Who Totally Tanked Harder?
Posted 03 December 2018 - 12:02 AM
Who completely blew it harder this year? Who was worse?
Mechcon 2018 by PGI, or Diablo Immortal reveal by Blizzard?
Posted 03 December 2018 - 12:26 AM
the collector's edition showing a $15 canvas duffel bag then coming with a super cheap $3 nylon duffel bag.
and then bethesda promised refunds and then backtracked on it and denied refunds to anyone who downloaded the game, which was basically everyone who bought it.
And then bethesda tried to "apologize" by giving out such a small amount of paid currency that players actually needed to buy more paid currency just to afford something, which was even more insulting.
and also bethesda denying that fallout 76 isnt still using the 20 year old morrowind engine even though people found gamebryo code hooks in the fallout 76 engine lol. And all the recycled fallout 4 art assets...
bethesda has definitely screwed up worse than any other company this year...
Edited by Khobai, 03 December 2018 - 12:35 AM.
Posted 03 December 2018 - 12:31 AM
With the limits they had to work with, they hit it out of the park. Absolutely, positively nailed it.
HBS / Paradox had a presentation that was less ambitious and serious in how it mixed up a relaxed presentation with the speakers that was also less focused in what would be delivered within their allotted time. This was understandable as their company is small and has just finished delivering the first DLC content of PC game Battletech and the news of upcoming projects was limited. Even still, their game demonstration was fun and fully reminded the viewers that the makers of their game enjoy playing the thing both in the shop or on a stage. They also responded to some very important questions that many of their fans had for the game, so... I'd rate them as having done a pretty good job in balancing the fun of the convention from their point of view versus the demands of doing business.
PGI... Oh dear. If you are a fan of Mechwarrior 5 and wanted more information as well as a very, very cool game demo, then you got what you wanted. The Q&A session involving that product wasn't half bad as long as the topic stayed on that product. The glaring, horrid issue is that the current flagship game of the company, being Mechwarrior Online, which is also the farking game that the Mech*con's only prize awarding tournament being featured as a yearly event.... Yeah, that game... Well, the company gave MWO fans a rock in a paper bag on Halloween.
So all of that said, I think Mech*con was a better success over Blizz*con in that fans of games that were NOT Mechwarrior Online probably had a good experience in what the con offered them.
Posted 03 December 2018 - 12:35 AM
Seen videos of 76 and that diablo mobile bs. One thing i've learned from pgi is to be very picky and wary of anything someone claims or says even if they have a fancy video or pp presentation. Until it's live for purchase it's all just smoke and mirror cash grabs. I've never done pre-order for a retail game.
Posted 03 December 2018 - 12:58 AM
the most successful thing they have ever done as long as i played this game was the civil war patch. thats got to be the only time i was excited about a new feature. i d have loved a commitment to at least 2 maps and a weapons pack over the course of the next couple years, but i highly doubt that.
mw5 looked good now that i actually saw the video, its starting to look like a mechwarrior game. mwo only seems to exist as a way to fund continued development of additional mechs. they could get enough people to pony up in order to pay the artists to create the assets. they can then not only use those assets in their upcoming title, they can sell them to hbs/cgl. theres a reason that the art department is the only good part of the mwo team (at least until they posted that thing they plan to pass off as the next mech pack which is an obvious cut and paste job).
mwo as a game is not only dead it was never alive to begin with. they never had any intention of making it more than it currently is. had they announced any new content other that a mech pack i may have thought otherwise.
Edited by LordNothing, 03 December 2018 - 01:01 AM.
Posted 03 December 2018 - 01:17 AM
The Diablo game wasnt a bad annoucement. What was wrong however, was how the guy on stage belittled and antagonized his audience. That guy is a [Redacted].
That aside, blizard can really do no wrong since they are going to eventually release a proper sequel without pre-order money or making a kickstarter.
76 on the other hand; I cannot believe my shiny bethesda succame to EA's [Redacted] attitude. Blew my mind.
Edited by draiocht, 03 December 2018 - 02:34 AM.
inappropriate language & references
Posted 03 December 2018 - 01:35 AM
Blizzard teased a new Diablo, then to a room full of PC gamers, announced a crappy mobile game by a 3rd party, which is just a re-skin of a game they already made as a Diablo clone anyway - so it's an official rip-off of Diablo. Yay? Then proceeded the belittle the audience when they weren't blown away by this garbage announcement they should have made months prior, not at BlizzCon.
PGI just half-arsed it, nobody should really have expected anything more.
But yes, Bethesda are even worse. Between literally lying about a product (the Canvas vs Nylon bag) and launching yet another buggy mess of a game, but this time there's no good story or immersive world to save it. After previously burning bridges with their Fallout 4 paid mods initiative, they have seemingly lost all the goodwill from Fallout Shelter & Fallout 4.
Posted 03 December 2018 - 02:04 AM
I mean what's worse? On the one hand, you have a mediocre product from a small studio, and they don't do the work and come in half-assed, and naturally, the fans are not happy...
