Faction Play Update - Post Mechcon 2018
Posted 21 December 2018 - 10:46 PM
Posted 21 December 2018 - 11:08 PM
It's silly to ask for players to kick people that want to play together off the group because you want to be stewards of faction play. Our group is also well aware that your 12 man group dodges us every night Gully D, same with other big groups that run. These groups can give us a good fight, yet they choose to either dodge us or always switch the the same side as us. In addition, they stake out our TS, so if they see a small group of us, they actually try to 'hunt us' with 12 mans. So you can pretty much expect no mercy on that front when we do meet. You're playing the game by the rules, so are we, so rather than asking for unilateral disarmament, why don't we just ask PGI to put in a rule that everyone has to follow.
Merry Christmas y'all and don't forget to get the 2 free hero mechs
Posted 21 December 2018 - 11:09 PM
Nightbird, on 11 December 2018 - 11:12 AM, said:
Dropships actually were given that much firepower at one point, but entire teams of people refused to leave their DZ ever. They literally wait there for the other team to attack them in order to use the dropship's weapons, sometimes even ejecting a fresh mech to call in a dropship LOL!
Being able to destroy a dropship would be cool but not sure how to manage that (you can swap people around lances at will after all)
Just a crazy thought, what if dropships dropped artillery on a dz and surrounding area when they came into land, this would mean you cannot spawn camp and discourages others from being too close to farm dz, maybe like idk 5-10 arti going off at once in a daisy chain around dz.
too crazy>??>
Posted 21 December 2018 - 11:24 PM
Gully D, on 21 December 2018 - 11:09 PM, said:
Just a crazy thought, what if dropships dropped artillery on a dz and surrounding area when they came into land, this would mean you cannot spawn camp and discourages others from being too close to farm dz, maybe like idk 5-10 arti going off at once in a daisy chain around dz.
too crazy>??>
I'd be 100% OK with this but I don't think the general pug population will receive it kindly...
Posted 22 December 2018 - 12:36 AM
Nightbird, on 21 December 2018 - 11:08 PM, said:
It's silly to ask for players to kick people that want to play together off the group because you want to be stewards of faction play. Our group is also well aware that your 12 man group dodges us every night Gully D, same with other big groups that run. These groups can give us a good fight, yet they choose to either dodge us or always switch the the same side as us. In addition, they stake out our TS, so if they see a small group of us, they actually try to 'hunt us' with 12 mans. So you can pretty much expect no mercy on that front when we do meet. You're playing the game by the rules, so are we, so rather than asking for unilateral disarmament, why don't we just ask PGI to put in a rule that everyone has to follow.
Merry Christmas y'all and don't forget to get the 2 free hero mechs
And this is the attitude that kilss FW
Actually I dont avoid you. But you wouldn't know that because you arent in the multiple TS or discord I am in. The fact is your salty and hold grudges. I mostly make groups from anybody available and not stack like you. But again you wouldnt notice cause you dont chat with us. Your night time is our midday. Which most oceanic friends are not online. BUT once they say you guys are on it is SO HARD to get anyone to play against you, mostly because of your past salt and bad rep for farming- see its all about your past behaviour and not moving forward. Any new player that I happen to meet that drops against you all I dont see again unless they drop outside your timezone and there has been 12 that now drop regularly with me at other times which is great to see.
Most misunderstanding come about because people dont meet and move past grudges or past misunderstandings. I invite you to join any TS we are all on, or discord and have a chat. meet us talk to us use the opportunity to grow the community. Any comstar, steiner, FRR, DSX, 601, CBQ, CGBI, HHOD, KCOM, Bacon, ISMO, LORE, where I hang out simultaneously etc. Invite me to your TS? I've never stalked your TS but yes i know others do.
So how about lets get together and meet? I think most of this can be worked to the advantage of FW together AND i know in chat when I've been with you on the same side or happen to hear you in other places,
yes on alt accounts, you are nice and give good calls. So i believe you are capable and bad days for salt happen to all of us.
On talking to PGI I have heard it takes alot of programming to change drop deck restrictions, this was high pick fruit, it might have changed but may be too much for a quick fix though i support it. Glad if PGI can clarify for us??
Disarmament is not what I'm asking but sharing. I know its a difficult to do, friends, winning easily, good builds, etc worried about meeting another good team and losing but hey you know when its just you and no one else good on??
thanks for considering, lets keep the chats going.
Edited by Gully D, 22 December 2018 - 12:43 AM.
Posted 22 December 2018 - 12:58 AM
Gully D, on 21 December 2018 - 10:39 PM, said:
[*]Hi Nightbird
[*]thanks for replying
[*]As usual you and others want to grow the community, and i think as you have stated and are aware (along with others) that FW is a steep learning curve.
[*]With the current population of very few if only one or 2 groups (not even units) able to compete with your style of play that pug stomps (and i'm glad that groups you are in have stopped trolling, ty) it discourages people to return.
[*]I am aware that you change sides to get games cause of ghost drops(which is good IMO), and that people complain about you and your pug stomp behaviour (go to IS or Clan chat complain and tell people not to drop or TS or Discord etc) so people actually warn others not to drop against you. (maybe this is also why you think FW is dropping more than others). Also when on in your timezone it is" claimed" that all the other units go your side to avoid you, and yes I hear alot, even daily, in TS and Discord and yes I drop with many many groups.
