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Mw5: Vr

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#1 Pahrias


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Posted 05 February 2019 - 10:13 AM

Will there be any support for this, does anyone know?
I can only imagine how amazing this type of game would be in VR.
Steel battalion anyone? Posted Image Posted Image

#2 Nightbird


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Posted 05 February 2019 - 10:52 AM

No at the beginning, maybe later if it sells well

#3 Gladiolix


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Posted 05 February 2019 - 11:28 AM

It would be awesome to drive mechs in VR, hope they do do that.

#4 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 05 February 2019 - 08:14 PM

VR is in moment only a pushed hype like 3D television

And difficult to play with VR and have more buttons to control as by a gamepad
That's the biggest problem.. Limited control functions... 7 buttons not enough for a simlike game

Edited by Old MW4 Ranger, 05 February 2019 - 09:10 PM.

#5 Bad Code


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Posted 06 February 2019 - 06:26 PM

After a some time playing, you just KNOW where your controls are. It's muscle memory. I would LOVE to see just a simple implementation of VR in MW5, no the resolution isnt the greatest, and text can be hard to read with the screen door effect, But I think modders could fix all this for PGI. All I'm asking for is a simple 3d cockpit in VR, so I can headlook around. Combined with a joystick, the immersion would be incredible. If your itching for some VR giant stompy robot action right now, Check out Vox Machinae.
its very unpolished, and kind of a small game, but its only 1 coder making the game. and dont forget to preorder MW5 so PGI can stay afloat during the Development cycle.

Edited by D o c, 06 February 2019 - 06:27 PM.

#6 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 06 February 2019 - 10:56 PM

I'm will never play with a microwavecenter of my head and for me the health risk to high and all only a hyped short lived gimmick like many other trends.


Edited by Old MW4 Ranger, 06 February 2019 - 11:03 PM.

#7 Steel Raven


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Posted 06 February 2019 - 11:13 PM

I have not heard many good things about most VR games. VR has come a long way from the early 90's hype train but it's still very much a gimmick.

Battlepods are still probably the most immersive MW experience and going by the reports from the last Mechcon, you are going to need to jailbreak MW5 the same way some jailbreaked MWO for a joystick set up to be anywhere near responsive enough to work.

#8 Kaeb Odellas


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Posted 07 February 2019 - 12:09 AM

View PostOld MW4 Ranger, on 06 February 2019 - 10:56 PM, said:

I'm will never play with a microwavecenter of my head and for me the health risk to high and all only a hyped short lived gimmick like many other trends.


Man, what? I hope you never use a cellphone or wifi if you're that worried about signals in your brain.

#9 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 07 February 2019 - 12:22 AM

Can not use cellphones for speaking communication... sounds to low for my old ears (I'm in the age to seeing movies with subtitles) use the rare moments by phone calls the homephone and use only cable mouses, keyboards and sound speaker... And not hear personal music outside of my home... I'm not a smombie

Edited by Old MW4 Ranger, 07 February 2019 - 12:33 AM.

#10 Mahpsy


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Posted 07 February 2019 - 12:40 AM

There are still VR Pods, just old and out of date. Like this guy here, this was a motion reactive cockpit with throttle in the left hand and joystick right and played MW4 at Chuck-E-Cheeses. Back when I was a kid I even got the high score because I know how to play Mechwarrior, but not until after having multiple parents yelling at me to get off because I was not losing fast enough for them. xDPosted Image

Edited by Ragingdemon, 07 February 2019 - 12:41 AM.

#11 dimachaerus


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Posted 07 February 2019 - 01:03 AM

So, one of the stated reasons they went to the latest Unreal engine was because of its' native support for VR. Straight from Rus's mouth.

I'm not expecting say, Vox Machinae here in terms of controls, but more of an Elite: Dangerous type experience, headset on, sitting at your keyboard, enjoying the game from "inside" your cockpit with freelook.

Edit: and yes, I have actually played MWO with my vive, though it was more or less like having it up on a big damn movie screen, instead of an actual VR experience.

Edited by dimachaerus, 07 February 2019 - 01:05 AM.

#12 CygnusX7


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Posted 19 June 2019 - 05:41 AM

Old thread.
Any MW game with VR implemented correctly would be a mind blowing experience.
Being within the 3 dimensional world you're playing is one of the greatest things that has happened to gaming - when done properly. Sim racing in VR is an amazing experience and I'm 100% confident if implemented would be just as amazing in a MW title.

