WTF is UAV Locked Damage? I've been popping UAVs on top of entire enemy teams and having the UAV stay there for nearly half a minute and yet in one match I've gotten 4 on accident (6 hours ago probably) and since then I cannot for the love of me get it. Wtf?
What tf even is UAV Locked Damage? Because I'm sht out of ideas -.-
I took me ONE TRY! to get a headshot. But a wide area UAV can't get this done?
And don't get me started on the stupid CounterECM Locked Damage, jesus... give me 10 500 scores instead of that any time of day!

EDIT: Here's another example. Just had a UAV light up their whole team and get 7 UAV detections, and it stayed there probably the entire duration, and guess what... mission not complete, still missing that 1 I've been chasing all day.
So what the hell is the requirement anyways?!
Edited by Acersecomic, 07 February 2019 - 10:02 AM.