[*]So lets reframe this. It is not to "weaken" you but to balance the current time frame you play in, the FW drop situation. As you do not drop with a "unit" that captures planets I infer its more about winning game to game, Is that right? However to have a good close game matching your top skills with others, you know it would make PUGs and others understand what to do. This is especially true when you call or tell people what is good to do. No one expects you to form a unit to train people and for you or others you play to be "Stewards" or "Elder Statesman" to help pugs grow and learn (although this would absolutely fantastic and snaps to you if you did).
[*]The obvious bonus is:
[*]That pugs dont feel 48-20 or less and that they had a "chance" not even having a chance means people do not return, to FW or drop that day or time period.
[*]That pugs can say at the end of the game it was close, exciting and want to do it again
[*]Someone maybe you or others said some great things that helped eg stay to that wall it gives you cover or even Torso twisting!!
[*]"watchout for the smoke", "Hey your down to 60% let me take front" or even "Dont take lurms because ...", "Hey are you mech dependent or dont have many what about considering this mech next?"
[*]That people who have played a while think "That's Nightbird wonder if he will help or answer what to do next with XYZ" "Hey its only a six man thats fantastic" or "OMG hes playing against his friends"
[*]OMG he and his friends are leading a push and sharing armor with the pugs, using coms to tell them where to go, encouraging the people on comms with praise.
[/list]Now this may be too much to ask and you may disagree with all or any of it. I appreciate you and others have said to me "the pugs dont listen", I actually would say to that if one pug listens every drop that means 365 per year possibly and yes people are undependable and uncertain its human.
Its great that Ash said he would do training come January, I look forward to this iteration of stewardship. Jay Z also offers training in my timezone and he is a saint. He is so patient and giving, doesn't keep "secret" meta builds offers advice every game i've been in and never talks down to anyone that i've seen. People like this encourage and develop better play.
Whilst drop deck nerfing of winning teams may be useful it would also be useful to increase others skill level. Hey dropping with you is fantastic to hear what you do and notice how you position, also watching the streams of your group is also great fun. I know its hard to not drop with friends but sometimes shooting friends is a hoot.
I know this is long winded but I think you and others deserve a complete and frank read. I and others would be keen to hear your and other's thoughts.
-Also in general advertising FW is useful (PGI NEEDS TO DO THIS) as many new players dont know or hear about it till they are asked to join units etc.
Thankyou and Merry Xmas all
hes got some great points.
Posted 22 December 2018 - 01:07 AM
not everyone needs to win every game in order to stay keen, but not many will stay long in a salty environment.
we all want the game to be healthy so we have more people to fight more often...
where is the confusion? keep the salt in teamspeak, kill, die, reload. o7
Posted 22 December 2018 - 01:26 AM
Posted 22 December 2018 - 02:03 AM
Edited by -Ramrod-, 22 December 2018 - 02:10 AM.
Posted 22 December 2018 - 04:08 AM
But beyond that, nobody should be asking anybody else to not play with other people. This game has always had good 12 mans and it is not on them to disperse to make things easier for others. It is on the other players to up there game and more importantly, it is on PGI to make their game system more easily balanced so they can put handicaps of somekind. The type of handicaps that don't keep friends from playing with eachother.
Posted 22 December 2018 - 04:16 AM
-Ramrod-, on 22 December 2018 - 02:03 AM, said:
It is sad that "stack" in MWO has come to mean adding everybody in your TS channel that said they wanted in. It is not like they have the daily population to turn away hordes of people. Evil/BCMC/KCOM/whoever-else-the-kids-complain-about-these-days is not to blame for this.
Posted 22 December 2018 - 04:26 AM
Cato Zilks, on 22 December 2018 - 04:08 AM, said:
But beyond that, nobody should be asking anybody else to not play with other people. This game has always had good 12 mans and it is not on them to disperse to make things easier for others. It is on the other players to up there game and more importantly, it is on PGI to make their game system more easily balanced so they can put handicaps of somekind. The type of handicaps that don't keep friends from playing with eachother.
Thanks Cato
yes i've dropped with them many a time, on alt and on main accounts, I like that nightbird calls and others, but in a falling population less pug stomps equals more encouragement imo
Posted 22 December 2018 - 11:24 AM
It's PGI's gain to let everyone have a fair and balanced match, and PGI's loss if they don't bother.
Posted 22 December 2018 - 02:40 PM
Posted 22 December 2018 - 07:10 PM
3 h g g r, on 22 December 2018 - 02:40 PM, said:
Agree with above
Listen to the podcast see what they think is low hanging fruit then you too i hope will be convinced of how stretched they are trying to get MW5 to deadline
Posted 22 December 2018 - 07:40 PM
Nightbird, on 22 December 2018 - 11:24 AM, said:
It's PGI's gain to let everyone have a fair and balanced match, and PGI's loss if they don't bother.
Um doesnt paper beat rock?
Posted 22 December 2018 - 09:59 PM
Edited by -Ramrod-, 22 December 2018 - 10:02 PM.
Posted 22 December 2018 - 10:31 PM
-Ramrod-, on 22 December 2018 - 09:59 PM, said:
The player that posted that quit over a year ago. He was frustrated none of the promised elements of FP was ever developed.
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