#13 O L L O


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Posted 19 June 2019 - 06:13 AM

View PostCygnusX7, on 19 June 2019 - 05:41 AM, said:

Old thread.
Any MW game with VR implemented correctly would be a mind blowing experience.
Being within the 3 dimensional world you're playing is one of the greatest things that has happened to gaming - when done properly. Sim racing in VR is an amazing experience and I'm 100% confident if implemented would be just as amazing in a MW title.

VR seems to be great for games where you are stationary in a cockpit, so MW5 could be a good fit.

Edited by Ollollo, 19 June 2019 - 06:14 AM.

#14 Nightbird


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Posted 19 June 2019 - 06:27 AM

no VR, maybe later if MW5 is successful.

Only the cockpit will appear in 3D though... once objects are more than 5m away both eyes see the same image and there's no benefit to steroscopic 3D effect. This is going to be everything outside of the cockpit in MW.

#15 LordNothing


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Posted 20 June 2019 - 10:00 AM

just give me some head tracking support and il be fine. im like 20/10 in one eye and 20/60 in the other so stereo really doesnt work for me. if i have the choice between a simpit and a headset, id rather have the simpit. cant see the tactile buttons on your panel if you got a headset on.

at some point id love an ar type system where elements of the simpit are mapped and combined with the game such that all my hands and all my hard controls are visible so i can hit a button and see what im doing yet also seamlessly have elements of the game rendered in the spaces between. so it looks like my real panel is in the game.

probably use some kind of marker tape to mark the panels and probibly wear some kind of gloves with markers. use computer vision to find the markers. then use that data to create an image mask so that everything not in the defined perimeters can be replaced with the game. then do a compositing operation in screen space. biggest issue is probibly going to be latency, as all the image processing of the ar camera feeds that needs to be done is not going to be fast. the possibility of losing coordination when your vision is a few milliseconds slower than it should be.

we have the technology but most of its locked up in a proprietary black box (everything from the game itself, to the video drives, to the apis some of these headsets use) that keeps you from connecting the necessary dots.

Edited by LordNothing, 20 June 2019 - 10:44 AM.

#16 LordNothing


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Posted 20 June 2019 - 10:28 AM

View PostNightbird, on 19 June 2019 - 06:27 AM, said:

no VR, maybe later if MW5 is successful.

Only the cockpit will appear in 3D though... once objects are more than 5m away both eyes see the same image and there's no benefit to steroscopic 3D effect. This is going to be everything outside of the cockpit in MW.

its ok until you need to take your hands off your controls to strike a key or hit a tactile buttons somewhere. i have a ch pro throttle that gives me about 80% of the functions mwo uses, about 15% goes to the mouse and i have another 5% that would be nice to have but i can live without but that all breaks down the second you start building simpits. see my other post on how you would pull that off. theres always the option of large format 120hz displays (or a single large format curved display) and 3d glasses. but that gets you into really expensive territory. also not sure if you can do spanned displays with 3d glasses. not to mention have to dedicate an entire room to your vr experience in one game, id have to give up my workshop.

flight simmers can get around the whole parallax issue entirely. you just dont need stereo at those distances. i figure mech combat is the same more or less. it can be useful for establishing a sense of scale though if you can see parts of your mech. but with most mechs you cant see anything of your mech beyond your cockpit glass.

Edited by LordNothing, 20 June 2019 - 10:40 AM.

#17 Clint Steel


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Posted 20 June 2019 - 01:29 PM

Doesn't Unreal engine natively support VR now?

Also I have all the buttons I need to MWO on my joystick and mouse, shouldn't need to take your hands off them so VR shouldn't be an issue.

#18 CygnusX7


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Posted 21 June 2019 - 04:58 AM

View PostNightbird, on 19 June 2019 - 06:27 AM, said:

no VR, maybe later if MW5 is successful.

Only the cockpit will appear in 3D though... once objects are more than 5m away both eyes see the same image and there's no benefit to steroscopic 3D effect. This is going to be everything outside of the cockpit in MW.

The lenses are stereoscopic. If the game is developed for VR, whether in front of you or off in the distance everything is placed in 3 dimensions, that's the whole point. If you're referring to a game that's not intended for VR, then yes that's 2D forced into 3D which isn't the same thing.

#19 Five by Five


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Posted 21 June 2019 - 10:31 AM

Doing a 3 monitor set-up works very nice.

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