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Needs More Cover Or Tunnels

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#1 testocoles


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Posted 19 January 2019 - 08:54 AM

There is not enough cover on this map, its an LRM shooting gallery.

#2 Void Angel


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Posted 06 April 2019 - 11:46 AM

Not... exactly. There is actually a ton of cover; it's just not tall cover that will flat-out block incoming LRM fire. However, there is a covered and concealed route to just about anyplace on the map you want to go, and using that cover effectively will allow you to move in on LRM-heavy teams.

So if you are trying to play this map like a flat version of Canyon Network, LRMs will smoke you like a cheap cigar - but there is Another Option. 90% of people's difficulty with this map is due to misunderstanding how the map terrain works.

That being said, there are instances in PuG play where you can end up against an enemy team that has good spotters and lots of LRMs, with no Light-hunters or spotter/LRM teams of your own. And that can be a Bad Day, with nothing you can do about it. But that situation is uncommon, if not downright rare (though not as rare as it should be.) Most of the time in my own experience, the team encounters LRMs - or any kind of fire - and just stops to camp and peek at the enemy. As if enemy weapons fire just kind of magically turns the map into Canyon Network - or rather, that the play style people learned on Canyon Network is the only sane reaction to fire. Then they try to hide from LRMs behind a low hill, because hiding from the rain is What You Do To Avoid LRMs. And then they get frustrated.

There is a more excellent way.

#3 arther


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Posted 05 July 2019 - 03:37 PM

cover is there just not stand still cover, got move , maybe the drop spot could move to north an south or just move dish around. or just stop voting for it.

#4 Void Angel


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Posted 05 July 2019 - 05:34 PM

Well, "just stop voting for it" is an invalid response to "this map needs improvements." You're right about needing to move, though; that's been my theme for the entire thread. Still, there's too many situations where you can get hammered by spotters without being able to do anything, so there needs to be some tall cover added.

#5 Scooter Libby


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Posted 21 April 2021 - 04:59 PM

I disagree. Polar highlands offers refreshing variety from the other map options, one which favours different tactical approaches.

AMS and ECM tactics really shine, as well as coordinated murderball rushes. Camping, firing lines, and rambo tactics are less effective than all other maps. No other map rewards mobility and coordination to this degree. Some of my most memorable matches were on Polar Highlands. Maybe this map is more problematic at lower player tiers, where teams might be less coordinated, but on my drops it always rocks.

Seriously, when a solid team sees a surplus of LRMs coming from over the horizon, we smile and charge. Easy pickings.

My only criticism would be that maybe it is a little too big.

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