Wanted to address some great player comments...
Bud Crue, on 21 December 2018 - 04:22 AM, said:
While I think you have illustrated the real generosity that PGI has shown of late with the various events’ rewards and outright giveaways they do, I think your anecdote is not representative of the “grind” that the average new player will experience.
Just looking at your numbers, you fully leveled 13 mechs in 480 games. Put another way: you averaged 1971 XP per match. Other folks have run the numbers (Tarogato, et al.) and compared to the average performance of the player base that’s an amazingly good run for even an average player running premium time. That is incredibly unlikely for a truly new player.
We can all agree I think that PGI over the last year has made acquiring mechs and associated “content” fairly easy, perhaps even to to the point of excessive, but the XP and to a lesser extent the c-bill grind is still very real for most players. Averaging nearly 2K per match for 480 games is just not realistic for the vast majority of folks playing this game let alone the few new folks we manage to get every month.
Full disclosure, I have the gift of patience. I tell you, this comes from playing World of Tanks, War Thunder and World of Warships. Here in MW: O, I heavily leveraged Premium Time I could purchase with event rewards with new event play. Playing a chassis until I achieved the 2x victory and then immediately switching Mechs allowed me to generate higher XP rewards over just taking a Mech and playing it again and again over a weekend. In all honesty, I ran into a few situations where my awaiting XP had to sit there, while I generated the necessary C-Bills to unlock the skill points I wanted.
GXP doesn't sound like much, but when a stocking stuffer event awards you enough to throw on five skill points, say, that makes a dent. There was also the recent possibility to convert some spare XP into GXP at an inflated rate. Taking the XP off the Trial Mechs with awarded MC helped to some degree. My point is, use the free gifts PGI gives you to your best advantage, and the 'grind' is minimized. I think many players don't use all the tools available to them, then get frustrated by what they perceive as a horrific grind while playing their newest Mech fifty games in succession over a weekend.
RickySpanish, on 21 December 2018 - 05:21 AM, said:
I am an avid fan of the idea of giving players sidegrades instead of upgrades. Players should be able to unlock their first complete 91 point build upon purchase of the 'Mech, with more points being earned in the usual fashion. That way they get a build on par with their opponents immediately, and further play unlocks a greater variety of builds. Of course, I would rather eliminate skill node purchase entirely, and just allow the player to experiment to their heart's content. Zero grind certainly has the potential of being boring, but in my opinion that is a failure of something other than a lack of a skill grind. "Back in my day" single player games had the grind, but multiplayer games (for me it was Doom, Quake, C&C etc) were player for the excitement of fighting another human. I fear game design has moved on from there though, and just like with monetization (though not in MWO's case, to PGI's credit), developers/publishers have found a way to have their cake and eat it too; why have "just" the excitement of fighting your mates when you can have them grind for XP as well?
Two things pop out at me with this argument, Ricky. One, if you grant everyone their full 91 points upon Mech purchase, aren't you still running into people who have played their Mech for months and have an advantage over you in side point purchases? You've basically shifted the skill point problem with the side point accumulation. Two, you have run full steam into the Free to Play model, where you are allowed access to the game for the potential of monetary investment. How game developers induce that spending varies, but you have it pretty cheap here, compared to the good ol' days when you'd go to the store and plop down your $49.99 to take a game home. Looking at my alt account, now I'm in maintenance mode, with two new assault Mechs on the way after I play a game on the 27th of December, not to mention all the other benefits I'll get along the way in the form of the stocking stuffer clicks, 1250 MC and 6.5 million C-Bills. I have an open Mech Bay on Alex Deathson that I was going to fill with a new Fafnir on sale, but I am holding out for the two new assaults coming, as well as the new freebie Mech I could get with the current event going on. I'll need those C-Bills to flesh those three Mechs out, no doubt.
Asym, on 21 December 2018 - 06:56 AM, said:
OP, your numbers aren't those of an average player.....sorry.
I left WoTs two weeks in because it was screwed from day one.
Wise decision! I actually have serious doubts about rampant hacking in WoT. People pull off some amazing things that make little to no sense in that game.
Asym, on 21 December 2018 - 06:56 AM, said:
I recently joined WoWs in Jan of last year. There is no comparison between MWO and WoWs........in WoWs, you are provided combat ready vessels......here, it take weeks of average play just to skill node a new mech.......weeks !!! A single mech, weeks....
I have the entire Japanese ship line to Tier 10 (less carriers because I'm not a carrier player...) and several "gift or reward" premiums in give-a-ways or events........ I have what 6, 19 point Captains and play ranked all of the time it is available....
The differences are HUGE between these games and WoWs is so much easier to start and progress in. The Grind in MWO is terrible and make no sense at all??? Who would issue soldiers "export versions" for combat systems and then "charge you for upgrading it?" We aren't mercenaries??? We're part of the IS or Clans proper for heavens sake.....
OP. No. MWO is not the worst I've experienced: but, it is a terrible and counter-intuitive process......
I would agree with most of what you're saying here, Asym, but we both know that modules are a big part of the WoW grind. Hull B, Engine, Torpedo upgrades... you are playing ships that are behind other players you are facing for at least some part of your gaming experience. You are also transferring Captains from ship to ship, which costs real money or a period of time where your Captain is next to useless if you do the 200k retraining route. Your great benefit, I'd guess, is that you've chosen one national tech tree in Japan and worked it exclusively, making the grind seem easier. Even a challenged MechWarrior: Online player is only going to take something like 75 games to fully flesh out a 91 skill point MechWarrior in this game. How many games did it take you to get from your tier I starter boat to the Yamato, for example? How much money did you spend transferring that Captain from ship to ship along the way?
Xeno Phalcon, on 21 December 2018 - 07:03 AM, said:
Dont forget the Corsair is the green one stealing ornaments (and armaments).
Check out the little Left loader arm with the Christmas tree! Love the details.
Edited by Felbombling, 21 December 2018 - 08:09 AM.