And on the other hand, you have a big professional studio with enormously larger budgets, decades of experience, and some of the best staff around.. and they come at you with a solid presentation, they did the work.. only to announce a total rip off and a game nobody wants.. I mean I'm sure it's gonna be a great mobile game, but.. nobody want to play Diablo on a cellphone (yes we have phones)..
So It's shattering already low expectations by a demonstration in unprofessionalism, Vs. professionally tanking with a completely missed product concept..
I think the big boys tanked harder - because they should really know better at their level.
Posted 03 December 2018 - 04:13 AM
That said, PGI was terrible. The Q&A was an absolute joke. Half of the questions were years old, and the other half were either vetted/planted by PGI, or asked by people who wanted to soft-ball PGI for some reason.
The actual presentation was a joke. They couldn't talk about anything for MWO? Just a vague promise something is happening, but so sorry, too tired to remember even the most broad of strokes. I know there's a known issue with twitch and playing direct video files, but I've also seen other streams who have done so without issues, so why is MW5's trailer running at 15 FPS? And I'm still in an argument with someone over whether Russ's play through was scripted/preplayed or not.
CGL's presentation was pretty good. HBS felt like they had absolutely nothing to say, but since their such good showmen they pulled it off anyway.
Edited by Bombast, 03 December 2018 - 04:13 AM.
Posted 03 December 2018 - 05:00 AM
Khobai, on 03 December 2018 - 12:26 AM, said:
the collector's edition showing a $15 canvas duffel bag then coming with a super cheap $3 nylon duffel bag.
and then bethesda promised refunds and then backtracked on it and denied refunds to anyone who downloaded the game, which was basically everyone who bought it.
And then bethesda tried to "apologize" by giving out such a small amount of paid currency that players actually needed to buy more paid currency just to afford something, which was even more insulting.
and also bethesda denying that fallout 76 isnt still using the 20 year old morrowind engine even though people found gamebryo code hooks in the fallout 76 engine lol. And all the recycled fallout 4 art assets...
bethesda has definitely screwed up worse than any other company this year...
I'm not sure which is worse:
a corporation with the money to continue a hugely successful game that it would be nearly impossible to screw up
a corporation with a secure and entrenched IP that is so identifiable and then, with a lack of any strategic vision or business resolve, do everything humanly possible to ruin the IP?
FO76 is a joke. I'm not sure what that crew is smoking or if the corporate therapy sessions stopped being covered by their heath care.......but, whatever the cause, I am speechless that they took a page from the EA nightmare and ran FO76 into the ground at full speed. It is so bad, even my best FO contributors "have uninstalled the game.........." They have been playing since day 1 of FO.
MWO.................sigh. Started wrong, grew wrong and just isn't being lead by anyone with an inkling as to what the actual value of the IP and story is, nor what it was supposed to be...............and, when they did finally actually see the "scope of their initial errors", they ran............bolted.......fled and attempted to "go back" to safe territory (Solaris) not only to see yet another disaster (we didn't want a FPS game without a story line) so they are going old school and resurrecting a sequel !!!! MW5....except, they aren't using the tool sets we actually want nor have the skill to make the game a First World sequel to MW4...............what a mess.
Which one is worse? Neither, they are both non-value added and will linger till they are either fixed or replaced.
Posted 03 December 2018 - 05:11 AM
I didnt go to mech con.. can someone give us the dirt?
Posted 03 December 2018 - 05:20 AM
Bombast, on 03 December 2018 - 04:13 AM, said:
That said, PGI was terrible. The Q&A was an absolute joke. Half of the questions were years old, and the other half were either vetted/planted by PGI, or asked by people who wanted to soft-ball PGI for some reason.
The actual presentation was a joke. They couldn't talk about anything for MWO? Just a vague promise something is happening, but so sorry, too tired to remember even the most broad of strokes. I know there's a known issue with twitch and playing direct video files, but I've also seen other streams who have done so without issues, so why is MW5's trailer running at 15 FPS? And I'm still in an argument with someone over whether Russ's play through was scripted/preplayed or not.
CGL's presentation was pretty good. HBS felt like they had absolutely nothing to say, but since their such good showmen they pulled it off anyway.
What i would give to have an ACTUAL Q&A with the dev team... no holds bard, legit questions, and everyone and i mean everyone holds thier feelings at the door and actually gets some answers.
Deffinitly wouldnt be streamed due to language lol or someone would need a "BEEP" button and hardcore skills at it xD
Posted 03 December 2018 - 05:24 AM
Posted 03 December 2018 - 05:32 AM
Posted 03 December 2018 - 06:15 AM
Bethesda f'd up big time, but as EA has already proven, can get away with it.
PGI was just PGI all the was.
Posted 03 December 2018 - 12:18 PM
Posted 03 December 2018 - 05:35 PM
Edited by Khobai, 03 December 2018 - 05:40 PM.
Posted 26 December 2018 - 01:52 AM
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