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Constant Bias Given To Light Mechs

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#1 Stroika


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Posted 20 January 2019 - 10:26 AM

At this time, yet another unnecessary nerf is on it's way within an upcoming patch. Missiles, this time around. I'm struggling to understand exactly what MWO players and developers think war is supposed to be like. Is it supposed to be fair? Are all mechs and weapons supposed to be equal and balanced? Are Clan and Inner Sphere mechs intended to be on equal footing? You cant possibly believe all that. Not to mention nerfing one mech or weapon just creates another meta type. Which then gets relegated to be test server for possible nerfing yet again. Why don't we all just shoot rubberbands at each other while holding pictures of the mechs we like? Will that be fair and even enough for all the whiners?
Nothing I've written about above will be given much weight. The developers won't admit they screwed up. The people that blame mechs and weapons for their inferior gaming abilities won't stop whining. So, lets mention something that actually IS out of whack. Light mechs. Atlas' have trouble standing up in a hard wind but, for example the Executioner's upcoming nerf, ONE Assault mech managed to stay agile enough (pesky MASC) to be able to track and kill a light mech....NERF him! Seriously, what is wrong with you developers? Light mechs can have Stealth Armor and ECM. They can stand at your feet and kill you while you can't even target them. Someone on your staff obviously loves playing them I guess. This is my suggestion, likely to fall on deaf ears, and this should actually apply to all classes of mechs...Stealth Armor and ECM only remain working until you fire a weapon. That's it...its reasonable, its fair, and it doesn't favor anyone in particular.

#2 Y E O N N E


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Posted 20 January 2019 - 10:59 AM

This is a game, not war, though I find it hilarious for you to be taking the "war isn't fair" tract in a thread where you complain about Lights not being fair. Self-awareness level? 0%

You don't need to be able to target a Stealth 'Mech to be able to hit it, btw.

You also might want to re-read the patch notes, the EXE is getting buffed.

#3 Stroika


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Posted 20 January 2019 - 11:09 AM

It's a game of war. And just as I implied in my OP, it appears whining is the only way to get anything changed. Apparently, this struck a sore spot with you...whine much huh?

You don't need to be able to target a Stealth 'Mech to be able to hit it, btw
--That's so brilliant of you!...Let's just do away with all targets then...since you're fine without them.

You also might want to re-read the patch notes, the EXE is getting buffed.
--Maybe, YOU should reread the patch notes then...The Executioner's turning and rotating torso speeds are being nerfed.

Lastly, you contributed nothing but a troll post. Making it ever more likely that you're one of the typical whiners crying for balance on every weapon.

Edited by Stroika, 20 January 2019 - 11:10 AM.

#4 mabo


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Posted 20 January 2019 - 12:09 PM

While I think it would be fair for an assault mech to take longer to look down at it's feet to target a light than say, a medium mech for example, I agree with the OP that an assault mech should be able to target things at its feet.

Light mechs should not be able to simply stand at an assault mech's feet and kill it without any risk of damage.

Insofar as ECM and Stealth Armor; I would go one step further and suggest that a mech shouldn't be able to have both active at the same time.

#5 Y E O N N E


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Posted 20 January 2019 - 02:11 PM

View PostStroika, on 20 January 2019 - 11:09 AM, said:

It's a game of war. And just as I implied in my OP, it appears whining is the only way to get anything changed. Apparently, this struck a sore spot with you...whine much huh?

Says the adolescent posting a whine thread about the game being unfair, while whining about whiners trying to make the game fair.


You don't need to be able to target a Stealth 'Mech to be able to hit it, btw
--That's so brilliant of you!...Let's just do away with all targets then...since you're fine without them.

I mean, it wouldn't affect me, because I don't need to use lock-on weapons to have even a remote chance of hitting things, but go for it.


You also might want to re-read the patch notes, the EXE is getting buffed.
--Maybe, YOU should reread the patch notes then...The Executioner's turning and rotating torso speeds are being nerfed.

No they are not. Directly from the notes:


EXE - All Variants
  • Base Torso Yaw increased to 80 (from 70)
  • Turn Rate and Torso Turn speed moderately increased.

More Torso Yaw means it can twist 10 degrees further than it could before, and the increased Torso Turn speed means it can cover that arc more quickly. An increased Turn Rate means it can complete a turn with its feet faster than it could before.

What you are probably reading that as is an increased turning radius but, because you are bad at critical thinking, you didn't catch on to what it actually says.


Lastly, you contributed nothing but a troll post. Making it ever more likely that you're one of the typical whiners crying for balance on every weapon.

Projecting, buddy.

And for the record, I don't even play ECM 'Mechs, let alone Stealth, because the former sucks up too many skill nodes and the latter gimps your damage output to such an extent that you are far more deadly without it.

Hence why I find your entire premise..ridiculous. Stealth is a troll device better at provoking anger than actually killing things, and you are being successfully trolled.

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