
Additionally QP has no element of progression, which is a vital element of all modern games. People level ranks, guns, skins, etc as a means to prolong their hours spent in game even in the face of repetitious gameplay. What elements of progression does QP offer? Answer: none.
FP is the only gamemode where it is rational to buy duplicate mechs in pursuit of a goal. Those in game purchases are long term sinks of time and in-game currency while also requiring expenditure of cash to buy mechbays. In this regard FP is the natural long term business model for this game. What business model does QP offer?
Don't you think that at some point all mechpacks become redundant and pointless? How many Vulcans do you think they ended up selling? Probably not that many. Most purchases are power creep inspired, not nostalgia based and they are running out of both. From a business standpoint how do you propose to offset the exhaustion of this spending motivation in the pursuit of continued operations?
Edited by Spheroid, 02 December 2018 - 11:03 AM.